
Timeline: 16's New Universe

OTL equivalent: Pakistan, Bangladesh
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of Republic of Pakistan
Location of Republic of Pakistan

("Faith, Unity, Discipline")

Anthem "The National Anthem"
Capital Lahore
Largest city Karachi
Language Urdu, English
Religion Islam
Demonym Pakistani
Government Full Presidential Republic
President .
Vice President .
Population 218,445,000 Million
Established 14 August, 1947
Independence from The United Kingdom
  declared 14 August, 1947
  recognized Immediately
Currency Pakistani Dollar

Pakistan, officially the Republic of Pakistan, is a sovereign state in South Asia. Following the 2022 coup d'etat, it became the Republic of Pakistan, and became allied more closely with America & The European Union. The coup d'etat leader also defeated terrorism and restored peace in the Nation. Most Western Countries now consider Pakistan an ally, rather than evil.