
Republic of Scotland
Poblachd o Alba (Scottish Gaelic)

2015 – 2040


"'In My Defens God Me Defend'"
("In my defence God me defend.")


"Flùr na h-Alba"
("Flower of Scotland.")

Capital Edinburgh
Official Languages English and Scottish Gaelic
State Ideology Democracy and Scottish Nationalism
Government Unitary parlimentary republic
Head of State

2035 - 2040


Scott MacGregor

Head of Government

2035 - 2040

Prime Minister

Jo Swinson

Population 24,000,000
Currency Scottish Pound

Scotland, officially Republic of Scotland, was a sovereign state between 2015 and 2040.

It was a member of the UN, OECD and WTO. During World War III, Scotland wasn't directly involved but a supporter state of the Western Coalition1. Scotland co-founded the OAN in 2036 and joined the EU and then the Eurozone in 2037 and 2038 respectively.


Pre-World War III[]

World War III[]

Post-World War III - Pre-The Flood Wars[]

The Flood Wars[]

English-Scottish War[]

Formation of the United Federation of Europe[]



7,950,000 (2015), 10,753,800 (2019), 12,600,000 (2023 census), 14,970,000 (2028 census), 18.000,000 (2033 census), 22,860,000 (2038 census), estimated by 2040: 24,000,000.


In the 2038 census, these were the ethnic groups of people living in Scotland:

  • Scottish 69.3 %
  • Irish 9 %
  • Other British 9.6 %
  • Dutch 4.5 %
  • Nordic 4 %
  • Breton 2.2 %
  • Others 1.4 %


Under the Constitution of the Republic of Scotland, the official languages were English, Scotish Gaelic and Scots, which had to be understood by all the population. As French, German and Spanish were thaught in schools, they were widely spoken.

During WWIII and the Flood Wars, the waves of immigrants brought other languages to the country. According to 2038 census, Irish, the ancestor of Scottish Gaelic, had over 2 million speakers, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish had over 1 milion speakers each and Breton and Welsh had over 500,000 speakers each.


In the 2038 census, these were the religions to which Scots were affiliated:

  • Presbyterianism 52 %
  • Roman Catholic 8 %
  • Other Christian 4.5 %
  • Buddhism 1.6 %
  • Judaism 1.4 %
  • Reformed Islam 1.2 %
  • Neopaganism 13 %
  • Other religions 4.3 %
  • Agnostic 9 %
  • Atheist 5 %