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World War III
Date 2041-2047
Location United States, Eastern Europe, South Asia, Korea
Result Democratic Coalition Win

South Korean control of North Korea. Bangladesh annexation into India. Fall of the People's Republic of Russia and formation of the Russian Republic. Taiwan control of the Chinese Mainland.

Democratic Coalition

Flag of the United StatesUnited States

Flag of IndiaIndia

Flag of the United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Flag of GermanyGermany

Flag of FranceFrance

Flag of JapanJapan

Flag of IsraelIsrael

Flag of South KoreaSouth Korea

The Red Men

Flag of RussiaRussia

Flag of ChinaChina

Flag of North KoreaNorth Korea

Flag of BangladeshBangladesh

Flag of the United States President Richard Ojeda Flag of Russia Supreme Leader Vladimir Goldov

Flag of China President Xi Jinping

Flag of North Korea Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un

World War III is a global war that occurred between 2041 to 2047. It was one of the most devastating wars in history, with 70,000,000 million deaths. It was fought between the Democratic Coalition and the Red Men Coalition (Russia, China, North Korea and Bangladesh). 

Pre-War Events[]

Assassination of Vladimir Putin[]

On May 16, 2026, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin was assassinated. The killer of Vladimir Putin was sentenced to the death penalty. The killer main intentions were because of Vladimir Putin running in 2024 election and winning.

Dmitry Medvedev was sworn in as the Russian President under the assassination of Vladimir Putin. Unlike his predecessor, Medvedev was unpopular due to his scandals. Russia was changing quickly and the Communist Party of Russia started winning elections, such as in the 2026 legislative elections, when the Communist Party won the majority. In the 2030 elections, a young communist named Vladimir Goldov ran and was the Communist nominee for the 2030 Russian presidential election. Goldov described himself as a "communist nationalist". He ran on a platform of taking Russia back to the soviet days and putting Russia at the top and destroying the United States once and for all.

Goldov would later win the 2030 presidential election against United Russia nominee and Incumbent President Dmitry Medvedev.

The Beginning of the People's Republic of Russia[]

In 2032, President Goldov established the People's Republic of Russia, a socialist state that would succeed the Russian Federation. In 2033, The People's Republic of Russia took control of Novorossiya and Belarus, expanding the People's Republic of Russia. In 2035, Russia would also declare war on Ukraine and in 2038, the entirely of Ukraine was annexed into Russia.

Communist Rebels in Bangladesh[]

In the 2030s, the Bangladesh Civil War broke out between Bangladeshi Communist Rebels and the Bangladeshi government. The Bangladeshi Communist Rebels were helped by the Goldov's regime, so the Communists won the civil war in 2039.

Course of the War[]

Russian Attack on Anchorage and the Beginning of War (2041)[]

On August 18, 2041, the Russians attacked the city of Anchorage, Alaska, with missiles. Many Anchorage residents excavated the city, mainly going to Juneau, Alaska or Fairbanks, Alaska. The United States President Richard Ojeda didn't respond nicely to the Russian attack. He declared along with India, the United Kingdom and Israel, war on the People's Republic of Russia. Russia would later make the "Red Men Coalition", with the People's Republic of China, the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea and the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Later, Japan, South Korea, France and Germany joined the new formed Democratic coalition.


See Also[]