Scottish Republic
[[Image:Flag of Scotland|120px|Flag]] Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Anthem "Scotland the Brave"
Capital Edinburgh
Largest city Glasgow
Language English
Religion 53.8% Christian
Demonym Scottish
Government Federal parliamentary semi-presidential constitutional republic
Vice President
Population 6.507,875 (est. 2030) 
Established April 3, 2021
Independence from the United Kingdom
  declared July 27, 2018
  recognized December 28, 2020
Annexation to United Countries of Earth
  date October 30, 2956
Currency Scottish Plack
Scottish Republic
September 28, 2020–

Flag of Scotland

Scotland the Brave
Capital Edinburgh
Largest city Glasgow
Official languages English
Recognised regional languages Scottish Gaelic
Demonym Scottish
Government Parliamentary semi-presidential republic
President Angus King (2020-2027)
Chancellor Alan Davis
 -  Established 9th century
 -  Union with England May 1, 1707
 -  Devolution November 19, 1998
 -  Independence declared December 23, 2018
 -  Republic formed September 28, 2020
Currency Scottish Plack
Under Construction Scotland (Uncle ggrandpa) is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible. Thank you.

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