This map game is now archived as an Inactive Map Game.

Notes: If you want to see the archive of Original Future Map Game 2, see here.

The last three Future Map Games turned out in disaster so here is a new one. Here is an intro:

A Map Game is a page where a user directs a country, faction or species. During the game, a regular map is posted to show the size of everyone's country. Each user can expand, declare war, ally themselves with others, and explore! Now as you can see there were several "issues" with the previous Future Map Game so I had to revise this one. (Copied from Future Map Game Revised)

Important Content/Rules

For those new to this kind of game, I'll post some rules.


  • NO racial slurs or foul language, otherwise, you will be banned.
  • Please remain civil.
  • If you do not post for more then 10 turns your nation will be taken away from you and it will be available for other people to take
  • Conflicts will be decided by the War Algorithm.
  • Please please please be plausible! This is a must if you want to play this game! If you do not post plausibly, your implausible edit will be deleted. Which means:
  • Both parties must agree to an alliance/treaty/barter.
  • If you feel that you have been unfairly treated, please write your complaint in the comments.
  • Only the Head-Mod and game creator can appoint new mods and the map mod.
  • The game creator's word overrides all others.
  • The Head-Mod's word overrides all others except for the game creator.
  • Only the Head-Mod and Emergency Mod can start new turns. If a new turn has not be started within 24 hours, the Emergency Mod will start a new turn.
  • Every turn is one year until 2200 where it becomes ten years then in 2300 it turns to 20 years
  • A new turn starts every 24 hours.
  • Mods are able to create random events and will represent a NPC nation (i.e. Mongolia isn't going to sign its land over to Pakistan or something stupid like that), Mods also help to make that implausible stuff doesn't happen.
  • After you do 3 implausibilities you are banned from the game.
  • Every 25 years are to be archived to limit the amount scrolling that needs to be done to get to the latest year. Be sure to check back once in a while to ensure proper continuity!
  • Please, I must implore of you, if you plan to play this game, be active and check back each day!
  • This isn't a rule, but I'd like to encourage you to put your country's flag before your turn on the bullet list.
  • Have Fun!

(This is also copied and pasted from Future Map Game Revised, Future Map Game 2 and Humanity's Course, but with some rules and minor edits added in)


You have to apply to be a mod. Apply below, stating why you want to be mod.




Just add your country here, feel free to join

Fallen/Merged/Occupied Nations

  • Bangladesh (Merged with India)
  • Oman (Merged with Saudi Arabia to become Arab Confederacy)
  • Yemen (Merged with Saudi Arabia to become Arab Confederacy)
  • Nepal (Merged with India)
  • Russia (Merged into Eurasian Union)
  • Belarus (Merged into Eurasian Union)
  • Kazakhstan (Merged into Eurasian Union)
  • Armenia (Merged into Eurasian Union)
  • Azerbaijan (Merged into Eurasian Union)
  • Kyrgyzstan (Merged into Eurasian Union)
  • Tajikistan (Merged into Eurasian Union)
  • Bhutan (Merged with Bharat)
  • Saudi Arabia: (Made Arab Confederacy)
  • Mongolia: (Merged with China, has special privileges)
  • Sri Lanka (Merged into India as special autonomous region)
  • Malaysia (Merged into ASEAN)
  • Indonesia (Merged into ASEAN)
  • Philippines (Merged into ASEAN)
  • East Timor (Merged into ASEAN)
  • Thailand (Merged into ASEAN)
  • Cambodia (Merged into ASEAN)
  • Myanmar (Merged into ASEAN)
  • Papua New Guinea (Merged into ASEAN)
  • Solomon Islands (Merged into ASEAN)
  • Palau (Merged into ASEAN)
  • Vanuatu (Merged into ASEAN)
  • Laos (Merged into ASEAN)
  • Vietnam (Merged into ASEAN)
  • Hainan Province (Invaded and annexed by ASEAN; placed into Vietnamese Province)
  • Yunnan Province (Invaded and annexed by ASEAN; placed into Burmese Province)
  • Serbia (Become Neo Yugoslavia)
  • Montenegro (Referendum to join Neo Yugoslavia)
  • Macedonia (Invaded and annexed by Neo Yugoslavia)
  • Kosovo (Invaded and annexed by Neo Yugoslavia)
  • Japan (Surrender to China after invaded)
  • Belgium (Merged with Netherlands)
  • Luxembourg (Merged with Netherlands)
  • Bahamas (Invaded by Netherlands)
  • ASEAN (Dissolved into multiple nations)
  • Australia (Become Greater Oceania)
  • New Zealand (Merged to Greater Oceania)
  • Vanuatu (Merged to Greater Oceania)
  • Fiji (Merged into Greater Oceania)
  • Timor (Merged into Greater Oceania)
  • Indonesia (Merged into Greater Oceania)
  • Malaysia (Merged into Greater Oceania)
  • Thailand (Merged into Greater Oceania)
  • Solomon Islands (Merged into New Guinea)
  • Chinese Japan (Liberated by the US and Australia)
  • United Kingdom (Split into: Cornwall, South England, North England, Scotland, Wales, Manx and Ireland)
  • Hawaii (Invaded by Japan)
  • Monaco (Invaded by France)
  • Guernsey & Jersey (Invaded by France)
  • Andorra (Invaded by France)
  • Bermuda (Invaded by Netherlands)
  • Alaska (Invaded by Eurasian Union)
  • Estonia (Invaded by Eurasian Union)
  • Finland (Invaded by Eurasian Union)


