
World War 4 (often abbreviated to WW IV or WW4), also known as the Fourth World War, the „War to end All“ or the „War of Sticks and Stones“ was global and transglobal war that lasted between 2053-2057, resulting in what was later dubbed the „Mid-Century Apocalypse“.


The Belligerents of WW4. Blue: Eurasian Union, Red: „Freedom Alliance“, Blue: Respective Co-Belligerents.

The most influential and most powerful nations of the world formed a series of opposing alliances, while war was significantly marked by the involvement of transnational organizations as some of the biggest driving forces behind the global war effort. Those included the LUN and most notably its armed branch, the LUN Stability Corps, which became increasingly autonomous and decoupled from the main organization, as well as the so called „Liberation“, a global terrorist organization formed by revisionist factions worldwide, unified in their rejection of the Worlds order after WW3 and aiming at the abolishment of the ideals it despises, such as globalism, liberalism and transnationalism. The state actors involved formed the „Eurasian Union“ and the „Freedom Alliance“, the latter of which often referring to itself as the „Allies“. In a State of total war, more than 3.5 Billion people were mobilized from more than 120 nations, making it the largest war in record, surpassing even WW3 in scale. The war was waged on all continents, the worlds oceans, cyberspace as well as for the first time in history to a larger extent in Earths orbit, earning it the additional nickname „the War of the Stars“. The main participants threw their entire economic, industrial and scientific capabilities behind the war effort, which once again blurred the line between civilian and military resources. The Fourth World War saw 1 Billion casualties, making it the bloodiest event in human history. Many more died as a result of nuclear, biological, chemical and kinetic warfare, as well as global climate-change related Desasters, like mass-starvation, extreme droughts and increased numbers of hurricanes, floods and other kinds of phaenomenons.

The war was marked by the extensive use of autonomous and automated weapon system, artificial intelligence, orbital warfare, cyber capabilities and nuclear, biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction. The war also saw the usage of what was later dubbed „Weapons of global destruction“ (WGDs); weapon systems capable of destroying entire nations or even continents on their own, although their existence was questioned throughout the war until fatal confirmation. It was seen as the result of the Second American Civil War, the „Brexit-War“, the Visegrad-Rebellion, global socio-economic hardship due to climate change, the detachment of the LUN Stability Corps from its overseeing organs, as well as the rise of the global terrorist organization „the Liberation“.

The Belligerents[]

The Eurasian Union[]

Dragon Pact flag version 2

The flag of the sino-european alliance that formed the backbone of the „Eurasian Union“, also nicknamed the „Dragon Pact“

The „Eurasian Union“ was the name of the alliance consisting of various previous organizations, including the European Union (EU) and the Alliance of the United Forces (AUF) which forged supplemental pacts with other, mainly eurasian nations like Japan, China, dozens of middle eastern states, as well as partner states in the Americas and Africa. The Eurasian Union was mainly unified in its opposition towards the US under the revisionist republican leadership of De Santis and its respective allies, who sought open hostility towards the nations that later on formed the Eurasian Union. Military cooperation inside this alliance proved tobe extremely difficult, due to former enemies of WW3 being reluctant to join forces for a common cause, while mistrust and a lack of consensus often times complicated joint operations. The core of the alliance was compromised of the AUF and the EU as a political organ, while the addition of China and Japan lead to the europeans to partially loose influence and control over the alliance. While the „Freedom Alliance“ received support from the terrorist organization „the Liberation“, the Eurasian Union was strengthened and assisted by the LUN Stability Corps and its commander, who turned the armed branch of the LUN increasingly autonomous from its founding organization causing worldwide concern and suspicion over the power the Corps held.

AUF ver

The flag of the Alliance of the United Forces (AUF).


Europes Weapon of Global destruction: the „Behemoth“. (Symbolic picture, source: Pinterest)

Europe: Europe, following open hostilities from the US and its european supporters, became initially part of the conflict due to self-defense while with the beginning of global warfare the aim of the european powers involved switched towards defeating the US under its republican regime to secure world peace and prevent apocalyptic consequences, which ultimately proved to be futile due to the usage of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons on all sides, as well as the use of WGDs, which devastated large parts of the world. Europe, through the AUF was in the possession of a WGD itself, namely the enormous artillery system nicknamed „the Behemoth“, which basically turned the continent itself into the biggest weapons system in human history.

Germany, as Europe still most populous and economically strongest nation, which regained significant military power as well after WW3, often times acted as a leading figure of the EU and the AUF, much to the dismay of smaller and the eastern members of these organizations. Due to these factors, Germany became one of the initial targets of political, economic and later on military hostilities, which expanded on the EU as a whole. In response, Germany, alongside France, rallied most EU members behind its cause of retaliating against these actions, which ultimately spiraled into another global war, although Germany remained hesitant to fully engage against Poland and czech forces for historical reasons. Since the current commander of the AUF, who traditionally gained the nickname „Dragon King“ after WW3 (due to the AUF featuring an european style Dragon as its symbol), was hailing from Germany, this increased german influence in the european war effort and turned it into one of the leading figures of the overall Eurasian Union. Germany suffered also from worsening relations with the UK and its commonwealth (sans Canada and New Zealand) following the „Brexit War“, while it also remained the target of propaganda and populism in Eastern Europe after the Visegrad Rebellion.

France joined in on the conflict due to still having tensions with the UK after the „Brexit War“ and the Brazilian Crisis in the years prior, since France and the UK began waging proxy wars against each other, with France even supporting separatist movements in Scotland and Ireland. The growing cooperation of the Uk and the US against european influence perpetuated said tensions, which resulted in series of military standoffs even beyond the „Brexit War“. France additionally suffered from worsening relationships with Italy, due to italian animosity following the Visegrad Rebellion and issues like migration and influence inside the EU, which culminated in brutal alpine and maritime warfare between these two european power houses. France also waged proxy wars during the conflict by once again supporting Argentina in the South American Theatre of War against Brazil and the British, while also suffering from civil war-like uprisings, fueled by anti-EU resentment and anti-government hatred inside France. This period of instability caused not only internal turmoil in the republic but also crises between France and its european allies, mainly Germany and was remembered as The „Malaise of the Rooster“.

Spain was another spearheading european ally of the Union and entered the war due to residual sentiment against the UK stemming from the „Brexit-War“ and the Gibraltar crisis that was part of it. As such, Spain supported the Union cause intensively since the beginning of the war, while being engulfed by a new civil war due to the „Freedom Alliance“ fueling a Catalonian insurgency that caused hostilities inside Spain besides the Gibraltar and Medditeranean Fronts.

The remainder of the European Union joined in support of one another, due to the american and British operations that harmed the zone as a whole. Most members not only saw this conflict as a war against specific aggressors, but also as a fight to ensure the survival of Europe as it was known during this period.

The Freedom Alliance[]

The so called „Freedom Alliance“ was a Self-named Alliance spearheaded by the United States of America, its closest Anglo-Saxon partners like the United Kingdom and Australia, as well as other nations all over the globe. This alliance was unified by a distinct distaste of the post-WW3 world order and the EU in particular, due to european forces intervening in the Second American Civil War and fighting against the British during the „Brexit-War“. This animosity brought the US and the UK closer together, while both suffered from severe economic hardship following WW3, unlike the EU and China who both recovered in a faster pace than these former superpowers. This resulted in growing revisionist sentiment inside the US in particular and the strife for re-installing America as the world leading superpower alongside its remaining allies. The „Freedom Alliance“, whilst being influenced by the terrorist organization „the Liberation“, characterized liberalism and globalism as corrosive forces that need to be abolished for the world to be truly „free“ according to its world view. The „Freedom Alliance“ initiated conflict by taking economic and military actions against both the EU and China, which were falsely accused of being behind the large scale terrorist attack in Toronto during the LUN Stability Conference of 2051 and was later joined by many nations throughout the world who held political grudges against the europeans, China and other respective members of the later on Eurasian Union.


A future version of the US flag. (Source: Pinterest)


The concept of the orbital WGD „Caelus“ (Source: Militarytimes)


Badge of the russo-american detente during WW4 (Symbolic picture, Source: Reddit)

The United States of America were in crisis after the Second American Civil War. Most of the fighting inside the US may‘ve seized, but as a result of the conflict and previously WW3, America lost most of its economic and military prowess, while also being politically isolated. While a global re-integration process was started by the New Democratic leadership of the US following the civil war, political bitterness and revisionist, as well as revanchist sentiment remained inside large parts of the american society, mainly amongst the supporters of the Republican loyalist insurgency. Because of that, the societal rifts that caused the civil war kept causing division and tension inside the US, while republican followers began not only to harbor severe resentment against the Democrats and liberals inside the US, but also the international community that intervened in the civil war against their cause. Globalism and trans-nationalism were therefore again demonized by these movements and again resulted in the rise of erratic politicians associated with the Republican cause, whilst the „Liberation“ terrorist organization was formed out of this revanchist sentiment. The newly elected republican US president De Santis accelerated the re-armament of the US, whilst beginning to wage trade and proxy wars against both the europeans and China, as well as other associated powers. Following the Events in Toronto in 2052, The US accused Europe and China to be behind the attacks and began to conduct more and more open hostilities against said powers, which resulted in open warfare. Despite initial gains and the causing of severe casualties for the Eurasian Union, the US soon faced itself being cornered by the Union and the LUN Stability Corps, which managed to invade America through Canada. As a result, the US was the first nation to resort to nuclear weapons which caused the chain reaction that devastated large parts of the world. The US, whilst its political leadership was infiltrated by „the Liberation“ also used a WGD of its own, the orbital weapon „Caelus“ based on concepts of the „Project Thor/Rods from God“.


Pro-Brexit protest movements in the UK.

The United Kingdom was another anglo-saxon power that faced severe crisis and growing conflict with former allies following WW3. While the UK initially remained a close partner of the continental europeans and a member of NATO and the AUF, divisions inside the european alliance became clear as soon as the Second American Civil War broke out, during which many parts of the british political landscape began supporting the Republican Insurgency, unlike the majority of continental Europe. As a result, political tensions began rising, which re-inflamed anti-EU sentiment amongst the British, causing several political conflicts with the EU, as well as a growing number of military standoffs and de facto economic warfare. Because of this, the UK also supported the so called „Visegrad-Rebellion“ against the EU, which worsened tensions with most of Europe, especially France, Germany and Spain. The UK ultimately left the AUF and instead focused on its own defense and security cooperation with other powers, mainly the Commonwealth out of the „Global Britain“ initiative, as well the US after the Second American Civil War. Following these growing tensions, the UK supported Brazil against the French during the Franco-Brazilian Crisis, which in return lead to French support for Argentina during the emerging Second Falklands War. These actions escalated the situation between the UK and continental Europe and resulted in a downwards spiral of sanctions, political disputes and military standoffs, which ultimately resulted in the so-called „Brexit-War“ between the UK and most of the EU. The UK not only was confronted with military hostilities of EU forces, but also faced increasingly militant aspirations for independence of the Scottish and Nothern Ireland, both of which were backed by the EU. The UK de facto lost the otherwise indecisive conflict, which caused severe revanchist sentiment and a demonization of the EU as a whole. The UK increased its cooperation with the US, which faced similar developments and began re-militarizing alongside the Americans, whilst backing the growing hostility of the US against Europe and China. As soon as open hostilities began, the UK declared its unconditional support for the US and founded the so-called „Freedom Alliance“ alongside it.

