Welcome to the Future!
the free speculative site anyone can edit!
11,247 articles and counting.
Since January 27th, 2005

Space Exploration
Space Exploration
Map Game
Map Games
Wars & Conflicts
Wars and Conflicts

What Are We?

The Future Wiki is a vast database of ideas pertaining to the discipline of futurology, including scientific articles, futuristic scenarios, and map games for all to ponder and enjoy.

We are both speculative and scientific, recognizing the importance of scientific accuracy and practical realism, as well as that of drastic points of divergence in the creation of our scenarios.

Our guide to futurology provides an in-depth introduction to the discipline of futurology, and our guidelines are a quick guide to get you started. Please read one of these before making ANY edits.

MP Featured article This month's featured article: FIFA World Cup (Future of Football)

If there’s one thing that brings humanity together, it’s probably not sports, but it’s probably in the Top 10! One of the biggest sporting events that fans look forward to every four years is the FIFA World Cup. Whether you call it soccer or football, overtime we see teams rise and fall. Well, over the next 1,048 years, there’ll probably be rises and falls of teams across not just the world, but the solar system and beyond. With the timeline ever progressing forward, currently at 3070, this scenario is open for everyone to edit, so why not pick a tournament you like and make an article for it, or even create the next one. Who knows? Maybe it’ll be the next featured one. Nominations for next month’s featured article open on February 14, 2023, so come back then!

The Discipline of Futurology

  • Enter the world of futurology.
  • Understand the basic concepts that futurologists must adhere to.
  • Gain tips for how to write articles.
  • Avoid the classic pitfalls in this discipline.

The Standard Timeline

  • See how futurologists classify the future into various categories.
  • Glimpse the variety of change in various areas of the future.
  • Immediately find the most important articles that need improvement.
  • Immerse yourself in the complexity of the articles branching out from the standard timeline.
Future Tree (Blurred Edges)

Affiliated wikis:

Alternate History WikiAlternate Future WikiThe Future of Europes WikiThe Second Renaissance WikiFuture Wiki (Miraheze)