World War 3

Conflict Years Side One Side Two Result

World War 3

2018 - ... (ongoing)

Flag of NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
or Saigon Pact (2019)

  • Flag of the United States United States
  • Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
    • England (2021-
  • Flag of South Korea South Korea
  • Flag of JapanJapan (2018-2020, 2021-...)
  • Flag of Australia Australia (2018-2021, 2021-...)
  • Flag of Pakistan Pakistan (2018)
  • Flag of Israel Israel
  • Flag of Turkey Turkey
  • Flag of Taiwan Taiwan (2018-2020)
  • Flag of Canada Canada (2018-2023)
  • Flag of Sweden Sweden
  • Flag of Italy Italy
  • Flag of New Zealand New Zealand
  • Flag of Colombia Colombia
  • Flag of Chile Chile
  • Flag of Morocco Morocco
  • Flag of Kenya Kenya
  • Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo DR. Congo
  • Flag of Ireland Ireland
  • Flag of Belgium Belgium
  • Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands (2018-2020)
  • Flag of Norway Norway
  • Flag of Spain Spain
  • Flag of Portugal Portugal
  • Flag of Austria Austria (2018-2022)
  • Flag of ASEAN ASEAN (2019-2020)

Eastern Defense Bloc

  • Flag of Poland Poland
  • Flag of Ukraine Ukraine (2018-2022)
  • Flag of Hungary Hungary (2018-2023)
  • Flag of Romania Romania (2018-2023)
  • Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria
  • Flag of the Czech Republic Czech Republic
  • Flag of Slovakia Slovakia (2018-2023)
  • Flag of Slovenia Slovenia
  • Flag of Croatia Croatia
  • Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Flag of Montenegro Montenegro (2018-2020)
  • Flag of Macedonia Macedonia (2018-2020)
  • Flag of Kosovo Kosovo (2018-2020)
  • Flag of Albania Albania
  • Flag of Greece Greece
  • Flag of Cyprus Cyprus
  • Flag of Estonia Estonia (2018-2022)
  • Flag of Latvia Latvia (2018-2022)
  • Flag of Lithuania Lithuania (2018-2022)
  • Flag of Denmark Denmark
  • Flag of Finland Finland (2018-2022)

Shanghai Pact

  • Flag of China (2058-2108) Democratic Republic of China
  • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svg Eurasian Union
  • Flag of North Korea North Korea
  • Flag of India India
  • Flag of Iran Iran
  • Flag of Germany Germany
  • Flag of Serbia Neo-Yugoslavia
  • Flag of Cuba Cuba
  • Flag of Venezuela Venezuela
  • Flag of Syria Syria
  • Flag of Egypt Egypt
  • Flag of ASEAN ASEAN (2020-...)
  • NET Netherlands (2021-...)
  • Flag of Latvia Latvia (2022-...)
  • Flag of Lithuania Lithuania (2022-...)
  • Flag of Hungary Hungary (2023-...)
  • Flag of Romania Romania (2023-...)