Third Party nations[]


Russia’s own WGD, the „Leviathan“ (Symbolic picture, Source: Pinterest)


The post-WW3 russian flag (Source: Reddit)

WW4 not only saw major war efforts being conducted by the two main coalitions, but also from third party nations which didn’t fully align themselves with either side, causing widespread divisions among the warring factions. The most notable members of this category were Russia and India, which both coordinated themselves with various operations of the „Freedom Alliance“, mainly by joining in on the war effort against China and Pakistan in the case of India, as well as european nations for Russia. Russia struggled to regain economic and military stability and considerable strength following its de facto defeat in WW3, while its end facilitated a certain degree of re-democratization. A huge proportion of the political and military establishment that were responsible for both Russia’s involvement in WW3 and its subsequent losses were ousted in the process, resulting in an economic rapprochement between Russia and the rest of Europe, much to the dismay of many Eastern European countries, such as Poland and Ukraine. While ambitions were made to once again get closer to Europe, while also fending off China during a series of border conflicts, revanchist sentiment inside Russia’s population still remained long after WW3, which resulted in russian support for the Republican loyalist insurgency during the Second American Civil War, as well as for other anti-western parties in proxy conflicts throughout the late 30s and 40s. Especially the loss of Kaliningrad as well as the loss of control over ukrainian territory, such as Crimea, inflamed persistent russian nationalist and revisionist sentiment, which became worsened by the foundation of the „Liberation“, since it gained another major foothold in the form of Russia because of said socio-political bitterness. This ultimately resulted in a de facto russo-american detente, which stemmed from republican russophilia during and after WW3, as well as continuing resentment against the european powers, especially the AUF, one of the main factors facilitating Russia’s defeat in the war. Because of this And hopes to regain on e again former territories and more influence on the european continent, russian forces joined in on the „Freedom Alliance“s assault on Kingsberg Oblast, formerly Kaliningrad and other anti-european and anti-chinese, as well as anti-japanese campaigns. However, due to mutual animosity and un-resolved issues stemming from WW3, including reparations for russian warcrimes during the conflict, there were still hostilities between Russia and Poland, which strained the cooperation between the polish and other members of the „Freedom Alliance“, such as the US and UK.

The LUN Stability Corps[]


The flag of the LUN Stability Corps


The highly controversial commander of the LUN Stability Corps (Symbolic picture, source: Dune 2022, Pinterest)

The LUN Stability Corps became a leading global military power following its foundation and contributed significantly in ending the Second American Civil War, the Saudi Arabia Crisis, as well as preventing larger conflicts following the Franco-Brazilian stand-off, the Brexit War and the Visegrad Rebellion, as well as other conflicts. Because of this, the military and political power of the LUN Stability Corps grew to such an extent, that feats of it becoming a potential threat for world peace if left unchecked grew worldwide, although this sentiment was exacerbated by anti-globalist movements which rejected the very concept of international organizations and militaries in the first place. These concerns did prove to have some degree of merit though, due to the Corps acting increasingly rogue under its new commander from 2048 until the outbreak of WW4, to him acting against or without authorization of the LUN. Due to the Stability Corps being the executive branch of the institution, its political leadership proved to be reluctant to prevent such overstepping and instead tried to cover it up by claiming that all operations were in accordance to its own decision making. This proved to be a tense issue in the 40s, when the global terrorist organization „the Liberation“ was formed and the LUN Stability Corps sought out to root out the terrorist threat at all costs necessary. This resulted in Stability Corps anti-terror operations in Asia, Africa and South America, some times without the authorization of the respective nations where these operations took place in, while such unauthorized missions and campaigns inside the US facilitated anti-globalist sentiment of many republicans, while also bringing the US under republican leadership closer to military conflict with the LUN Stability Corps, whilst rejecting the legitimacy of the LUN as a whole.

„The Liberation“[]

Liberation Flag New

The flag of „the Liberation“.


The „Liberation“ terrorist in disguise (Symbolic picture, source: Pinterest)

The Liberation“ was a global revisionist terrorist organization, founded in the years following WW3 and the Second American Civil War. It is assumed that the foundation itself took place in the US shortly after the civil war, because of republican associates being dissatisfied with the results of the conflict and bittered by the international intervention in the civil war. As a result, the newly founded organization soon began exploiting modern communication technology and social media to connect with revisionist forces throughout the war, who also opposed the post WW3 order for their own respective reasons. This culminated in masses of members being acquired in the underground who began increasing their influence in local and international politics, causing global tensions once again to worsen, especially after the Brexit War and the political crises surrounding it. „The Liberation“ is considered to be significantly responsible for the start of the war, due to influential members infiltrating politics on both sides to instigate the conflict in order to destroy the post WW3 order. It was not only rumored that the republican president of the US, Ron DeSantis, who managed to achieve election despite much internal and global controversy due to his apologetic stance concerning the Second American Civil War, was a member of „The Liberation“, it was also believed during the war, that the organization would have some kind of control over at least one of the „WGDs“ rumored to exist, namely the „Caelus“, the most dreaded of these weapons.


Global tensions on the rise: The Toronto Stability Conference[]


Severe droughts plaguing the globe. (Source: Pinterest)


Other parts of the world devastated by extreme flooding. (Source: Pinterest)


Australian wildfires worsened by climate change. (Source: Pinterest)


Refugee waves being increased due to climate change. (Source: AFP)


Anti-EU Protest in Rome.


The LUN Stability Corps deploys warships as a show of force (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest).


The criticized US president in his office (Symbolic Picture. Source: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, Google)


As an attempt to counteract climate change, the LUN heavily invested in renewable energy, much to the discontent of nuclear energy advocates and fossil fuel lobbyists. (Source: Pinterest)


With the advent of more frequent space travel, new kinds of spacecraft were developed on the civilian and state level. (Source: Pinterest)


Protest emerges in Canada. (Source: Google)


Increased international traffic around the LUN headquarters. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)


First negotiations are underway. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)


LUN Stability Corps bombers dropping their payload. (Symbolic picture . Source: Pinterest)

Future London

London in the early 50s.

In 2052, the world had reached a breaking point on various fronts, including environmental, societal and political conflicts. Despite climate change having been temporarily dampened by the effects of nuclear warfare during WW3, it didn’t took more than a decade for its effects being felt in full force again throughout the globe. Severe droughts and wildfires heavily plagued not only subsaharan Africa, but also Europe and the US. The droughts were so massive, that the agricultural harvest in Europe was decreased by 20% depending on the region, while large parts of the US suffered similar developments. This, coupled with low water levels of rivers on both continents, which reduced the amount of fuel that can be transported into Europe and the US, resulting in another global economic crisis, which was only worsened through a tumultuous stock market, influenced by the growing tensions worldwide. Tens of millions of refugees began to set themselves into motion from Africa and Central America towards Europe and the US, resulting in a humanitarian crisis very much akin to WW3. The growing migrational and economic pressure once again facilitated the rise of anti-refugee sentiment and populist movements throughout the west, which was considered to be one factor that resulted in the election of republican Ron DeSantis in the US and his new version of the trumpian-style „America First“ policy, whilst the political decoupling of the UK, Poland, Hungary and Italy from the rest of the continent was also increased. Because of the global challenges that were expected to get worse in the 50s, the LUN in the Spring of 2052 called for the Toronto Conference of Global Cooperation, where most of the worlds leaders were supposed to find joint solutions for the global economic and migration crisis, as well as attempts to ease growing tensions between the US, UK, EU And China, which already caused fear of new even bigger armed conflicts than the „Brexit-War“ in the 40s. Additional subjects that were supposed to be discussed during this tensely anticipated conference were regulations for the development and usage of AI, which evolved rapidly since WW3, while also finding some kind of unified regulations for space traffic and the exploration of space around Earths atmosphere, since manned flights beyond the outer atmosphere both on a civilian and state level has become more and more frequent since the 40s. Private companies ran touristic space flights on a more regular basis and an increasing number of nations began not only to build and deploy their own space stations but also their own fleet of space ships, capable of traversing further and longer distances than the ISS of the past. The US president, who spearheaded ambitions to explore space for potential military usage announced in the wake of the Toronto conference, that he will use said event to bring the US back to its status of the worlds „greatest nation“ while also once again re-emphasizing american demands for reparations from China because of WW3, which he blamed as one of the main reasons for America’s subsequent downfall. He also questioned the legitimacy of the LUN and its executive branches and called it a „global fascist conglomerate“ in the making, which sparked global outrage. A few weeks before the highly contested conference in Canada, several incidents inside the US sparked growing tension between the american leadership and the LUN. The LUN Stability Corps conducted a series of military operations aimed against the global terrorist organization „The Liberation“, a revisionist group founded by bittered veterans of the Second American Civil War, WW3 and other follow up conflicts. The Stability Corps assumed several headquarters and bases of operations of the organization to be located in the american Rust Belt, resulting in a series of drone and missile strikes, as well as special operations to be conducted on american soil, without authorization of the republican administration of De Santis. The Stability Corps became increasingly rogue and autonomous throughout the late 40s and often times began operating without proper political approval of its overseeing organs, which was, despite attempts of cover-ups, seen increasingly critical throughout the globe. Because of this development, the unauthorized operations inside the US inflamed the republican anti-globalist and anti-LUN sentiment and caused the US president to openly threaten military violence, should the Stability Corps once again cross into America without approval, especially since it struck in republican majority areas. This was one of the reasons why, when the Toronto Conference of Global Cooperation finally arrived, that both the US and the LUN Stability Corps saw the need for demonstrations of power. While the politicians from all over the world began descending onto Toronto, the commander of the LUN Stability Corps ordered a small flotilla of warships to enter Lake Ontario through the St. Lawrence seaway as a mean of power projection for the LUN. Due to rising tensions between the US and EU, a dozen AUF ships also joined in as escorts for various european politicians arriving by sea, whilst other reached the city by plane and through a fleet of AUF airships. Security measures were increased tenfold, due to fears of terrorists planning on attacking the conference, leading to a severe security perimeter to be created around the center of Toronto and the Toronto Waterfront, where the LUN headquarters was located after WW3. Shortly before the conference began, the US president during interviews announced, that America would be contemplating leaving the LUN after just a decade of being a member, which plummeted the stock market even more and caused frenetic news coverage worldwide. The president was joined in LUN criticism by other politicians of countries sympathizing with Americas positions towards the current international institutions and powers like the EU. As such, representatives of the UK, Australia, Brazil, Russia, Saudi Arabia and others voiced condemnation of the lack of control over the LUN Stability Corps, as well as attempts of the LUN of imposing globally implemented rules, which was seen by these nations as severe infringements of the sovereignty of countries worldwide. The event itself was also accompanied by a series of anti-globalist protests, counter-demonstrations and anti-LUN rallies, which additionally intensified the already tense atmosphere in Toronto surrounding the conference. The airspace over Toronto was also closed for any flights that weren’t part of diplomatic missions, such as the scouting AUF airships, occasional overflights of canadian and LUN fighter jets, as well as quadrocopter-cars, flying cars based on drone technology which became more frequent in usage since the 2040s and were used to additionally transport diplomats throughout the city.

