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Second Korean War
Korean war map Discord

War progress in 2023, before the South Korean offensive
Date 16 February 2021 – 2024
Location Korean Peninsula
Result Coalition Victory

Korean Peace Conference

Hydra Coalition

Flag of South Korea South Korea
Flag of Japan Japan
Flag of the United States United States
Flag of Australia Australia (from 2023)
Flag of UK United Kingdom
Flag of France France
Flag of Canada Canada
File:Flag of Peru.svg.png Peru (from 2023)
Flag of Indonesia Indonesia (from 2023)
Flag of Thailand Thailand (from 2023)
Flag of New Zealand New Zealand (from 2023)
Flag of Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea (from 2023)
Flag of Ukraine Ukraine (from 2023)
Flag of Russia Russia
Flag of the People's Republic of China China

Supported by:

  • Flag of GermanyFlag of the German Empire Germany (from 2022) (diplomatic)
Flag of North Korea North Korea

Supported by:

  • Caliphate of Turkey Islamic People's Caliphate
Flag of South Korea Park Geun-hye

Flag of Japan Shinzō Abe
Flag of the United States Donald Trump
Flag of Russia Vladimir Putin

Flag of North Korea Kim Jong-un
Flag of South Korea South Korea:

3,300,000-3,525,000 troops and 300 tanks

  • 2,900,000-3,255,000 troops and 300 tanks in action

20 spies
Flag of the United States United States
130,000 troops
Flag of Russia Russia:
94,000 troops and 30 tanks
Flag of the People's Republic of China China:
Flag of Australia Australia
50,000 troops, 12 tanks, 6 frigates
Flag of Japan Japan
Flag of UK United Kingdom
Flag of France France
Flag of Canada Canada
Flag of Indonesia Indonesia
Flag of Thailand Thailand
Flag of New Zealand New Zealand
Flag of Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea
Flag of Ukraine Ukraine
2,300 troops, 200 special operatives, 13 tanks, 2 fighter jets
File:Flag of Peru.svg.png
Unspecified number of assassins

Flag of North Korea North Korea

+400,000 troops
Caliphate of Turkey Islamic People's Caliphate
10,000 troops

Second Korean War (Korean: 두 번째 한국 전쟁) was an ongoing armed conflict in Korean Peninsula between North Korea and the Hydra Coalition that resulted in a North Korean defeat and the reunification of the Korean Peninsula.


In 2020, North Korea began relations with the Islamic People's Caliphate (IPC), which was ruled by the terrorist group ISIS. This prompted South Korea to condemn North Korea's relationship with the IPC, offer to unite, and prepare the military, which had been growing since 2017 to counter a possible North Korean attack, in case of an invasion. North Korea responded with the threat of invasion and their own preparation of troops to fight South Korea. Russia then condemned the North Korean-IPC relationship and cut all ties with North Korea, building defenses on their border.


2021: North Korea vs. the World[]

North Korea declared war on South Korea, Japan, the United States, Russia, and China in 2021, in light of their condemnation and increased mutual cooperation. The ICP send 10,000 soldiers to help North Korea. Ukraine condemned North Korea's actions and asked NATO to act, but NATO was hesitant due to North Korea's nuclear arsenal. South Korea invaded North Korea with 50,000 men through the DMZ, capturing Kaesong and making small advances along the DMZ. South Korea began a hunt for North Korean tunnels and spies and South Korean defectors. South Korean forces found two tunnels running under the DMZ. Peru condemned North Korea's actions.

Russia invaded North Korea from Vladivostok with 17,000 men and occupied Rason and North Hamgyong Province, as well as successfully bombarded the city of Chongjin. Russian forces combined with Chinese forces and sent supplies and medical treatment to all Chinese, Japanese, and South Korean troops. Russian government officials began to secretly evacuate to bunkers, except Vladimir Putin, who stayed for another year. Russian anti-missile defenses were secretly constructed around Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Vladivostok, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, and Novosibirsk.

2022: Nasty Surprises[]

North Korea began an invasion of Russia, China, and South Korea. The United States sent 4,000 troops to South Korea and 30,000 to Japan to combat North Korea. Namibia and Germany condemned North Korea and Germany offered diplomatic and logistical to the anti-North Korean coalition.

Sino-Russian forces pushed south to occupy Ryanggang Province, Chagang Province, and South Hamgyong Province. They successfully occupied Ryanggang Province, but ran into 400,000 North Korean troops in the other two provinces, and the Sino-Russian force suffered many casualties.