Invasion of Pakistan


Flag of China (2058-2108) Democratic Republic of China

  • Flag of the People's Republic of China People's Republic of China (2018)

Flag of India India

Flag of Pakistan Pakistan

Supported by:

  • Flag of the United States United States

Pakistan divided into Indian territory (South) and Chinese territory (North)

ASEAN Invasion of China



Flag of China (2058-2108) China
Flag of North Korean Rebels 2 North Korea

ASEAN annexed Province of Yunnan and Hainan

Israeli-Arab War


Flag of Iran Iran
Flag of Syria Syria
Flag of Egypt Egypt
Flag of Palestine Palestine

Supported by:

  • Flag of China (2058-2108) China
  • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svg Eurasian Union
  • Flag of Iraq Iraq

Flag of Israel Israel
Flag of the United States United States


Second Korean War


Flag of North Korean Rebels 2 North Korea

Supported by:

  • Flag of China (2058-2108) China
  • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svg Eurasian Union

Flag of South Korea South Korea

Supported by:

  • Flag of Japan Japan (2020-2021, 2021-...)
  • Flag of the United States United States
  • Flag of Taiwan Taiwan (2020)
  • Flag of Australia Australia (2020-2021, 2021-...)
  • Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
  • Flag of Canada Canada

Invasion of Taiwan

2020 Democratic Republic of China


Supported by:

  • United States
Taiwan fully merged into China

Invasion of the Bahamas

2021 NET Netherlands


Supported by:

  • N/A
Bahamas become Overseas territory of Netherlands

Dutch Invasion of Florida (part of Invasion of the U.S Mainland)

2019- NET Netherlands

United States

Supported by:

  • N/A
English - French Aggression War 2022-

Flag of France France

Flag of England South England
North England

Invasion of Eastern Europe 2022-

Flag of the Eurasian Union.svg Eurasian Union
Flag of China (2058-2108) China
Flag of Germany Germany
Flag of Serbia Neo-Yugoslavian government in-exile
Flag of Moldova Moldova
Flag of Latvia Latvia (2022-...)
Flag of Lithuania Lithuania (2022-...)
Flag of Hungary Hungary (2023-...)

Eastern Defense Bloc

  • Flag of Poland Poland
  • Flag of Ukraine Ukraine (2022)
  • Flag of Hungary Hungary (2022-2023)
  • Flag of Romania Romania (2022-2023)
  • Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria
  • Flag of the Czech Republic Czech Republic (2022)
  • Flag of Slovakia Slovakia (2022-2023)
  • Flag of Slovenia Slovenia
  • Flag of Croatia Croatia
  • Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Flag of Albania Albania
  • Flag of Greece Greece
  • Flag of Cyprus Cyprus
  • Flag of Estonia Estonia (2022)
  • Flag of Latvia Latvia (2022)
  • Flag of Lithuania Lithuania (2022)
  • Flag of Denmark Denmark
  • Flag of Finland Finland (2022)
Ongoing, with Ukraine, Finland and Estonia under Eurasian control, and Lithuania and Latvia joining the Shanghai Pact
Invasion of the U.S. Mainland 2022-...

Flag of the Eurasian Union.svg Eurasian Union Flag of China (2058-2108) China
Flag of North Korean Rebels 2 North Korea
Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands
Flag of Japan Japan
Flag of Cuba Cuba

Supported by:

  • Flag of Germany Germany
  • Flag of Iran Iran
  • Flag of India India
  • Flag of Serbia Neo-Yugoslavia
    • Neo-Yugoslavian government in-exile.
  • other members of Shanghai Pact

Flag of the United States United States

Supported by:

  • Flag of Canada Canada (2022-2023)
  • Flag of England South England
  • North England
  • Flag of Australia Australia
  • Flag of New Zealand New Zealand
  • Flag of South Korea South Korea
  • Flag of Colombia Colombia
  • Flag of NATO NATO



