
The United Republic of India is a nation of South Asia. 


Singh Ministry (2021-2024)[]

November 28th, 2021, was a day for many Indians to remember forever, on this day, a terrorist attack occurred in New Delhi. A series of underground bombs along the Sansad Marg went off, damaging many important government buildings such as the Sansad Bhavan and Reserve Bank of India. Over 1,071 people die in the initial attack with thousands more injured. Of these 1,071, 120 were members of the Indian Parliament. The rest of the Indian Parliament were either unaccounted for or injured. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was pronounced missing. Government officials were quick to put the blame on what they call "Kashmiri radicals." It is often considered the Indian 9/11. Indian intelligence would later report that these terrorists were in fact former Taliban members.

On December 5th, 2021, after a week of searching, Modi is pronounced dead. Per Indian Constitution, President Ram Nath Kovind appoints Minister of Defense Rajnath Singh as Interim PM and Modi's Council of Ministers was dissolved. This contributed further to Indian economic downturn.

Two weeks later, on December 14th, 2021, Singh announced that he will keep Modi's policies regarding Kashmir and possibly add more restrictions where possible. This draws mass criticism from across the globe, given how horrible treatment of the Kashmiris has been for the last 2 years. Many analysts worried that this might mean actual concentration camps. Pakistani PM Imran Khan would earn Singh not to do so, and that there would be grave consequences if he does so. On March 14th, 2022, satellite images report a military buildup from both Pakistan and India at the Kashmiri border, three months after Singh's appointment as PM.

June 6th, 2022, after three months of tension and military stationing, resulted in a shoot off between India and Pakistan. 34 are reported dead, with 68 more reported injured. The cause was reported to be accidental fire by a rookie Indian soldier, he is quickly taken off the border and back to New Delhi. There would be more instances like this over the next couple of years.