South Korea began building multiple THAADs and small underground shelters in case of a North Korean nuclear strike. A surprise offensive by 300,000 troops towards Pyongyang caught North Korean forces by surprise and pushed 20 kilometers into North Korea. 20 South Korean spies tried to assassinate Kim Jong-Un, but only three fired at him. All three missed, but hit two generals behind Kim Jong-Un. All but seven are captured and executed, while the seven go missing. The South Korean Navy attacked Nampo, South Hwanghae, and North Pyongan Province and South Pyongan Province, destroying most of the defenses on the shores of Nampo and the fleet guarding North Pyongan, while the fleet guarding South Pyongan was able to defend themselves and the results of the attack on South Hwanghae is unknown. Mozambique cut ties with North Korea.

2023: The Noose Tightens[]

North Korea mobilized its nuclear stockpile, aiming for Washington DC, New York City, Mackinaw City Seoul, Moscow, Beijing, and Tokyo. Peru sent some police and army snipers to try to assassinate Kim Jong-Un. Many were caught and executed, but Kim Jong-Un's wife was killed. The remaining spies were tortured and executed and North Korea hit Lima in retaliation, causing Peru's capital to be relocated to Ilo and plunging Peru into civil war and regional conflicts.

Sino-Russian forces successfully occupied Chagang and South Hamgyong, and more than 77,000 troops and 30 tanks were sent to join the invasion. Russia started to launch missiles at Pyongyang and other major cities in North Korea, causing Kim Jong-Un to abandon his citizens and escape to a bunker. Vladimir Putin evacuated to a secret bunker somewhere in Ural Region, along with ministers and staff from the Kremlin are also evacuated. Evacuation efforts began in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Nizhny-Novgorod, Krasnodar, and Kazan in anticipation of nuclear bombs. Mozambique denounced North Korea and imposed an embargo on virtually all goods traded between the two.

Australia declared war on North Korea and prepared 50,000 troops to invade North Korea. New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, UK, France, Canada, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, and the USA agreed to join in the invasion. Laos imposed trade sanctions on North Korea.

South Korea launched a massive push into North Korea with 2.9 million men and 300 tanks, alongside any surviving South Korean forces. As they push north, South Korean forces liberated many prisoner camps, and the South Korean president, Park Geun-Hye, made a final speech before evacuating to a bunker along with the rest of the South Korean populace. South Korean troops then began a five-month long battle for Pyongyang against defending North Korean forces and hostile civilians. Three months into the battle, South Korean forces reached the main plaza and three days later captured the main government building. Many North Korean officials were captured. However, Kim Jong-Un had escaped and a manhunt began for him. As long as Kim Jong-Un was still at large, North Korea could still launch its nuclear missiles and would continue fighting.

The United States moved much of its navy to blockade North Korea, and began to prepare for nuclear war. Air bases were set up along the DMZ, and activated its paramilitary and reserve, increasing the number of US troops in North Korea. US troops fought off desperate North Korean counterattacks while wiping out North Korean outposts.

Ukrainian President Tymoshenko announced that Ukraine would be joining the war and soon after Ukrainian soldiers joined up with South Korean troops and other allied nations to help find the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, as well as capture the remaining countryside and conducted airstrikes on remaining North Korean bases.

Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, UK, France, Canada, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, and new US troops launched an invasion in the southwest and east of North Korea. Quickly defeating any opposition, they started a search for Kim Jong-Un.

2024: Tying Up Loose Ends[]

Kim Jong-Un was found in a bunker under a barn, and was arrested by American and South Korean forces. While being arrested, he triggered the launch of a nuclear missile aimed at America, but it was shot down by a South Korean THAAD and, landing in the Sea of Japan, destroyed Australian, American, Japanese, and South Korean ships, including the USS Nimitz and HMAS Hobart. Kim Jong-Un was brought to the DMZ and the Korean Peace Conference began over what will happen to Kim Jong-Un and North Korea.

Undated Events[]

Chinese forces pushed into North Pyongan Province.


KRC Insurgency[]

See also: Korean Peace Conference (Discord: Map Game)
In 2025, a man called Kim Sung-Un claimed he was the son of Kim Jong-Un and began to recruit members through the Internet and remaining loyalists, calling itself the KCR. Changing its name to the KRC, its members scattered throughout North Korea. A South Korean response found 18,000 KRC members, but Kim Sung-Un was not found. The KRC was not heard from again.

The old land of North Korea was given to South Korea and the Korean Peninsula was reunified. A revolution began in China possibly as a result of the war.