The terrorist attack that shook the world: The Battle of Toronto[]


A missile trap assaults the German convoy. (Source: YouTube )


„Liberation“ terrorists approach on the outskirts. (Symbolic picture, source: Pinterest)


Camouflaged missile launchers were activated from a distance (Source: YouTube)


A convoy of police cars was destroyed by missiles. (Source: YouTube)


The initial attack areas during the Battle of Toronto.


More covered missile systems being activated by terrorists. (Source: YouTube).


The „Liberation“ claims the attack for itself. (Symbolic picture, source: Pinterest)


The „Liberation“ deploys a giant drone against the LUN fleet. (Symbolic Picture, Source: YouTube)


An airship crashed into the city. (Symbolic picture, Source: Legend of Korra Season 1, Google)


A high security compound is being destroyed. (Source: YouTube)


The giant drone keeps firing missiles. (Source: YouTube)


The city during the terrorist attack. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Legend of Korra Season 1, Google)


„Smaller“ kinds of drones are also deployed by the terrorists to attack high security facilities. (Symbolic Picture, Source: YouTube).


A battleship is severely hit. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Legend of Korra Season 1, Google).


Gen. 6 aircraft are being deployed to counter the threat. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)


Armed forces on the city streets. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)


One of the „Liberation“ terrorist teams of that day during earlier propaganda shoots. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)


Missiles flying over the city. (Source: YouTube)


The city under attack. (Symbolic picture, Source: Pinterest)

Following the arrival of the world leaders in Toronto, the subsequent series of press conferences and Interviews, as well as four days of public discussions, which proved to be very heated, the attending politician retreated for their secret rounds of talks without public attendance. During this period of time, the amount of international traffic inside Toronto, especially from politicians and journalists increased once more, while security measures were kept high. The closed round of discussions also lasted multiple days, during which the attending leaders continued to give occasional press conferences, while traveling between their safe locations and the LUN headquarters at the Toronto waterfront. On the 15th of May 2052, a terrorist attack should shake up the world like few did. ever before. During this day, the LUN Stability Conference was supposed to discuss the issue of migrational pressure towards the US and Europe, as well as to a lower degree Malaysia, Thailand, China and the Phillipines. The attendees of Africa, South America and Australia, as well as the main delegation of the US already congregated on the LUN headquarters, whilst giving more interviews until the arrival of the remaining participants. In the morning around 08.23 am, the german delegation, including the federal chancellor of Germany was about to left from their secured location towards the inner-city of Toronto, when all of a sudden a rocket hit the convoy from the side of the road, killing the chancellor and several high Ranking german politicians. On the day before, the security forces guarding the location of the german delegation drove away a couple of quad drivers apparently having a smoke on the meadows further away alongside the main road. The quads quickly retreated, but unbeknownst to the security forces, their quads were modified to drill holes into the ground and leave a narrow, automated rocket trap into the grounds without anybody noticing. The trap contained a small sensor that was extracted from the ground and scanned for the approaching car convoy of the delegation. When the programmed license plate was detected, a missile launcher was extracted from the ground and fired with high precision towards the convoy. The news of the assasination caused panic and an immediate mobilization of the local police, which moved a hundred forces and vehicles towards the crime scene. It was soon discussed to cancel the meeting for the day, but various attendees of the LUN Stability Conference, while officially condemning the assasination, insisted on continuing the schedule as far as possible. After a briefing with the local security forces, the participants nonetheless agreed on delaying their next session until the evening at soonest, so that the safety of the present delegations and the local civilians could be guaranteed. At 11.43 am, the Europeans and Americans began departuring from the LUN headquarters towards their accommodations, while the american president and his higher ranking delegation members turned around as soon as news about the assasination broke. 15 minutes after the european and american convoys left and the attendees of Africa and Asia began preparing for their return to their locations, three unmarked vans began driving towards the closest perimeter checkpoint nearby. When the vehicles were about to be checked, dozens of heavily armed, masked attackers, all wearing the „White Dawn“ symbol of the revisionist terrorist organization „the Liberation“ emerged from the back of the vans and immediately opened fire at the security forces, while storming the perimeter. The sound of gun shots and first explosions caused a mass panic near the LUN headquarters, with hundreds of people getting injured in the process. Near the location where the higher ranking US delegation was quartered, another van approached and tried to break through the present barrier, resulting in a gun fight between the american and present LUN security officers and the terrorists. The canadian police and special forces proved to be overwhelmed by the simultaneous attacks on multiple Locations, which was the reason why the canadian officials called for the deployment of Stability Corps troops, due to them being close enough to serve as back up for the local security forces. The Stability Corps troops guarding the LUN headquarters split up: one half remained at the headquarters and protected the present delegations, which sought refuge inside of the building, whilst also trying to manage the panicked crowd outside. The other half took off to assist the police in fighting off the terrorists, although another attack, this time against civillian targets was reported around the west don lands. With the Toronto waterfront and the city outskirts descending into chaos, another, more technologically advanced attack was conducted by the terrorists. Outside of the initial security perimeter, multiple trucks which were parked on public parking spots suddenly revealed missile launchers that were covered up by the respective truck-beds. Terrorist individuals from a safe distance used computers to activate the launcher systems and began bombing multiple with high precision missiles, including LUN Stability Corps naval assets stationed at the port lands, as well as the convoys of the European and american politicians trying to reach their safe destinations. The amassing police convoys and the deployed Stability Corps ground troops also came under fire, while a wave of missiles also hit the LUN headquarters. Another wave of terrorist ground forces assaulted Scarborough Village and East York, during which a series of bombs was set off along the Highway of Heroes, slowing down the canadian response teams in the process. The disguised missile launchers of the „Liberation“ also hit several AUF airships that were hovering over Toronto for the time of the Stability Conference, leading one to crash into the city, which resulted in further military and civilian casualties. Since the weapon systems of the „Liberation“ shot missile drones capable of extending rotors mid-flight and subsequently hovering over their targets in formation for maximum precision strikes, it became increasingly difficult for the local forces to reach sufficient reinforcements to both take out the attackers and their launchers. In the meantime, further outside of Toronto City, the „Liberation“ launched its first aerial campaign at the outskirts of the Rennie Park. Five trucks drove into position to reveal the individual segments of a giant drone, with each of its four rotor-arms being hidden in one separate truck, while the fifth contained the center piece, including a caliber 150 gattling gun. The individual pieces were connected after being revealed and launched, making it the largest quadricopter drone to ever fly. After reaching its aimed altitude, the drone released several cruise missiles from its four, truck sized arm-compartments, which aimed at the LUN naval vessels docking at the Toronto Waterfront and the shores of Toronto Island, resulting in heavy damage. Meanwhile, another drone attack was carried out against the accommodations of the East Asian participants of the Stability Conference, although this was done on a smaller scale and with drones camouflaged as car trailers. The trailer covers were revealed, leading one huge drone for each vehicle to become airborne, while remaining tethered to the launching platform. The drones then conducted missile salvos against the highly secured buildings, resulting in heavy casualties among the diplomats and security forces inside. The news of the Battle of Toronto broke all over the world, with the events being broadcast in real-time globally. The stock market crashed after the beginning of the attack, while the US and Canada announced they would deploy their militaries to handle the situation although there was a lack of communication between the two about the plan of operation. The „Liberation“ meanwhile published a propaganda video which was flooded into the live broadcast of the Battle of Toronto, claiming the attack for themselves while also proclaiming that this attack was merely the beginning of the „dawn of a new world“ and true freedom being restored for the nations of the world. Due to the escalating situation and the inability of sufficient ground forces to reach the multiple theatres of the terrorist attack, the LUN Stability Corps, without further consulting the canadian authorities, launched an aerial counterattack against the terrorists and their weapon systems. Due to harboring international young recruits, most of which being aspiring pilots of the AUF, as Part of a LUN international training program, a dozen of inexperienced airforce soldiers were also deployed by the Stability Corps, making names for themselves in the process. A small number of attack drones based on the blueprints of older american Reaper models were also deployed by „the Liberation“, although they started further away from the city to avoid earlier detection, making them easier to spot sooner by the opposing airforces. While the giant drones were neutralized rather quickly because of their size, the attack drones of the terrorists partially managed to outmaneuver the canadian and LUN aircraft, resulting in spectacular dog fights over the Lake Ontario. With more and more ground forces arriving both from the canadian and international side, the attacking troops of the „Liberation were soon outnumbered and on the defense. This terrorist attack also marked the first time of robots being used in counter-insurgent operations in urban territory, as well as for civilian protection, leading several Mark-5 „Peacekeeper“ robots to both create barricades to protect civilians, as well as using a certain arsenal of non-lethal weapons, like gas grenades to disperse the attackers. With the anti-terroristic forces gaining air superiority, the pockets of „Liberation“ ground forces were subsequently neutralized, while the terrorists themselves blew up their missile launchers preemptively after emptying their ammunition to make it more difficult for investigators to trace the machines back to their origins. On 20.12 am, all terrorists have been either been killed by the defenders or conducted suicidal measures to prevent capture, while most „Liberation“ equipment was successfully destroyed. The damage the Battle of Toronto has caused through was tremendous, with 2100 civilian casualties and around 354 victims among the attending diplomats. 132 police officers and military members also died during that day, while among the most notable casualties were not only the german chancellor, but also the leader of the democratic opposition of the US, as well as the heir of the British throne, who attended the events in Toronto as part of the British delegation. Most of the world was shocked to its core by these events, while large scale confusion began to spread, especially about how this attack was possible in the first place. Not long after the Battle of Toronto, wild accusations and conspiracy theories, not only among civilians, but also increasingly among state leaders began to circulate, with the US, which suffered around 25 casualties during the terrorist attacks, as well as the UK being the most aggravated of these voices.


Global Crisis emerges[]


The initial flashpoints of countries which became accused of being involved in the battle of Toronto by the US and UK


The US president in a speech towards the nation. (Symbolic Picture, source: The Hunger Games, Google)


Massive riots erupt in the US (Source: Pinterest).


Russian vessels conducting live fire exercises on sea (Symbolic picture, Source: YouTube).


Riot police forces are deployed to push back on civil unrest (Symbolic picture, Source: Pinterest).