  • India India: We ask Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to merge with us because they could benefit greatly from us and could gain substantial technological advancements (Mod Response Needed). We start improving our economy, financial industry and manufacturing business.
  • Mod Response: Bangladesh accept the offer, due to them being in a time of crisis, but Sri Lanka decline, wishing to continue its independence.
  • Flag of Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia:We continue fighting ISIS.We ask the UAE and Oman to join us into the Arab Confederacy.Yemen is also invited. (Mod Response). The Saudis (soon to be Arabs) request alliances with the Eurasian Union,Democratic China,and Democratic North Korea as well as requesting an alliance with Iran (Mod Response needed)
  • Mod Response: Oman and Yemen accept the offer, but UAE decline respectfully, stating they want to keep their independence.
  • Arab D:is excited that the Confederacy exists.Attacks ISIS and requests Iranian help and the previous countries that alliances were offered to aid us offering Chinese help in regaining Taiwan and North Korean help in unifying Korea (All Players Please respond)
  • Flag of North KoreaNorth Korea: We have received reports that there is an uprising, we send 100,000 troops to put down the rebels. We continue manufacturing nukes.
  • Flag of the United States.svg USA: Donald Trump won the election back in 2016. He has sent troops into Iraq and Isis will likely fall by next year. The Iran deal has been repealed and sanctions have snapped back in place.
  • India India: We ask Nepal if they would like to merge with us, because we could improve their economy, help their population grow and would improve their HDI (Human development index) (Mod Response Needed). We start building more tanks and aircraft, because current tensions with China and Pakistan are extremely high, one wrong move and WW3 will start. We also start to build another batch of 100 nuclear and biological weapons. We ask Arab Confederacy for an alliance (Arab Response Needed).
  • Mod Response: Nepal accept the offer, but request that their citizens will be eligible for presidency (India Response Needed).
  • India: We accept their request.
  • Flag of Iran Iran: We start building military, by recruit more troops and add more tanks, airplanes, and equipment. We continue aiding Syrian Government to fight ISIS. We ask China, North Korea, and Russia for a better relation by formal alliance and mutual defense. [Nations Response Needed].
    • Flag of RussiaRussia: We accept the request.
    • North Korea: We agree.
  • Flag of South Africa.svgSouth Africa: Civil unrest begins to arise in our country ahead of next year's general elections.
  • Flag of RussiaRussia: We begin nuclear warhead production as tensions in Asia are quite high. We begin urbanizing our eastern territories, and plan for a mega city in Siberia by 2020. We plan to send another mission to the Moon, to survey the satellite and see if there are any resources there. We are concerned about the situation that may lead to a Sino-Indian war. We ask Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Uzbekistan, Krygyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbajian and Georgia for a merger to create the Eurasian Union, and we also tell the world we do not intend to create another Soviet Union, but want to unite Eurasia, also the participating countries will remain autonomous. (Mod Response Needed)
  • Mod Response: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Belarus accept the offer. Break-away states South Ossetia, Dotentsk and Luhansk ask to join the union. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania decline for their own respective reasons.
  • NKrepflag North Korea: Kim Jong Un was killed in a coup, and democracy has reigned over North Korea, as its very first president, Jisoo Lee, is inaugurated on October 15th, 2018. Kim propaganda is currently being phased out, and the economy is starting to fare better, thanks to improvement. The electrical grid is being repaired, and the Internet has finally been brought to North Korea. No longer will North Korea be known as "the Hermit Kingdom". However, Jisoo Lee has stated that he is going to stay allied with Russia and Iran, regardless of what America says, and that nukes will be continued to be produced, but only one more will be made.
  • Mod Event: New Caledonia's Independence referendum succeeds, with 67% demanding independence, 23% against it and 10% did not vote. In fear of China, Bhutan asks to merge with India (India Response Needed).
  • India India: We change our name to Bharat and accept the offers from Bhutan to join us. (Will add more later...)
