After the disaster and confusion that was Windows 8. Microsoft elected a new CEO Satya Nadella. He has been instrumental in changing the company to compete in the cloud.
Windows 9[]
Windows 9 brought together all the features that Windows 8 tried to do. No more silly Windows 8 RT, or Windows 8.1 (to make things work better). Every device synced seamlessly with Windows 9 and it was faster than Windows 8. If you had a tablet, PC, hybrid, or Windows Phone, you could easily switch between screen and get all the work that you were doing automatically.
Furthermore, Windows 9 focused on voice activated technology, Skype functionality, and fingerprint security systems.
Windows Phone 9[]
Windows Phone 8 was generally well received, by the folks who decided to try it out. It was not widely known in the tech industry despite being "The third mobile OS." Windows Phone 9 however, looked a lot like the desktop version. This unique blend originally attracted consumers to Windows Phones. That and it was really cheap! New models were sold starting at $100. That's more than half the price of their competitors. Windows Phone 9 enjoyed a huge market share in Europe and the Middle East. Americans soon started getting on board by the end of 2015 and by 2017 Windows Phones dominated the smartphone industry!
Push to Screen Technology[]
Microsoft also perfected "Push to Screen" gesture technology. Making it easy to move screens around on other devices that were running Windows.
Windows 10[]
Windows 10 is Microsoft's first all inclusive cloud operating system. All you needed was a 32KB file to install it onto any basic computer. Everything else was set up via MS servers and Cortana. It is backwards compatible with most PCs, tablets, and laptops.