MP Featured article This is a featured future history!

Technology (Terra Futura) is currently or has been a featured article, which means it has exceptional content that provides an example of how a good written article/scenario on the Future Wikia should be. To see the current featured article, please see this page. To see a list of past featured articles, please see this category.

Welcome to the Technology page for the Terra Futura project.

Ever since the development of stone tools, humanity has been inventing progressively more advanced forms of technology which would also change society. In the future, technology will become more advanced, and society will change even farther eventually becoming alien to modern man. Also, technology will cause humanity to turn something that is completely different from humanity today.

Technology Levels[]

This technology level scale is a modified version of the one that was created by technology enthusiast Paul Lucas for his website, orbitalvector.com. The modifications are based on Michio Kaku's Physics of the Future. Here it is:

Technology Level Description Time Period
Level 0 No tech whatsoever Before 2,500,000 years ago
Level 1 Stone Age 2,500,000 years ago - 5000 BC
Level 2 Copper, Bronze, and Iron Age 5000 BC - 500 BC
Level 3 Classical Era 500 BC - 500 AD
Level 4 Middle Ages 500 AD - 1450 AD
Level 5 Renaissance 1450 AD - 1700 AD
Level 6 Age of Reason 1700 - 1850
Level 7 Victorian Era 1850 - 1900
Level 8 Era of World Wars I & II 1900 - 1945
Level 9 Cold War 1945 - 1990
Level 10 Information Age 1990 - 2030
Level 11 Era of World War III and the formation of the Earth Federation 2030 - 2070
Level 12 Unification Era 2070 - 2100
Level 13 Interstellar Age (This is where humanity becomes a Type I civilization.) 2100 - 3000
Level 14 Intergalactic Age (This is where humanity becomes a Type II civilization.) 3000 - 1000000
Level 15 Cosmic Age (This is where humanity becomes a Type III civilization.) 1000000 - The End of Time

(Note: Levels 13-15 are purely arbitrary and depend on how science plays out in the future.)


Computers and Artificial Intelligence[]



Ubiquitous Computing[]

Virtual Reality[]

Robots and Artificial Intelligence[]

Merging With Robots[]

Mind Over Matter[]


Genetic Engineering[]



Fossil Fuels[]










Land Vehicles[]







Airplane Design[]

Airplane Engine[]



Aquatic Technology[]

Diving Equipment[]

Surface Ships[]


Oceanic Habitation[]

Space Travel[]

Orbital Spaceflight[]

  • Spaceports (TL 10-13)
  • Spaceplanes (TL 10-12)
  • Aerospikes (TL 10)
  • Suborbital Passenger Travel (TL 10-12)
  • Single-Space-To-Orbit Spacecraft (TL 10)
  • Dropships (TL 10-12)
  • Inflatable Reentry Shields (TL 10)
  • Launch Rails (TL 10)
  • Launch Guns (TL 11-12)
  • Inflatable Launch Towers (TL 11)
  • Lightcraft (TL 11-12)
  • Tether Propulsion (TL 11-12)
  • Space Elevators (TL 11-12)
  • Space Fountains (TL 12)

Interplanetary Spaceflight[]

  • Interplanetary Superhighway (TL 10)
  • Ion Drive (TL 10)
  • Magnetoplasmadynamic Thrusters (TL 10)
  • Nuclear Thermal Rockets (TL 10-11)
  • Interplanetary Cyclers (TL 10-11)
  • Solar Thermal Rockets (TL 11)
  • Lorentz Propulsion Microprobes (TL 11)
  • VASIMR Rockets (TL 11)
  • Nuclear Pulse Propulsion (TL 11-12)
  • Solar Sails (TL 11-12)
  • Metastable Helium Rockets (TL 12)
  • Metallic Hydrogen Rockets (TL 12)
  • Fusion Rockets (TL 12-13)
  • Impulse Drive (TL 13-14)

Interstellar Travel[]