The aftermath of the desastrous plane crash in D.C. (Source: Pinterest)

LUN Meeting

The LUN sinks into arguing over the growing escalation (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

Russian high alert

The russian military being put on high alert (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

Plane crash

Videos of the fatal plane crash emerge on the internet (Symbolic picture, Source: Pinterest)

Following the Battle of Toronto, the global order, which was already tense due to climate change, migrational pressure, economic struggle and growing political conflicts, was brought to the brink of collapse. The LUN announced that a thorough investigation into the attack would be conducted, while the perpetrators would be dealt with with the full strength of international law. The LUN Stabillity Corps, which was attacked by various politicians worldwide for its inability to prevent the terrorist attack in the first place, also publicly vowed to completely root out „the Liberation“ and its supporters. Individual countries like the US and UK, as well as separate alliances like the EU also announced investigations of their own, while there were nationwide states of mourning in Germany and the UK due to the german chancellor and the british heir of the throne being killed during the Toronto terrorist attack. Especially the latter inflamed not only sorrow but also national rage among the british population and political leadership, both of which demanding vengeance for their losses during this tragedy. The LUN made an announcement, that the victims of the Battle of Toronto, both the civilian and political ones, would be granted a state funeral at the LUN headquarters in Kingsberg Oblast, formerly Kaliningrad, as a sign of joint mourning and international unity. Various countries agreed to this offer, with the US and UK, as well as Russia being among the most notable exceptions to refuse. The US, while the preparations for the LUN funeral ceremony were made, declared that its own investigations into the terrorist attack brought connections to Europe into the light, due to most of the killed „Liberation“ terrorists allegedly having european passports, while also having arrived from a series of EU countries. The US refrained from sharing further insight into its investigation and its results, while quoting security concerns and mistrust in the international judicial system and its integrity as its main reasons for doing so. The american president went further than that and openly accused EU countries of being involved into the attack on a state level, due to the amount of material, financial and logistical resources needed to conduct an attack on this scale. The EU rejected these accusations harshly and demanded that the US should hand over its supposed evidence for european involvement in the Battle of Toronto. Said alleged evidence caused once again the relationship between the UK and EU to worsen, due to the british demanding that any european involvement in the attack must be reckoned with in the strongest fashion. The EU, as well as the international LUN investigations on the other hand partially confirmed that several „Liberation“ individuals of the Toronto attack had in fact european documents and were EU citizens, however, they were unable to confirm if these ID’s were faked or not, while also announcing, that the equipment used during the attack seemed to stem from Russia. The British and Americans accused the LUN authorities of being partial in their judgement and openly accused them of trying to cover up EU involvement in the attack due to what they called „globalist unity“. After the calls for consequences were ignored by the LUN due to a lack of sufficient evidence that EU states were actually involved in these terrorist actions, the US, much to the surprise of most of the international community, declared that it will impose severe sanctions on the EU for „aiding and protecting global terrorists“. The UK soon joined in on these measures, resulting in an open economic war against the EU, while the US as initiator of the sanctions ignored LUN revelations about russian connections to the Toronto terrorist attack. Both the US and UK began imposing sensitive tariffs on European agricultural and industrial products, as well as freezing assets of EU diplomats and institutions. The US also demanded the extradition of several protest groups in the EU that were responsible for wide scale anti-republican demonstrations inside America, by claiming those would threaten American stability and security, while also equating these protesters and their organizations with terrorists. The EU refused to abide by any such demand and imposed sanctions of its own against both the US and UK, while also sanctioning Russia for its alleged involvement in the terrorist attack on Toronto. A series of new terrorist attacks plagued both sides again during this period of heightened tensions, in the form of bombing attacks being conducted on both EU and American political targets, causing both sides to accuse each other of orchestrating them for their own political purposes. On July 4th, 2052, the US celebrated its Independence Day with a huge show of force, conducting live fire exercises in the Atlantic and Western Pacific, as well on British soil, which was seen with suspicion by continental Europe. During these celebrations, the US airforce planned to conduct show-flights over Washington DC, including a flight of a passenger aircraft of the Airforce 01 fleet, which transported various US politicians and pro-American international guests. During the spectacle, the passenger plane in question suddenly began bursting out in flames, forcing the accompanying fighter jets to keep distance with the aircraft. When the plane began sinking towards the city, the present fighter jets saw themselves forced to shoot down the sinking aircraft before it could hit the White House or Capitol Hill, causing the wreckage to crash into the residential area of DC. More than 2000 people died during this incident, which was later on categorized as yet another „Liberation“ terrorist act. A couple of weeks later the US presented a group of individuals which supposedly were members of „the Liberation“ and crucial for planning the terrorist attack on the Airforce 01 fleet. The US published records which showed that these terrorists not only were EU citizens, namely French, German, Spanish and Belgian, they also received, funds from European sources. This was enough for the US to see itself proven in its accusations against the EU and announced that it will intensify its punishment against the Europeans for allegedly backing these terrorist acts.

America goes into the offensive: the Blockade of Europe[]

Future US fleet

The US deploys its modernized fleet (Symbolic picture, Source: Pinterest)

French future fleet

Following the blockade, France and other EU nations deployed their fleets as well (Symbolic picture Source: Pinterest)

Airship convoy

AUF airships being deployed to protect convoys (Symbolic picture: Source: Pinterest)

First shots of WW4

The first shots of WW4 being fired (Symbolic Picture: Source: Pinterest)

Naval drones

Naval drones being used both for reconnaissance and combat on both sides (Symbolic picture, Source: Pinterest)

Aircraft carrier battle

The first American aircraft carrier being caught in combat (Symbolic picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 begins

The opening hostilities of WW4.

WW4 harbor attack

Container harbors being attacked by helicopters (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

Helicopter drone

Helicopter drones being deployed from US carriers ( Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 carrier sunk

The first American carrier since WW3 has been destroyed (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 airstrikes

Airstrikes being conducted in coastal areas. (Symbolic picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 anti submarine war

Anti-submarine aircraft being deployed by European forces. (Symbolic picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 British ship

Britain deploys its most modern warships. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 anti air defense

European anti-air defenses engage the enemy. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 harbors

Harbors being struck by sabotage acts. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 anti submarine warfare

Drones deploying anti-submarine charges. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

LUN navy WW4

The LUN Stability Corps Navy begins to engage American assets blocking European trade worldwide. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

While the US, accompanied by the UK, steadfastly increased their sanctions on the EU and several other european countries, additional allegations of support for the „Liberation“ also emerged against China. Investigations both from the US and independent outlets indeed confirmed that several wealthy Chinese individuals, who were associated with the chinese revisionist movement, as well as dozens of EU politicians, among them members of the German AfD party, the French Rassemblement Nationale and others indeed gave financial support to groups associated with the „Liberation“. The respective administrations immediately arrested said individuals under cooperation with LUN authorities, but yet again they refused to abide by american and British demands for extradition, quoting the international relevance of these cases, as well as concerns about potential human rights violations by the US in particular, should the accused politicians be brought to American courts. The American president characterized the Battle of Toronto, as well as the July 4th attack as acts of war against the American people and therefore declared, that both the EU and China, as well as the LUN would be complicit in the terrorist activities of the „Liberation“, due to refusing to cave in on American demands on that matter. The second wave of sanctions against the accused nations by the US and UK included increased trade barriers of European and Chinese goods, travel bans for most notable EU politicians and Chinese representatives, as well as asset freezes and massive restrictions on financial transactions going in and out of the EU. The EU on the other hand reacted in kind and began implementing sanctions of its own against both the US and UK, by calling out to nations who harbored anti-Anglo-Saxon sentiment to increase the economic pressure on the perceived aggressors. EU representatives also reached out to the Chinese leadership to work out joint ways to circumvent sanctions and to find ways to inflict economic pressure on the US in particular, which was seen as the driving force behind this escalation. This cooperation was then used by American propaganda as an alleged proof for republican accusations in particular, which claimed that the EU and China would work with globalist elites and anti-American powers to destroy Americas wealth and influence. Since the republican US president already claimed that the Eu and China would be complicit in the terrorist acts of the „Liberation“, they officially became „guilty“ of enabling acts of war against the US, leading to a third, even more extreme form of sanctions to be conducted by the US and its growing number of allies. America announced that it would impose a blockade against the EU to quote „deny it of any resources that could be used against the US“, while also further diminishing its economic power. The American naval fleet, which in parts was already mobilized weeks prior for a global series of naval exercises all over the world officially, began positioning itself at various vital sea routes to block the entry of industrial and agricultural goods into european waters. American vessels blocked the new Malacca Strait, which caused severe economic losses for China, Japan and other Asian nations , as well as the Noth Atlantic Oceanic Sea Route with the support of the British Royal Navy. In the Middle East, both Israel and Saudi Arabia felt threatened by the growing European cooperation with powers which were seen as opposing towards said nations, leading Israel to participate in the American blockade of the Suez Canal in the Eastern Mediterranean, while Saudi Arabia supported the blockade of the Red Sea and Strait of Hormuz, causing a new rise of tensions between the Saudi and Israelis and their neighbors. Russia, which felt harassed by European accusations of supporting the „Liberation“ itself also participated in a blockade of the Nothern Pacific Oceanic Sea Route independently from the US. This unprecedented blockade soon led to a complete crash of the European stock markets, while soon after the blockade begin, many vital goods, including food, technical components and power supplies ran short on many parts of the continent, leading the EU to see this act of economic warfare as such, while ultimately deploying the AUF fleet in the North Sea, the Nothern Atlantic as well as in the Pacific near overseas EU territory. This brought the fleets of both sides increasingly close to each other, while the rhetorical and political atmosphere surrounding the parties became steadily more aggressive and demonizing. Both sides engaged in an increasing amount of provocative maneuvers, both in the air and sea, with particular risky situations occurring in the Northeastern Atlantic Basin, the Iceland-UK Gap and especially the Channel, where the fleet of the British navy and its french counterpart, backed by German and Be-Ne-Lux vessels, met up to just a hundred meters. Attempts to bolster a naval, presence against the American blockade around Suez failed for the Europeans though, due to Italy, Greece and Croatia not adhering to calls for engagement, due to the anti-EU sentiment that raged in their respective governments and societies. Pro-European groups in the meantime began sabotage operations against the British Navy, including setting fire to fuel depots for warships, jamming communications and even conducting bombings in several British harbors, which fueled anti-EU sentiment in the UK and was exploited by American propaganda. The AUF managed to form convoys for economic shipments towards Europe by deploying naval assets and airships from overseas territories like the Azores, the Canary Islands and the french islands in the Indian Ocean, as well as Ireland, which deployed its own fleet against the British to circumvent the blockade. Since the US-UK coalition initially intended to avoid military confrontation, several shipments managed to slip through various routes, while the supply routes on land remained relatively uninterrupted themselves. Escalation arose when an AUF ship supposedly witnessed how American vessels attempted to lay out sea mines in the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast, causing it to fire warning shots as well as anti-mine projectiles. The anti-mine fire resulted in a series of explosions that ultimately struck the US vessels in question and damaged them to such an extent, that one frigate sunk, with 124 sailors being killed in the process. The escalation caused widespread outrage on both sides, with the US denying any sea mining operations in the European waters and claiming that the AUF opened the hostilities. The EU in accordance with the AUF on the other hand stood by its version and re-emphasized its right to protect its borders against any acts of war. This development, in combination with the already established narrative of European involvement in „Liberation“ terrorist activities resulted in the American president announcing on the 1st of October 2051, that the US is now officially „at war with the European Union“ although not specifying which countries in particular were seen as war parties. Several hours after the infamous US presidential speech, a wave of air and missile strikes were conducted against european targets by American naval assets and aircraft carriers. Ship-launched missiles hit the french port of Le Havre, the Belgian port of Antwerp, Rotterdam in the Netherlands and the German cities of Bremerhaven and Hamburg. Additional long-range strikes were conducted by submarines against the Spanish ports of Barcelona, Valencia and Algeciras, while ship launched UAVs began hunting down AUF vessels. While enjoying an initial advantage, the US was soon faced with the resolve of the European forces, due to them deploying a wide arsenal of anti-ship assets, as well as air defenses. The first American barrage also took out various missile defense systems, which were designed after the Israeli Iron Dome during WW3. Due to the sheer number of systems on the European contingent, most batteries remained intact, allowing the AUF to counter follow-up attack waves. On the seas, the US forces present near the European shores were confronted with a numerically superior enemy, leading to an increasing number of US ships to be sunk by European aircraft, drones and submarines. When the first US aircraft carrier since WW3 was sunk, the Americans were forced to re-formulate their war plans accordingly. Due to being aware that this would most likely be the beginning of a new world war, the US ordered a full mobilization of its military, while beginning to reach out globally to gain allies against the Europeans. The initial stage of the American strategy planned for the taking of the Azores and Canary Islands, in order to gain a foothold for operations against mainland Europe, while the UK and other potential allies were supposed to thin out European forces and resources until the US itself consolidated enough forces for major invasion operations on the continent. Following the acts of sabotage on its territory, as well as a series of clashes in the English Channel, the UK decided to indeed offensively support the US, whilst openly rallying people behind it cause who despised the EU. British naval forces began battling with the french, Belgian, Dutch, German and danish fleets, in order to secure the maritime traffic lines towards the main island , while the Royal Airforce, supported by American jets and drones, conducted a series of bombing raids against military and industrial targets in France and Germany. Due to being an EU member, the UK suspected Ireland to potentially join the war as well, resulting in the British Royal Navy to directly blockade the Irish republic, causing the first hostilities along the border with Nothern Ireland.