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:A coup takes place and the earlier members of the communist are killed. The new president Feng Shui has implemented an act stating China to become a democratic republic. We wish to enhance ties with Iran, Russia and North Korea.[Players Response needed]as of our ties with India,we wish to seek more peace as we propose a Sino-Indian treaty of Friendship and we would like to trade for Resources. We are, however, not in terms with the U.S.A as they have placed sanctions on our ally Iran. We propose that Mongolia merge with us [Mod response needed][ TOP SECRET] we have made an Invasion plan to invade Pakistan. They were our allies before but with us supporting India we will attack Pakistan to ensure the safety of Indians and The Chinese. We request Financial and Military Support From India [India response needed][TOP SECRET]
    • Mod Response: They accept the merger, but want special privileges.
  • 1024px-Flag of Poland.svgPoland:  We continue to improve our economy and invest heavily in green energy to decrease our reliance on foreign oil.  We also begin to modernize and increase the size of our army and navy. We also begin to fortify the border with Kaliningrad and Belarus. To protect ourselves we secretly begin construction of a nuclear weapon. We tell the world not to trust the Russians and form a new military and free trade union called the Eastern Defense Bloc(EDB) that will be independent of NATO and the EU. We invite Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovenia, and Croatia to join this new alliance to prevent future Eurasian expansion(Mod Response needed).
    • Mod Response: All except Germany and Moldova accept to form new alliance. Germany declined politely the offer but they will give them financial support. Meanwhile, Moldova declined because they want to stay neutral.
  • India India: (Secret to China) We tell China we will help them and provide them with financial and military support on 1 condition, we get South Pakistan and Aksai Chin (China Response Needed). We ask Sri Lanka to merged again because they could benefit greatly from the merger (Mod Response Needed).
    • Mod Response: Sri Lanka finally accept to merge with India, as autonomous community (like Andaman and Nicobar Islands).
  • NKrepflagNorth Korea: We begin phasing out Kim propaganda by knocking all the statues down save for 3, which are reminders of the Kim regime. We also completely change the North Korean curriculum, in order to eradicate any lies fabricated by the Kim family present on the textbooks. We ask for a formal alliance with Russia, Iran and China, and we refuse to recognize the legitimacy of the Eastern Defense Bloc created by Poland.
    • Iranian Diplomacy: We accept to continue our alliance.
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:[TOP SECRET]we accept your condition of getting south pakistan and akshai chin. the invasion plan is set for 2019[TOP SECRET]'.'and as for the privileges of Mongolia, we accept the condition. they will be 1.A Mongolian citizen will have a chance to run for presidency. 2. Their ideals and practices can be used. 3.your language will be added as an official language.do you accept[Mod response needed][to North Korea]We accept your proposal for an alliance. We would like to trade with you. we would also like to give financial support of 5 million yuan as a mark of our warm relations[North Korea response needed]. We refuse to accept the recognition of the Eastern Defense Bloc as it is directly against our friend Eurasian Union. We propose an alliance to counter this and the NATO. It will be known as SMDPCO (Shanghai-Moscow-Delhi-Pyongyang Cooperation Organisation)We invite India, Eurasian Union, North Korea, Iran, Brazil and Cuba[Players response and mod response needed].we triple our defense budget. We are trying to decrease pollution by Placing filter on the chimneys so the smoke is filtered.
    • Iranian Diplomacy: We accept to join the alliance.
    • Mod Response: Brazil and Cuba accept to join the alliance. Syria, Serbia, Venezuela, Vietnam and Laos ask to join. [Response Needed].
    • Chinese Dip:We welcome Brazil, Cuba and Iran to the alliance. we also welcome Syria, Venezuela, Serbia, Vietnam and Laos to our alliance. We provide Military support to Syria against ISIS. We would like to conduct a Pentangular Military Exercise with India,Iran,Eurasian Union and North Korea.[Players response needed]
    • North Korea: We accept the deal. 
    • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svg Eurasian Union: We accept
  • Flag of Iran Iran: We ask Turkmenistan and Afghanistan for non-aggression pact. [Response Needed]. We continue buildup our economy and military, and continue fight ISIS, we ask Eurasian Union to continue intervene in Syria. [Eurasia Response Needed]. [Secret] As US has repealed their sanction, we continue developing nuclear bomb. [End Secret]. We won't help to invade Pakistan as we have good relation with them. We also won't say anything about newly formed alliance Eastern Defense Bloc.

