World War III (also known as the War to End All Wars or World War IV) is the name of a conflict that was fought entirely in 2021. The war lasted over a 7 years, killing a total of 4 billion people. The war was the deadliest in human history, and it's circumstances led to the extinction of the Human Race, which was fueled by both the radioactive wastelands in North America, and the Civil Wars and Genocides that came after it. The War began after Russian forces invaded Ukraine
War Begins[]
Russian Invasion of Ukraine[]
On February 22, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin Announced he was deploying troops to Ukraine, in what he referred to two days later, as a "Special Military Operation". The War was a failure for Russia, resulting in nearly 500,000 dead, 100s of thousands more wounded or captured, and the depletion of much of Russia's military arsenal.
The Russian attempted to establish defensive lines in the regions its annexed, but Ukraine broke through them all, achieving a tactical breakthrough shortly before the Syrian Incident, which jumpstarted World War III.
Hamas Invasion of Israel[]
On October 7, 2023, Hamas Fighters launched a surprise attack against Israeli forces. Seizing a number of villages and forcing the Israelis to launch a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip. The Ensuring Conflict, led to the involvement of Iranian Forces, when Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, personally blamed Iran for the attacks on Israeli civilians. The bombing of Iranian Power Plants on November 3, 2023, led to a war with the two nations, which resulted in Israel's decision to Invade Iran, with American Assistance
Israeli-Iranian War[]
Israel and Iran fought a fierce dog battle with Alliance forces joining in a land invasion. U.S. and Israeli forces landed in Western Iran, meeting fierce resistance from the locals, holding only portions of the nation.
U.S. fighters launched airstrikes on Tehran, hoping to neutralize the city, but found themselves outgunned and outnumbered, with the bulk of fighters in Europe and Asia
Syrian Incident[]
On November 7, 2023, American and Russian Forces engaged each other in Syria, after U.S. and Israeli fighters launched a raid against Hezbollah Forces who fled to Syria.
The Incident was discussed diplomatically, but the talks fell apart, resulting in a Russian declaration of War against NATO. The Fight from there, officially expanded.
Early Days: November 8th - 12th[]
Russia and China Enter the War[]
Russian and Chinese forces announced their intention to enter the fight on November 8, 2023. Vladimir Putin had said that for the moment, Russian forces would mostly concentrate on efforts in Syria, as a buildup of conventional forces in Europe would require 6-8 weeks, though Vladmir Putin had ruled out expanding the fight in Europe at the time.
China Bombs Taiwan[]
Lacking the manpower to launch a full scale invasion, Chinese forces resorted to an aerial campaign, attacking Taiwan by bombing cities into submission. Bombing runs during the overnight hours, reduced Taipei, New Taipei, and other cities to rubble.
NATO Enters Ukraine[]
On November 9, 2023, Ukrainian President Voldomyrr Zelenskyy was quietly smuggled to the United States, where he signed a Mutual Defense Agreement. That Day, the NATO Alliance voted to enter Ukraine on a "Peacekeeping Mission", with focus on being to protect the Capital and the West of Ukraine, while Ukrainian forces would focus on their remaining fronts.
This deployment allowed Ukraine to launch an attack on Donetsk and Luhansk, which resulted in a month long siege, that ended with Liberation of the Donetsk and Luhansk Regions.
Expanding Fronts; Partisan Politics, Collapse of Israel: November 13th - December 2nd, 2023[]
Partisans Wreak Havoc to Stall[]
On November 11, 2023, Insurrectionists backed by the Wagner PMC, Cuban, and Chinese forces seized control over the State Capital of Florida. Backed by Ron DeSantis, the Enlarged Florida State Guard and other right wing militas engaged in a fire fight with the Florida National Guard. The Resulting insurgency was reinforced by two battalions of the Cuban Armed Forces and Defecting U.S. Soldiers, forming the True American Military.
On November 12, 2023, Florida declared itself independent of the United States. At the same time, Texas Governor Greg Abbot announced his intention to secede from the United States and sent a small contingent of Texas military personnel to reinforce the Florida Administrative Regime.
On November 13, 2023, Florida and Texas, along with Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Virginia, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah, signed the Declaration of Unity, establishing the Federal States of America, and declaring itself independent from the United States. Donald Trump was named President, and Ron DeSantis became his Vice President, with Kathleen Passidomo becoming Governor, as his Lieutenant Governor, Jeannete Nunez, had sworn her loyalty to the United States, and became the Acting (Legitimate) Governor of Florida
Though initially hesitant, even offered a pardon if he refused, Donald Trump was named the President of the newly formed nation, named the Federal States of America.
In Italy, the Northern League staged a takeover of several cities in Italy. Umberto Bossi announced the formation of the Republic of Padania, and its admission into the Collective Security Treaty Organization. Padanian and Russian fighters also invaded San Marino, bringing an end to the world's oldest Republic.
Collapse of Israeli Fronts[]
The Israeli Fronts were suffering from massive casaulties. Though their Air Force still reined the Skies, Ground Forces were overwhelmed by the constant attacks that the Arab-Iranian Coalition launched at night. Israeli Forces were attacked with long range missiles that were supplied by Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain,
On November 27, 2023, Israeli Officials ffled Jerusalem, as Palestinian Forces were nearing Bet Shemesh and Bayt Jamal, The Mountains provided cover for the retreating forces, but Bypassing Meitar allowed for a more direct advance. Forces from Jordan reinforced the Advancing Palestinian Fighters, and on December 5, 2023, Jerusalem fell to Palestinian Forces
Israel began fortifying Defenses lines between Ashdod and Nabulus. Palestinian Fighters had taken an operational pause, and some governments even considered brokering a truce with Israel.
South Pacific Campaigns: December 2, 2023 - December 9, 2023[]
Invasion of Australia[]
On December 2, 2023, Chinese and Russian forces invaded Australia, landing on the Eastern and Northern shores, before bombing strategic targets from afar. Sydney was taken in a few days, with fierce fighting in the South dragging out until its end.