Crisis in the Pacific: Upheaval in Taiwan[]

Asia Front WW4

The emerging East-Asian Theatre of WW4.

Chinese WW4 airship

A Chinese airship spying on US territory (Symbolic picture, Source: Pinterest)

Coastal confrontations WW4

Ships getting destroyed off the Taiwanese coast. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 ship sunk

A container ship being sunk during conflict ( Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 naval base getting destroyed.

A Chinese naval base getting bombed by Taiwanese aircraft (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 Chinese special forces

Chinese special forces getting deployed in response to the escalation. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 satellite warfare

Chinese and American spy satellites taking each other out (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 Japanese warship

Japans newest warships getting deployed. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

Teipei WW4

Teipei after severe bombardement. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 naval battle

The aftermath of battle in the Taiwan Strait. (Symbolic picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 aerial drone

China deploys „Azulong“-type aerial drones for surveillance. (Symbolic picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 US navy

American naval assets being deployed. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 Chinese spaceship

China mobilizing its own spaceship fleet to secure its orbital assets. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 air and sea combat

Air battles raging over the sea. (Source: Artstation)

WW4 laser weapons

Laser weapons being used against enemy UAVs. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 Indian army robot

India reveals new military robots in response to the global escalation. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 LUN carrier group

A LUN carrier group joins the fray against the „Freedom-Alliance“. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 Chinese construction robots

China deploys construction robots to fix war damages and built up fortifications. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 american soldier

A WW4 era American soldier in a propaganda display. (Symbolic Picture: Source: Google)

WW4 drones

Chinese fighter jets accompanied by drones on the attack. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 gen 7 aircraft

American Gen 7 aircraft firing at chinese targets. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 naval drone

A fleet of naval drones being deployed. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 US president rant

The American president during an unhinged rant about the supposed „globalist conspiracy“ against the USA. (Symbolic Picture. Source: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part I)

WW4 Asian theatre first bombing targets

The initial bombing targets of both sides in the East Asian Theatre of WW4.

WW4 LUN pacific fleet

The Pacific Fleet of the LUN Stabillity Corps uses laser weapons and drones against enemy aircraft. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 airfight

Aerial combat over cities in East Asia. (Source: Artstation)

WW4 Pacific War

The aftermath of severe fighting in the Pacific. (Source: Artstation)

With Europe descending once again into war, East Asia wasn’t spared of tensions either. Due to China , after becoming the target of American resentment and economic warfare even before the start of hostilities in Europe, helping the EU to partially circumvent US sanctions, American rhetoric towards China became increasingly hostile as well. China managed to re-industrialize and economically recover after WW3 faster than most observers expected, causing dismay among American republicans, who still harbored animosity towards China following the last world war and therefore saw Chinas re-emerging economic prowess as a threat for the post-civil war US. Due to the growing sino-European cooperation, as well as China re-kindling economic ties with former US enemies like Iran, Venezuela and others to secure vital resources, the chinese government faced severe sanctions by the US itself. The American blockade against European trade in the Indo-Pacific also restricted Chinese economic maritime traffic, now also hindered by the British Royal Navy, which assisted its American counterpart by debarking from British overseas territories in the Indo-Pacific. The situation caused a political crisis in Beijing, where an increasing number of revisionist sympathizers, many of which operating in circles associated with the „Liberation“, openly called for joining the war against the Anglo-Saxon coalition, while the Chinese government as a whole tried to avoid getting involved in the war as much as it could. Similarly to the EU, China increased its naval presence and aerial activities in the Indo-Pacific to discourage the anglo-Saxon alliance from any further aggression, while both sides already engaged in intelligence and hacking operations against each other. American cyberstrikes were conducted against the chinese banking system, which became increasingly independent from SWIFT, causing an even bigger stock market crash admidst the bloackade. Due to the heightened chinese military presence in the Pacific, Taiwan meanwhile felt once again threatened by mainland China. Taiwan gained its independence following WW3 and once again became a serious economic powerhouse in East Asia, especially since recent breakthroughs in computer and AI technology in the 40s. Taiwan also kept good relations with the US, which facilitated its liberation and subsequent independence during the last war, while the extreme wing of Taiwans nationalist party kept harboring severe resentment against China because of its atrocities during WW3. The fact that China wasn’t dismembered more after the war, while becoming the worlds most strongest economic power not too long after the war caused said resentment to spike dramatically, leading to several anti-chinese incidents both on Taiwan and in mainland China. After consolidating a military which was comparatively powerful for its size, Taiwan engaged in military maneuvers of intimidation towards China itself, causing the revanchist faction in the leading party of China to call for a new military „solution for the Taiwan question“, which resulted in the US exploiting the aforementioned sentiment for propaganda. The result was a significantly increased cooperation between the US and Taiwan, including a new mutual defense pact that was aimed at deterring potential new chinese aggression against the island state. When WW4 started in Europe, Taiwan in response to the heightened Chinese military presence in the western Pacific deployed its own fleet of aircraft and naval assets, resulting in the Taiwanese navy getting dangerously close to the Chinese shores due to the massively militarized Kinmen, Matsu and Wuciou Islands. China therefore left dozens of warships along the respective coastal regions close to these islands, resulting in both fleet’s getting as close as a few hundred meters in front of each other. Taiwan during this growing crisis was encouraged by the US to put pressure on China in order to distract its forces from the ongoing blockade, going as far as proclaiming, that an attack on Taiwan would be seen as an attack on the US as well, reciting a previous mutual defense pact both countries signed after the Second American Civil War. Due to the ongoing tensions, China initiated intelligence operations of its own to pinpoint American plans and movements, before those could be facilitated into aggressive acts against the Republic, leading not only to widespread hacking operations, but also Chinese airships conduct surveillance flights in the stratosphere above the continental US, as well as increased spy satellite activity targeted against America and even its regional allies in the Pacific. This resulted in a broader intelligence war between the two sides, with american and Chinese „killer satellites“ beginning to take out opposing ones to reduce the surveillance capabilities of their respective opponents, while american delegates met with their australian and korean counterparts to discuss plans for the case that war would erupt in the Indo-Pacific as well. American ouvertures towards Japan were met with rejection though, due to the Japanese-American relationship souring after WW3, especially since tensions arose between Japan and Americas more steadfast ally, the United Republic of Korea. Meanwhile Taiwan experienced a series of terrorist attacks in Taipeh, where political offices, as well as police stations where hit by bomb blasts, for which radicalized Chinese sympathizers were made responsible for. Due to financial and political ties of chinese militarist parties with said radical groups in Taiwan, China was accused of supporting the terrorist activities in Taipeh. Later intelligence suggested that the „Liberation“, which also had members in the far East due to chinese and formerly north Korean revisionists harboring animosity towards the post-WW3 status quo in Asia, infiltrated both sides of the crisis to deliberately stoke the flames of conflict, hoping war would break out and forcefully undo the post-WW3 order in the region. Due to this development, „Liberation“ terrorists amongst the ranks of the Taiwanese military secretly planted bombs in several ships of the taiwanese Navy, which were detonated a few days after the US shot down the first chinese spy satellites and airship in the stratosphere and orbit simultaneously. When these ships off the coast of the taiwanese Kinmen and Wuciou Islands were hit by bombing attacks, panic spread amongst the naval forces present, due to circulating claims that these attacks would’ve been chinese strikes. In the course of an hour, taiwanese ships, whose crews believed they were under attack by China, opened fire on their chinese counterparts, as well as towards the Chinese aircraft, which were buzzing the airspace for multiple days in a row. China on the other hand believed this to have been the opening of hostilities from Taiwan, leading to returned fire, as well as the first airstrikes and artillery shelling of the taiwanese islands off the coast of mainland China. In response to the bombardement of Kinmen, Wuciou and Matsu, the taiwanese Airforce began striking the nearest chinese naval bases, resulting in significant damage to the present ships there. After this initial escalation, Taiwan ordered the full mobilization of its armed forces, out of fear that a lack of preemptive action would cause Taiwan to get devastated as it was during WW3, while the chinese government, despite the pressure of its revanchist and „Liberation“ infiltrated wing, proved to be hesitant to declare war against Taiwan. China instead imposed a no-fly zone over the Taiwan Strait and ordered all approaching enemy fighter aircraft that enters its airspace to be shot down, while the naval forces were ordered to only response to opened hostilities of their counterparts. Japan also called for de-escalation, fearing that war could spill over to its own territory as well. The US on the other hand invoked the defense pacts that were made with Taiwan and declared that it will intervene against what the republican administration called „unprovoked Chinese aggression“, claiming that China wants once again to topple the status quo to become a global hegemon, referring to anti-chinese propaganda from WW3. As a result, american naval forces in the Indo-Pacific now began not only blocking shipments towards China, but even going as far as actively sinking container ships, which brought vital resources to the chinese mainland. Due to various defense treaties, as well as joint political sentiment, the AUKUS alliance, which reinforced its ties following the „Brexit-War“, declared in a joint statement, that it will perform a joint intervention for the sake of protecting Taiwan, as well as preventing chinese „revisionism“ to once again wreck havoc in the region, leading a mobilization of armed forces not only in the US, but also the UK and Australia. Japan and New Zealand condemned this abrupt decision for a military operation against China, citing lacking willingness of the American led coalition to investigate what actually happened in Taiwan in the first place, drawing rhetorical aggression from the US as well. Meanwhile Russia, which already expressed political support for the cause of the „Freedom Alliance“ in Europe, put the blame for the recent events surrounding Taiwan on China, with which the Russian republic had a series of border clashes and disputes in Siberia following WW3, and announced weapons deliveries to the island state of Taiwan, re-inflaming the tension between chinese and russian forces along their joint border. Exchanges of missile and artillery fire, as well as airstrikes between China and Taiwan continued in the meantime, leading to a rising number of casualties on both sides. The main area of casualties remained amongst the civilian population of the belligerents, due to both China and Taiwan using a significant amount of UAVs and naval drones to attack each other, which reduced the number of killed military personnel significantly. China deployed various robotic and autonomous systems in a multitude of areas of this conflict: while unmanned fighter drones accompanied chinese fighter aircraft to maximize the damage output and precision striking capability of Beijings aerial fleet, autonomous serpentine aerostat-drones of the „Azulong“-Class were kept stationary in the skies above the Indo-Pacific to pinpoint approaching enemy aircraft and ships as soon as possible, while being able to drop anti-ship mines to slow down the enemy approach. Construction robots on the other hand were deployed by China to fix war damages on a faster pace, due to the robots being able to work precisely, whilst carrying significant payloads of construction material. Taiwan had its own arsenal of drones and robots for multitask operations, however it was still dwarfed by the economically and numerically superior China, causing Taiwan to call not only for russian, but also Korean, British and American arms deliveries. Following a couple of weeks of aerial and naval combat in the Taiwan Strait, chinese forces were able to push the Taiwanese Navy away from the chinese coast, allowing Chinas special forces to occupy the small Taiwanese coastal islands in the process. The fall of Kinmen, Manciou and Matsu, the US decided to not only blockade China but also to engage militarily on Taiwans behalf, leading american fighter aircraft and UAVs launched from Guam and local aircraft carriers to begin a precision airstrike campaign against military and industrial targets inside China, resulting in several casualties. Japan deployed a good portion of its naval fleet to intercept incoming American forces on their way towards the southwestern Pacific in the hope of deterring the US from further escalating the conflict. When the fleets of both sides reached each other, the American forces directly opened fire when their passage was denied by the Japanese, resulting in the first exchange of hostilities between Japan and the US since WW2. In their official statement, the Americans claimed that the Japanese military opened fire first and that Japan, through its political alliances with the EU and its criticism of Anglo-Saxon action against China, would‘ve put itself on the side of terrorists and revisionist threatening American security. The rhetoric of the American republican administration became increasingly unhinged, leading its president to publicly ramble about a worldwide conspiracy of „globalists“ and their „terrorist proxies“ which supposedly aims for the destruction of America in every perceivable way, causing much concern in Europe, East Asia and other parts in the world about the growing danger this administration posed for world peace. The conflict also continued to escalate in space, due to China deploying its young fleet of spaceships following a staggering number of Chinese military and communications satellites getting destroyed by US assets, leading the spaceships to actively hunt for American spy satellites and even firing missiles at stratospheric aircraft. While on the ground, China continued to be faced with waves of american, Taiwanese and increasingly British and Australian airstrikes against its ships and ground targets, naval clashes also lasted between Japan and the US. After a rising number of casualties, Japan decided to officially retaliate against the Anglo-Saxon aggression in the Pacific, resulting in an announcement that Japan will cooperate with China and the EU against Freedom-Alliance hostility throughout the world. Japanese fighter aircraft and drones were sent to intercept enemy aircraft approaching the chinese coastline, while air raids on American targets in the Pacific were also conducted. Following the open warfare between the US and Japan, Britain, as well as Australia declared their support for their ally and began hunting for japanese aircraft and submarines themselves. Due to the outbreak of war in the Pacific, the LUN Stability Corps Navy decided to intervene, pinpointing the „Freedom-Alliance“ as the aggressor in the conflict. The LUN fleet, which consisted of ships, aerial and naval drones, submarines, attack helicopters and airships, managed to break through the Anglo-Saxon bloackade of the Malacca Strait, forcing the US and Britain to pull back from western Oceania towards the Australian Christmas and Cocos Islands. Due to years of growing tensions because of the korean nuclear arsenal, trade disputes, as well as unresolved issues stemming from WW2, the United Republic of Korea, as a military ally of the US and AUKUS announced its entrance into the war against Japan, resulting in an opening barrage of missiles and airstrikes against japanese bases and air defenses along Japans western coastline.

