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Sino-Indian Proxy War
MPF Soldiers (Chinese Superpower)
MPF Soldiers entering the outskirts of Naypyidaw during the Myanma Civil War
Date 22nd June 2029 - 1st January 2039
Location East Asia
Result Both Sides claim victory
In chronological order:
  • Establishment of the PR Myanmar
  • Transfer of Northern Wa state and various other territories of Myanmar to PRC
  • Transfer of western Rankine state to Bangladesh
  • Chinese annexation of Taiwan
  • Indian annexation of Bangladesh
  • Establishment of the Protectorate of Sri Lanka
  • Establishment of the PR Bhutan
  • Independence of Nagaland from India
  • Nepalese annexation of Sikkim
  • Pakistani annexation of Western Kashmir
  • Indian annexation of southern Sindh
  • Chinese annexation of Arunachal Pradesh
  • Establishment of the Assam AR
Flag of India Republic of India

Flag of Myanmar Military government of Myanmar

Flag of the Republic of China Republic of China

Flag of Bhutan Kingdom of Bhutan

Flag of Bangladesh Protectorate of Bangladesh

Flag of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

Insurgent Groups:

  • Flag of the MNRA (Chinese Superpower) Myanmar National Revolutionary Army
  • Flag of World Taiwanese Congress Taiwanese Independence Organisation

Supported By:

  • Flag of Indonesia Indonesia
  • Flag of Thailand Thailand
  • Flag of NATO NATO (2029-2033)
Flag of the People's Republic of China People's Republic of China

Flag of Nepal Nepal

Flag of Pakistan Pakistan

Flag of Bangladesh People's Republic of Bangladesh

Flag of Myanmar People's Republic of Myanmar

Flag of Sri Lanka Sri Lankan People's Front

Flag of Bhutan (Chinese Superpower) People's Republic of Bhutan

Insurgent Groups:

  • UCPI Flag United Communist Party of India
  • Flag of Wa Wa People's Republic
  • Shan State Army flag United Shan State Army
  • Flag of Karen State (Chinese Superpower) Karen National Liberation Army
  • Flag of Nagaland National Socialist Council of Nagaland
  • Flag of the National Democratic Front of Boroland National Democratic Front of Boroland
  • FPRM Manipur People's Liberation Army of Manipur
  • Flag of United Liberation Front of Asom United Liberation Front of Asom
  • Flag of Kachin State (Chinese Superpower) Kachin Liberation Front
  • Flag of Ta'ang State (Chinese Superpower) Ta'ang Liberation Army
  • New Mon State Party flag New Mon State Army
  • Chin National Army Flag Chin National Army
  • Arakan Liberation Party flag Rakhine People's Army
  • BWLA Flag (Chinese Superpower) Bangladeshi Worker's Liberation Army

Supported By:

The Sino-Indian Proxy War (22nd June 2029 – 1st January 2039), was a proxy war primarily fought between the Republic of India and the People's Republic of China for economic and political domination of south East Asia. While both sides claim victory China's sphere of influence greatly expanded leading to the formation of the Chinese lead United Asian Cooperative (UAC).


Myanma Civil War[]

Main Article: Myanma Civil War

The proxy war officially began on the 22nd June 2029 after a failed military coup in Myanmar lead to the outbreak of a civil war.

Taiwanese Coup[]

Main Article: Taiwan Unionist Coup D'état

On 1st March 2031, a coup d'état in the Republic of China was staged about two weeks before the scheduled Taiwanese Independence Referendum. Within 2 days the People's Republic of China and allied forces successfully took control of the Island.

Indo-Bangladesh War[]

Main Article: Indo-Bangladesh War

Bangladesh's support for Myanma Liberation Forces and Rakhine People's Army, which India designated as terror groups, lead to increased tensions between the nations. The 2032 floods coupled with rising sea water further crippled the Bangladeshi nation, both economically and militarily. The sea expanded as far as the Indian border, cutting Bangladesh in half. On the 8th January 2033 Indian forces entered Bangladesh starting the short lived conflict which resulted in the Indian annexation of the region and subsequent establishment of the Protectorate of Bangladesh.

The war saw the end of NATO involvement in the Sino-Indian proxy war.

Conflict in Sri Lanka[]

Main Article: Conflict in Sri Lanka

A failed Chinese backed coup in Sri Lanka on the 8th August 2033 lead to an escalating conflict between the government and the Chinese backed Sri Lankan People's Front. On request of the Sri Lankan government Indian intervened in the conflict sending over 50,000 forces to the Island.

One week after the original coup Indian peacekeeping forces entered the parliament building of Sri Lanka and dissolved the government, replacing it with a temporary military junta under the command of Admiral Soonil V Bhokare under the guise of restoring order.

Just under a month after the Indian seizure of power the Protectorate of Sri Lanka was established and the government reinstated, although Sri Lanka remained a puppet of India.

Himalayan War[]

Main Article: The Himalayan War

On the 7th December 2034, the Bhutanese People's Liberation Army (BPLU) took control of Lhuntse and the surrounding area, declaring the People's Republic of Bhutan.