  • Generation Ships (TL 11-15)
  • Sleeper Ships (TL 12)
  • Interstellar Lorentz Microprobes (TL 12)
  • Seed Ships (TL 12-13)
  • Stepping Stone Colonization (TL 12)
  • Self-Replicating Probes (TL 12-13)
  • Interstellar Shielding (TL 12-13)
  • Interstellar Cyclers (TL 13)
  • Antimatter Rockets (TL 13)
  • Interstellar Light Sails (TL 13)
  • Bussard Ramjets (TL 13)
  • Photon Drive (TL 13)
  • Zero-Point Rockets (TL 14)
  • Inertialess Drive (TL 14)


  • Quantum Entanglement Communicators (TL 13)
  • LeGuin Ansible (TL 13)
  • Hyperdrive (TL 13)
  • Hyperwave Communicators (TL 13)
  • Subspace Communicators (TL 13)
  • Tachyon Communicators (TL 13-14)
  • Interdimensional Drive (TL 13-14)
  • Warp Drive (TL 13-14)
  • Wormholes (TL 14-15)
  • Stargates (TL 14-15)
  • Starslip Drive (TL 14-15)
  • Infinite Improbability Drive (TL 14-15)


  • Artificial Gravity (TL 12-13)
  • Gravity Pulse Projectile Drive (TL 13)
  • Gravity Neutralizers (TL 13)
  • Gravity Enhancers (TL 13)
  • Gravity Repulsors (TL 13)
  • Point Source Gravity Projector Drive (TL 13)
  • Gravity Displacers (TL 13)
  • Combined Gravity Drive (TL 13-14)

Misc. Transportation[]

  • Teleportation (TL 13)
  • Time Travel (TL 14)

Space Structures[]

Space Equipment[]

  • Rescue Balls (TL 10)
  • Pressure Tents (TL 10)
  • Individual Maneuvering Units (TL 10-11)
  • Advanced Spacesuits (TL 10-11)
  • Biosuits (TL 11)
  • Portable Airlocks (TL 11-12)
  • Suitports (TL 12)
  • Casual Wear Spacesuits (TL 13)

Space Colonization[]

The Moon[]

  • Lunar Rovers (TL 10-12)
  • Lunar Hoppers (TL 10)
  • Moonbase (TL 10-12)
  • Moonbase Modules (TL 10-12)
  • Moonbase Surface Structures (TL 10-11)
  • Farside Observatories (TL 11)
  • Lunar Dumping Grounds (TL 11-12)
  • Lunar Colonies (TL 12-13)


  • Unmanned Mars Missions (TL 10)
  • Manned Mars Missions (TL 11)
  • Martian Colonies (TL 12)
  • Terraforming Mars (TL 13)

Asteroids and Comets[]

  • Manned Asteroid Missions (TL 10-11)
  • Redirected Asteroids and Comets (TL 10-12)
  • Diverted Asteroid Satellites (TL 11)
  • Hollowed Asteroids and Comets (TL 12)


  • Venusian Airships (TL 12)
  • Venusian Floating Bases (TL 12)
  • Venusian Floating Colonies (TL 12-13)
  • Terraforming Venus (TL 13)



  • Megacities (TL 10)
  • Cyberpunk Sprawls (TL 11)
  • Arcologies (TL 11)
  • Continent Cities (TL 12)
  • World Cities (TL 13)


  • Asteroid Rosettes (TL 12-13)
  • Satellite Halos (TL 13)
  • Planetary Halos (TL 13)
  • Moon Rosettes (TL 13)
  • Megastations (TL 13)
  • Balloon Worlds (TL 13)
  • Planet Rosettes (TL 14)



  • Forerunner Halos (TL 13)
  • Gossamer Rings (TL 13)
  • Orbitals (TL 14)
  • Ringworlds (TL 14) (Note: This refers to a ringworld like the one in Known Space by Larry Niven.)

Dyson Spheres[]

Sun Movers[]


  • Topopoli (TL 13-14)
  • Alderson Disks (TL 14)
  • Stellar Rosettes (TL 14-15)
  • Megastructure Rosettes (TL 14-15)


  • Pocket Universe Accessors (TL 13)
  • Pocket Universe Gateways (TL 14)
  • Pocket Universes (TL 14-15)
  • Pocket Universe Generators (TL 15)
  • Xeelee Rings (TL 15)

Weapon Ammunition[]

  • Bullets/Gunpowder (TL 4-13)
  • Plasma (TL 12-15)
  • Electricity (?)
  • Dark Matter (TL 14-15)