The „European Civil War“: Poland joins the Anglo-Saxons[]

WW4 European Theatre part 2

The European Theatre of WW4 in the latter half of 2052.


The LUN Stability Corps‘ Atlantic fleet engages carriers of the „Freedom Alliance“. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 long distance bomber

The Freedom Alliance uses postmodern long distance bombers to strike European targets in the Atlantic. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 carrier destroyed

Carrier stationed aircraft being destroyed by drone-missiles. (Source: YouTube)

WW4 new american soldiers

American soldiers advancing on the Canary Islands. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Google)

WW4 border chaos

Chaos Breaking out along the Irish border. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 exoskeletons

Soldiers using exoskeletons to enhance their combat capabilities. (Source: Google)

WW4 Normandy carnage

Carnage on the beaches of Normandy. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Edge of Tomorrow)

WW4 mechanic tank

Mecha tank being deployed admidst harsh autumn conditions. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 EU robot

The EU presenting its newest missile-battery robot. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 Polish tank

Poland deploying its newest tanks. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 first tank battle

The first tank battle of WW4. (Symbolic Picture, Source: YouTube)

WW4 paratroopers

Paratroopers being dropped in combat zones (Source: Artstation)

WW4 Iceland battle

Fighting in the high north of Iceland (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 border forest battle

Combat in the frontier forests between Poland and Germany. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 „Liberation“ infiltration

„Liberation“ terrorists infiltrating the situation. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 industrial fighting

Fighting on an industrial site in East Germany. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 drones and robots

Several drones and various classes of robots being deployed. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 AUF „Silver Dragon“ Bomber

The AUF using its supersonic Gen 3 „Silver Dragon“ Bombers. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 Franco-german spaceship patrol

German and French spaceships patrolling the orbit. (Source: Artstation)

WW4 artillery

Advanced artillery being positioned on a military base. (Source: Artstation)

WW4 tank convoy

A tank convoy getting attacked by drones. (Source: YouTube)

WW4 bomber

American bomber during an intense raid on the european continent. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 tank gunners

Tank gunners engaging in Eastern Europe. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 Ukrainian soldier

Ukrainian troops using postmodern technology for scouting. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 dogfighting

„Freedom Alliance“ fighters dodging enemy counterattacks. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)


The „Prometheus“ A.I. which is used by the „Freedom Alliance“ to foresee enemy attack patterns. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Westworld S3)

WW4 intelligence aircraft

Reconnaissance aircraft being launched from an airfield. (Source: Artstation)

WW4 riot police

Security forces during violent clashes. (Source: Artstation )

WW4 industrial warfare

Industrial warfare. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 Special ops

A special ops team observing the ongoing carnage. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 airborne reinforcements

Various weapon systems getting dropped by airborne platoons. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 automated artillery

Automated artillery systems being deployed by the AUF to counter enemy infantry and armored vehicles. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 carpet bombing

Massive bombing raids conducted by the US and UK in Europe. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Pinterest)

WW4 Gorilla battle robot

A Mark—IV „Silverback“ battle robot being deployed in combat. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 anti missile warfare

An anti-satellite projectile being launched into Earths orbit. (Source: Pinterest)