Mod Event: Guyana and Moldova lose to their communist parties and communist Guyana and Moldova ask to join SMDCPO (China Response Needed).

  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:We welcome the nations Guyana and Moldova to our alliance. We are conducting a meeting with the members of the Alliance.[TOP SECRET] We start weaponizing our nuclear weapons for the invasion of Pakistan as a last resort. We also start building Artificial islands in South China Sea.[END SECRET]. We warn the U.S.A of intervening in the South China Sea as it is not your business.and we warn Taipei of the consequences of Going against us as it will lead to war. The U.S.A has intervened in our business and in our allies business. We decide to stop using the petrodollar. We have started a new currency called the APDC(Anti PetroDollar Currency).we Tell all the countries of our alliance to use this currency to lessen the dependence of the petrodollar.[Players and Mod response needed).
  • India India: We ask China if we could create one currency for SMDCPO, called the communist Dollar (China Response Needed).
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:Communist Dollar is a good name since The U.S is Capitalist.


Mod Event: Angola, Lesotho, Madagascar, Montenegro, Albania and Burkina Faso Communist parties all succeed and ask to Join the organisation (China Response Needed).

  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:We welcome all the countries who wish to join our alliance. The oppression of the NATO and U.S.A must come to an end. We have started the invasion plan of Pakistan. With the help of the Indian soldiers, we successfully conquered Sindh, Punjab, Rawalpindi and are moving swiftly towards the Capital, Islamabad.but the elite forces stopped the combined Indian and Chinese forces. but after months of fighting,Islamabad was captured and South Pakistan which include Sindh,Punjab and Karachi is annexed by the Indians while Balochisthan, Paschtunistan, Islamabad and the rest of Pakistan  was annexed by China. We Rename the Alliance to the Shanghai Pact. And let this invasion be a message to Taipei that we will declare war if threatened.[Secret]with ships disguised as fisherman boats we send Nuclear weapons to Cuba and weaponized it so that if U.S.A declare war we will fire these Missiles and they can't retaliate because it will be too late[Secret].
    • US response: in response to the annexation of Pakistan, the Trump Administration has placed sanctions on China.
    • mod response: pakistan launched its nukes at Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Shenzhen, Three Georges Dam, and the other 102 nukes devastate chinese and indian cities. The Pakistani president has fled to Saudi Arabia for the time being.
  • India India: We continue to upgrade our financial structure and economy. After long talks with Myanmar, we ask China if Myanmar could become a member of Shanghai Pact (China Response Needed). We start to reduce crime and disease in Hyderabad, Calcutta, Mumbai, Delhi, New Delhi, Colombo, Kathmandu and Karachi.
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:We accept your opinion and has formally invited Myanmar to join the Shanghai Pact[Mod Response Needed]. We are trying to send a man to the moon for the first time in Chinese History. if it goes well we'll be planning to send a manned mission to Mars.[Secret]We have Developed a new Technology that enhances a Human Being's Strength and Intelligence and they will be known as Super Soldiers. This Procedure will happen only in 2030 and we are keeping it secret for the time being [End Secret].
    • Mod Response: Myanmar formally joins the Shanghai Pact. Bir Tawil is taken under administration by The UN.
  • Saudi Arabia: After a few quite years, we have risen to the stage again. We make army service compulsory for at least 5 years, we ask Qatar for a merger, but we say they can still host the World Cup, we ask for alliances with Jordan, Palestine, USA and the UK. (Mod and USA Responses Required)
    • US dip: The US will agree to protect Saudi Arabia from Iran,

this is crossed out because Saudi Arabia is now the Arab Confederacy.