With war now engulfing the Indo-Pacific, Europe continued to be confronted with aggression from the „Freedom Alliance“. While the AUF launched a full mobilization of its military, the LUN Stabillity Corps forces in Europe announced the will assist the Europeans against any action of war against EU territory. In the Carribean however, american forces, as well as British troops embarking from Anguilla, the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Cayman Islands and Montserrat launched a decisive offensive against Caribbean EU territory. Despite fierce resistance of the present French and Dutch forces, supported by smaller contingencies of German assets, the Freedom-Alliance managed to take the ABC Islands, Guadeloupe, Saint Martin, Saba, Sint Eustasius and Sint Maarten, while the resistance of French forces in Martinique continued even after the occupation of the island. French Guyana also suffered from British and American airstrikes, while rumors came up about the British, in accordance with the US, trying to get Brazil to go to war against France to take out French Guyana and other local European assets. Meanwhile, despite the ongoing bloodshed in the English Channel, the American fleet pulled back away from the European continental coastline to protect its ships and aircraft from the increasing counterfire of their enemies. This on the other intensified the pressure on the UK, which had to resort to defensive measures to create a perimeter around the British isles, due to ongoing air raids conducted by the French, Germans and the Be-Ne-Lux States. The US however managed to expend some vessels to bolster the protection of the UK, as well as supporting the British blockade of EU member Ireland. Following the blockade, as well as the increased British military presence in Nothern Ireland, the „New IRA“ and other militant groups began conducting terrorist attacks on British border posts, which were additionally escalated by several border incidents for which „Liberation“ terrorists were later on blamed due to wanting to inflame the conflict. Nonetheless, as a result of Irish violence against British border guards and military personnel, the British, assisted by American intelligence and special forces launched a military operation to secure the Irish Island for future military operations against the continent. British forces, while engaging IRA militants and the first Irish military troops, crossed the border into Ireland admidst autumn rain and mud, managing to take Lifford and the western shore of the Foyle River in the process. British troops also launched an assault on Monaghan and Dundalk, the latter of which proved to be especially fierce in resistance. British fighter jets, drones and missile forces also struck Dublin, Cork and Waterford, while the Royal Navy managed to take the former Treaty Port of Lough Swilly. Ireland, in response to the British operation announced a full mobilization of its forces, while calling the EU and AUF for reinforcements. A joint British-American offensive meanwhile managed to take most parts of AUF member Iceland, due to the majority of AUF forces being deployed near and on the continent, leaving the island without sufficient defenses against the Freedom-Alliance. While most parts of Iceland were occupied in the process, resistance on the Rekjavik Peninsula remained fierce, while Icelandic partisans fell back to the north of the island, close to the Arctic circle. Further South, British forces in the Gibraltar enclave were besieged by the Spanish and Portugese both on land and by sea, leaving them cut off from vital supplies and reinforcements. The Portuguese Azores Islands, as well as the Spanish Canary Islands were taken by the Americans due to the AUF not being able to afford deploying too many assets that far away from the continent. The Portuguese Madeira Islands held out longer than the other Iberian Atlantic islands, however, they also had to surrender after a week of siege and aerial combat, accompanied by missile strikes. The LUN Stability Corps Atlantic Fleet engaged the „Freedom-Alliance“ in the North-Eastern Atlantic Basin, as well as off the coast of the Faroe Islands, resulting in heavy casualties on both sides, despite the usage of autonomous and robotic weapons systems. Meanwhile, British forces managed to solidify their control over Jersey, Guernsey, Sark Island and Alderney in the English Channel, facilitated by already present British military personnel, as well as airborne troops dropped over the Channel Islands, despite severe casualties due to continuous French attacks and blockade of the islands. However, due to most of the French channel navy being engaged in naval combat against the British further north, as well as against the Americans further out on the Atlantic, Britain was able to take control of the Channel Islands despite numerical inferiority. On the continent, the AUF devised a strategy to face the ongoing Anglo-Saxon aggression against Europe: The bulk of the Western a d Central Armies of the LUN took position in Northeastern France, Belgium and the Netherlands, while the Southern Army (now under Spanish command following Italies role in the Visegrad-Rebellion), supported by the Balkan one secured the western shore of Portugal, as well as southern Spain around the Gibraltar Strait. The Nothern Army mainly positioned itself in Denmark, while only a third of the Eastern Army was diverted to assist the nothern, central and western troops, due to concerns over a potential entry of Russia into the war. Since the British Isles Army was dissolved following the UKs decision to leave the AUF in 2050, the AUF and EU tried to use their communication capabilities and channels to reach out to pro-EU separatist movements on the British Isles, particularly in Scotland and Nothern Ireland, encouraging those to take up arms against their British „oppressors“. This communication was partially intercepted and wiretapped by the British and subsequently used to portray the EU as a dangerous and radicalized dictatorship, aimed at destroying the UK in a way similar to Nazi-Germany or n WW2. British Propaganda and later on even the American and Russian one went even as far as calling the EU and AUF the „4th Reich“, invoking WW2 era symbolism and animosity in the process. While most AUF members adhered to the call to arms, several members did not, for various reasons. Norway, as one of the few non-EU members of the AUF expressed its wish for neutrality, due to harboring rather close ties with the UK, while also fearing direct war with the US, resulting in Norway to only give material and logistical support to its allies. Greece, Croatia, Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria severely reduced their commitments to the AUF instead of increasing it, due to their pro-American and anti-EU governments. Most of these nations even echoed many of the narratives of the „Freedom-Alliance“ and put the main blame for the conflict on the EU. Later intelligence during WW4 suggested that the aforementioned governments were significantly infiltrated by the „Liberation“ terrorist network, due to harboring many parties and movements with the same ideology as the terrorist group itself. Poland in particular was very assertive against the EU and AUF, due to growing military ties with the US before the war, not adhering to joint decisions regarding the masses of climate refugees, as well as refusing to serve under German command in the AUF Central Army, all of which resulting in Poland engaging in rather hostile political behavior against the EU before WW4. When Poland made independent security agreements and military drills with both the US and UK shortly before the war without consulting the AUF or EU, the latter cut a significant amount of funding for Poland, leading to even more verbal aggression from the polish government. After refraining to adhere the AUF calls to arms when war escalated in Europe, Poland tried to blackmail the EU into concessions using masses of refugees, it deliberately diverted towards its borders coming from the Balkans, to put pressure on the EU by forcefully pushing them towards the German border, similar to the migration hybrid war tactics of Belarus and Turkey before and during WW3. Poland declared that it will pull back the refugees and support its on paper allies, if the EU unfreezes its funds for Poland and exclude it from previously laid out regulations for migration inside Europe. The EU responded by not letting itself getting blackmailed, while Germany mobilized several troops and border guards to prevent refugees from getting pushed into german territory by Poland. The situation was tense and increasingly inflamed by polish anti-german propaganda, which began to echo the „4th Reich“ narrative of the Freedom Alliance as well, while water hoses and tear gas launchers were used by both sides to harass the other, leading to countless injured amongst the refugees trapped between the border. Terrorists of the „Liberation“ infiltrated the masses of refugees along the polish-german border and used the cover of night to open fire on the german border guards, leading to a dozen of casualties. The german side believed that the polish in the midst of this tense situation opened fire first and responded in kind, leading to several killed polish border guards and soldiers. The polish government and public were severely outraged by this developments, believing that Germany supposedly attacked first from their perspective and claimed that it was trying to replicate its fabricated casus belli from WW2. Poland declared that this has been an act of war by the Germans against the Poles and vowed that every german „act of aggression“ will be met with crushing retaliation, so that no Pole would„suffer under the german plight“ again. Poland announced that it sees itself now at war against Germany and began launching cross border attacks into East Germany along several parts of the frontier, with using Stettin on the western side of the Oder river as a launching point for attacks. Polish troops assaulted and subsequently occupied the german cities of Linken, Pomellen and Gartz, with first waves of air and artillery strikes being conducted on military targets in eastern Germany. Due to the main focus of the german lead AUF being transferred to the West to deal with the ongoing attack waves by the Anglo-Saxons, Germany had far fewer troops ready to tackle the polish offensive than originally possible, forcing the Germans to initially go into the defense while trying to dislodge the polish from the occupied German border cities. While polish troops began advancing towards Rieth in the North and Schwedt in the South, Poland surrounded and seized the present AUF bases on its territory, taking several hundred of EU prisoners, as well as confiscating remaining AUF weapons and vehicles in the process. The LUN Baltic Fleet, which usually protects the LUN Headquarters of the Kingsberg Oblast decided to intervene early on in this confrontation, but the Polish Navy was deployed earlier and blocked the exit out of the Baltic Sea for any incoming or exiting vessels, bringing it on a confrontational course with Denmark and other AUF and EU members as well. The Polish Navy forced its LUN Stability Corps counterpart to pull back and focus on protecting Kingsberg Oblast, resulting in Poland effectively bottling up the LUN Navy in its home ports. Since the Poland now officially broke with the AUF and EU by extension, it officially declared war on Germany after retaliatory german attacks on targets in Poland, while openly seeking to join the „Freedom Alliance“ to quote „end the EU dictatorship on the European continent and freeing the European people from the 4th Reich“. As soon as the polish declaration of war, as well as its desire to join the anti-EU coalition were expressed, Hungary, a former EU member with deep grudges against the institution and the AUF for defeating it during the Visegrad-Rebellion, declared it joins the Polish war effort against the EU. Polish and Hungarian delegates visited each other in Warsaw and Budapest, while secret calls with Washington and London were also held, in order to coordinate the joint operations against the common European enemy. Poland and Hungary, supported by the US also called for other European nations to take up arms against the EU „4th Reich“ and mainly targeted former Visegrad-Group members, as well as other anti-EU states like Italy and Greece, both of which were particularly reluctant to betray the EU and AUF as long as there are no significant victories of the „Freedom Alliance“. Ukraine, as an AUF member with a history of tension and conflict with Hungary announced a mobilization of troops towards its western borde, in order to tackle potential hungarian hostilities. Ethnic Hungarians in Ukraines western regions engaged in pro-„Freedom Alliance“ protests and publicly oppressing them through legislation and police brutality. The US quickly adapted this narrative and promised to support the struggle of the „oppressed“ Hungarians in Ukraine, due to trying to get Hungary to fight against the AUF while also harboring anti-Ukrainian sentiment stemming from the trumpist influence on the Republican Party, as well as tensions with Ukraine following republican collaboration with Russia during WW3. The heated protests in Ukraines Zakarpattia Oblast, especially in Berehove Raion and Berehove City soon turned violent, with Ukraine accusing Hungary to smuggle weapons into the Oblast with the help of Polish and American secret services. The Ukrainian Security Forces, as well as members of the Ukrainian military responded in full force, resulting in around 100 killed ethnic Hungarians. After receiving a promise of military assistance from both Poland and the US, Hungary launched a military operation against Ukraine itself and invaded on multiple fronts of the border, resulting in hungarian attacks on Chop and Horonhlab. The Ukrainian military immediately engaged with the Hungarian invaders and declared all of the Zakarpattia Oblast to now be a warzone, while fighting between hungarian troops and the Ukrainian defenders broke out around Velyka Dobron and Beregovo, which threatened Mukatscheve. While Ukraine focused ion pushing out the Hungarians from the Transcarpathian region, Poland, with which Ukraine had an increasingly worsening relationship after WW3 resulting from agricultural disputes and historical issues stemming from WW2, launched attacks into Ukraine itself, taking Brest in a swift and intense combat operation, while also taking Chervonograd and beginning to advance towards Lviw. This two frontal attacked threatened to drive a wedge between Ukraines western forces, while Kiew still had to focus some troops on protecting the eastern border as well, leaving Ukraine forced to take a more defensive stance against the weaker enemy Hungary and concentrate more resources against the polish invasion until reinforcements arrive. Polish troops also occupied the Swedish island of Gotland to gain a foothold in the Baltic Sea, due to expecting a full AUF response after declaring war on Germany. Meanwhile, the US managed to land a significant amount of troops in Nothern Ireland, using the Azores and Iceland as launching points for the movement of troops, ships and aircraft with the assistance of the British. This new Anglo-Saxon bastion allowed for the beginning of an ongoing strategic bombing campaign of both the US and UK, who launched a continuous wave of bombers, drones, cruise and ballistic missiles to hit strategic targets like military bases, industrial sites, critical infrastructure and several political institutions throughout continental Europe, with focus on Germany. American and British forces were also able to drop thousands of troops into Poland in the assistance of the Warsaw government, following bombing raids against the danish air defense forces. The american and British strikes were of such precision, that it appeared almost like they could anticipate the counter-reactions of their enemies with near total accuracy, leaving European grappling with what could be the root of this. While several Anglo-Saxon sleeper spy cells were located and rooted out, their infiltration of sensitive AUF data and strategies couldn’t completely explain the amount of accuracy with with the „Freedom Alliance“ was able to anticipate the attack patterns of the defenders. Various European experts and intelligence officers therefore came to the conclusion that the cause for this advantage may lied in the US integrating a certain experimental AI into its and allied systems, the „Prometheus“ System developed by Teslas SpaceX research team and located in the Californian Silicone Valley. The „Prometheus“ was therefore believed to be able to calculate the possible responses and attack patterns of the European forces and give its users the most likely outcomes, allowing them to anticipate the incoming counterattack in advance.

The Eastern Front: Operation „Pacific Freedom“[]

WW4 Asian theatre 2

The Pacific Front of WW4 in late 2052.

WW4 drone swarm

Drone swarm being launched over Taiwan. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 coastal missile attack

Missiles raining down on the chinese coastline. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 Pacific Island Base attack

A military outpost on a small pacific island getting assaulted by attack helicopters. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 Hong Komg battle

Battle begins in Hong Kong. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 beach tanks

Tanks and infantry units advance not far from the shore. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 Indonesian fleet

The Indonesian fleet mobilizes. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 tropical battle

Battle in jungle conditions. (Source: Artstation)

WW4 LUN Fleet 3

The LUN fleet engages the „Freedom Alliance“. (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 operation caldera

Amphibious landing submarines release invasion tanks of the „Catterpillar“-class on Hainan during „Operation: Caldera“ (Symbolic Picture: Source: Avatar TLA: Season 3)

WW4 tropical storm

American forces during combat in a climate-changed induced tropical storm (Symbolic Picture: Source: Battlefield 2042)

WW4 carrier battle

Heavy naval fighting in the Pacific (Symbolic Picture, Source: Artstation)

WW4 helicopters

Helicopters being used in urban combat (Symbolic Picture: Source: Artstation)

WW4 Korean soldiers

Korean soldiers wearing exoskeletons fighting in urban areas (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 british navy torpedo

The postmodern british navy deploying deepwater charges and torpedoes. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 China battlefield

Heavy fighting in Chinese cities. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 drone swarm unleashed

A new drone swarm is getting released against enemy targets. (Source: Pinterest)

WW4 Us military robot

The US military being assisted by robots. (Source: Pinterest)

Catterpillar tank

A „Catterpillar“ type tank storms the bombed shores. (Source: Pinterest)

While Europe faced internal strife after Poland and Hungary joined the „Freedom Alliance“, war continued to rage in the Pacific as well. After the initial exchange of hostilities, China managed to consolidate enough forces to take the Taiwanese Penghu Islands, despite continuous harassment from the air by not only Taiwanese, but also american, british and fustralian forces. Submarine launched missiles were also used to a large extent by the „Freedom Alliance“ to hit Chinese military and economic targets from afar, while both in the cyberspace and beyond Earths orbit, cyber and space assets of both sides tried to inflict as much damage to their respective opponents as possible. Following the entry of Japan and the United Republic of Korea on opposing sides of this war, hostilities also broke out between the two Asian powerhouses. Japanese and Korean naval assets began attacking each other in the Sea of Japan, while a quick japanese offensive further East managed to take the Korean Jeju Island, which immediately began being turned into a launching pad for further operations against the Korean mainland. Korean forces on the other hand started to lay out an extensive amount of sea mines in the East China Sea to cut off incoming maritime traffic from the less battle ridden Bohai Sea. The vastly enlarged Korean submarine fleet also increased its engagement in the East China Sea by sinking not only chinese military vessels but also fishing boats and other economic ships, drawing criticism from neutral countries in the process. Due to this development, China declared war on Korea and launched an invasion of the Peninsula from the North, to divert Koreas attention away from Japan, so that the Japanese have more resources available to deal with the incoming attack waves of the „Freedom Alliance“ from the South. Meanwhile chinese troops embarking from the occupied Penghu Islands, as well as Japanese forces from the Senkaku and Sushima Islands launched amphibious landing operations against Taiwan, which resulted in tens of thousands of casualties, resulting in the most costly offensives of the entire war so far, yet they managed to take several beachheads on both the western and eastern shores of the island. At the same time, the „Freedom Alliance“, which assembled an unprecedented amount of troops, naval vessels, aircraft, drones and robots in the Pacific over the course of 2 months of war, announced „Operation Pacific Freedom“, which was officially aimed at neutralizing the Chinese military, as well as Chinas economic capability to make sure that China would quote „never be able to wage war in the Pacific again“, so that the people of the Indo-Pacific could be free of what the Alliance called chinese „communist“ threat. As part of „Operation Pacific Freedom“, american, british and australian forces launched an assault on the japanese Izu islands, leading the coalition to occupy several small islands which were subsequently converted into Air and naval bases for the „Freedom Alliance“. Following the fall of the Izu islands, Anglo-Saxon convoys of combatants took course towards the Ryukyu Islands, leading Japan and China to deploy a considerable amount of naval and air forces beyond the first island chain, to prevent the „Freedom Alliance“ from gaining more ground. In the Southwestern Pacific though, a humongous assault fleet, dwarfing the one China mounted against Taiwan during WW3, used this opportunity and descended on Chinas southwestern coast, starting with a severe multi-wave bombing raid against chinese air and naval defenses surrounding Hainan Islands. The US for the first time during the war also deployed so called drone swarms: large formations of smaller sized kamikaze drones, launched from missile-like carrier projectiles in the air, which were capable of spreading damage to a wider surface area, while also being extremely difficult to counteract. Such drone swarms not only attacked Hainan Island, but also chinese and japanese forces in and around Taiwan. Following the intense bombardement, as well as drawn-out combat on beaches of Taiwan, „Freedom Alliance“ forces from the US, UK and Australia managed to establish enough maritime and air superiority in the South China Sea to launch an amphibious assault on Hainan, resulting in the occupation of Sanya and Wangcheng. This happened as part of „Operation: Caldera“, where the US, accompanied by British and Australian assets managed to land a series of newly developed, „Baleen“-class amphibious landing submarines on various points along the Hainan coastline, enabled through the fact, that most Chinese surface vessels were stationed elsewhere at the Pacific Front, allowing the submarines to reach the island without much detection. Five submarines each were landed at the bays of Bopu Gang, Maniao Gang, Quinlan Gang, Xincun Gang, Gan‘en Jiao and Tontian Gang. These submarines, while under heavy coastal defense fire released waves of amphibious landing tanks of the new model „Catterpillar“, which carried infantry soldiers, supplies and heavy weaponry. Stormtroopers were also disembarked from the landing vessels to secure the beachheads and take out enemy coastal fortifications while Anglo-Saxon aircraft, both manned and unmanned have significant aerial support to the landing force. Despite heavy casualties, „Operation: Caldera proved to be a success for the „Freedom Alliance“, due to forcing the defenders of Hainan into the center of the island, effectively bottling them up there without outside supplies. This allowed the „Freedom-Alliance“ to use most of Hainan as a launching point for operations against the Chinese mainland, leading to Anglo-Saxon landings in Denglou Jiao, Paiwei Jiao and Kami Bay. Most of Chinas surface fleet was in the meantime busy defending the Chinese coastline along the Strait of Taiwan, as well as the First Island chain alongside the Japanese defenders, while Chinese ground troops began crossing into Korea, resulting in the occupation of Sinuiju, Hyesan and ultimately Kanggye. Japanese naval forces and aerial assets tried to assist in putting pressure on the Koreans by launching missile attacks on Korean defenses close to the Nothern frontline, although many incoming strikes aiming for the defenses of Seoul were intercepted by radar and anti-air defense stationed in the Taebaek mountains in the East of the Peninsula. Approaching Japanese naval vessels were also put on a halt due to Korean mining of the Japan and Tsushima Basin, as well as the mobilized russian navy, which began guarding the waters around Vladivostok as soon as hostilities began in the Western Pacific. Tensions with Russia therefore increased as well for the Japanese, due to the Russian leadership delivering weapons to Korea and Taiwan, while increasingly echoing the narratives of the Freedom Alliance. Further south, the landing of the Anglo-Saxons on the Chinese mainland gained steam, due to Chinas ground forces being largely preoccupied with Korea, as well as safeguarding the Nothern frontier, following sudden russian military drills close to the disputed border in Siberia. This, as well as the fact that the bulk of the Chinese naval assets was engaging against the Freedom Alliance around Taiwan and in the open Pacific, American, British and Australian forces managed to advance towards Zhanjiang. The city, due to fierce resistance of the Chinese defenders, was soon besieged by the Anglo-Saxons, who used automated and robotic weapons systems to mitigate the strain a siege puts on their own manpower, leading the Freedom-Alliance troops to be able to bypass Zhanjiang and take Maoming and Yangjiang, resulting in Anglo-Saxon forces mounting at the gates of Macau, while British and Australian naval assets approached the shores of Hong Kong. Both city states prepared for a possible attack as soon as Hainan fell, resulting in both entities to fortify their borders towards mainland China, as well as mining their bays. The stationed LUN Stability Corps forces which were tasked with peacekeeping in Hong Kong and Macau also assisted in the defense of the cities, while adding aerial power to their protection as long as the Chinese Airforce was more preoccupied elsewhere on the many frontlines. The Anglo-Saxona opened the hostilities by conducting new waves of missile and bombing raids against both Hong Kong and Macau, using once again drone swarms as well as advanced fighter aircraft. The skies over both city states were soon filled with dogfighting aircraft and swarms of small Kamikaze drones, resulting in a rising number of civilian casualties because of strikes and falling debris. The British navy on the other hand began approaching the coastline of Hong Kong using anti-naval mine aircraft and de-mining charges to steadily clear sea mines off the shores, although several british, Australian and American vessels were hit and sunk nonetheless.

The Battle of Kingsberg Oblast[]

The „Pact of the Dragons“: Europe and China join forces[]


The Blockade of Britain[]

Escalation in the Pacific: The Eurasian Union fights back[]

Hostilities in the Middle East: War for the oil[]

The European Front: Italy breaks with the EU[]

The American Front: The US vs Canada[]


All out war: The LUN Stabillity Corps goes into the offensive[]

The Pacific Front: Russia joins the fight[]

The European Front: The Battle for Eastern Germany[]

The new Scottish war of independence[]

The Middle Eastern Front: Setbacks for the „Freedom Alliance“[]


The American Front: US vulnerability[]

The European Front : The „Malaise of the Rooster“[]

South America joins the War[]

Global civil wars: The Second Spanish Civil War and the Third Scottish War of Independence[]

The war goes nuclear: The „Freedom Alliance“ atomic campaign[]


The Mid-Century Apocalypse: Global nuclear warfare[]

The European Front: The activation of „the Behemoth“[]

The African Theatre: Humanitarian and ecological crisis[]

The Pacific Front: MAD between the belligerents and the deployment of „Leviathan“[]

The South American Front: Brazil vs Argentina and ecological devastation[]

The most dreaded WGD: „Caelus“ enters the stage[]

The „Zombie-Apocalypse“: New diseases plague the globe[]


War continues in a devastated world[]

The „Robot- War“: Battle between AI‘s[]

Fighting in outer space: Hunt for the „Caelus“[]

The Last Stand of the LUN Stabillity Corps: The Second Battle of Toronto[]

The Storming of Fort Drum[]

The „Victory of the Ashes“: Eurasian Union prevails in Europe[]

The end of WW4: The Battle of New York[]

The final fight of the Apocalypse: The Battle of Meggido[]