  • Flag of BrazilBrazil: We rise to the world stage once again, starting with a tax reform consolidating the different taxes into a single-rate value-added tax to improve the efficiency of the economy. The process of this will be slow but in the end will benefit our nation heavily. (Mod Response Needed)
  • Mod Event: Isis has been completely driven out of Iraq. In retribution, a radical muslim pilot flew a plane into the Willis tower and another flew into the Empire state building. Both towers collapsed and thousands died. In response to China's stances against the US, Russia has offered an alliance [Russia response needed]
  • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svg Eurasian Union: We accept.
  • Flag of the United States.svg USA: Donald trump gives a speech showing condolences for the victims. The flag has been ordered half mast for a week. Meanwhile, Trump is happy to announce that Mosul has been liberated and Isis is gone from Iraq. We ask other countries to also take a stance against China [countries and mod responses needed].
  • Flag of Malaysia Malaysia: We improve our economy and financial structure and begin building solar power statiins across the country. We ask all Members of ASEAN + East Timor, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Palau and the Solomon Islands for a full political union/merge into one nation (Mod Response Needed). We accept the U.S proposal and we ask for a strong alliance with them because any day we could be invaded by China (Urgent United States Response Needed). We also ask them to invade Cuba if tensions increase an higher (United States Response Needed).
    • Flag of the United States.svg USA: We accept and the Trump Administration is making plans to move 10,000 troops into the country
  • Mod Response: Philippines, Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Islands and East Timor accept the proposal to fight against China. Myanmar choose not to ratify the agreement with the Shanghai Pact, and choose to merge into ASEAN. Laos & Vietnam won't betray the Shanghai Pact, so they decline.
  • South Africa: We ask Lesotho and Swaziland to join us, we claim to be a third alliance, and that war is inevitable between the USA and China. We make army service compulsory for at least 5 years. (Mod Response Required)
    • Mod Response: Sorry Sepron, Aiothai is playing as South Africa.
  • ASEAN ASEAN: We ask Laos, Vietnam and Vanuatu to join ASEAN (Mod Response Needed). (Secret to Laos and Vietnam) We tell the two nations that if they side with China now, once the war is over, China will absorb them anyway (End Secret). We ask any nation against China for a strong alliance (Responses Needed). Also, the Filipino President who insulted the president of the United States, Rodrigo Duterte, has been assassinated, most likely by a Chinese Spy.
  • Mod Response: Vanuatu, Laos and Vietnam accept the offer. Taiwan, Canada, Turkey, Italy, Czech, Japan, Jordan, France and Germany accept to fight against China & have an alliance.
  • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svg Eurasian Union: We recognize the Eastern Defense Bloc, so we tell them that we have no intention for Eurasian Expansion (for now......) (Secret to all except Shanghai Pact) We tell them that we will have our nukes ready to fire at American cities once the time has come. In the meantime, we start transferring our warheads disguised as oil tankers to Vladivostok. We start encrypting communications so no one will detect them. (End Secret)
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China: We are very saddened to hear the terror attacks and wants to inform you that there was no interruption from the Chinese because we don't want to kill Innocent civilians. We condemn  the ASEAN for rallying against us.[Secret][to Eurasian Union]we tell you that we have our nukes ready to fire at U.S.A in Cuba,our ally.just say the word and the U.S.A will be history.[End Secret].We will conduct a meeting of the Shanghai Pact Countries Next year at Ufa.[Secret][To Eurasian Union and Serbia]expect a war from the NATO and ASEAN. We recommend you mobilize your troops and request the Eurasian Union to send more soldiers to Serbia.[End Secret].We will give 1 million yuan as condolences for the families who lost their lives in the attack in the U.S.[U.S.A response needed].
    • US Dip: we thank the chinese for the yuan and make the sanctions and allow foreign aid to enter the country as a result.
  • Mod Event: Syrian Civil War is over with stalemate result. Syria now became stabilized and look preparing for the next war. Tensions between Turkey and Iran is increased, after Turkish troops killed some Iranian in East Turkey. Pakistan asked for support after being pushed by Chinese and Indian troops.
  • Flag of Iran Iran: We continue building our military. [Secret] Our nuclear bombs are built, and we will save them to nuke Israel.[End Secret]. We criticism Turkey's action for killing our civilians. We tell Arab Confederacy, Turkey, and other Middle Eastern nations to don't worry about us. We are Muslim nations.
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:We are indeed shocked by the nukes hitting our land and Our allies land. We begin to evacuate people from the nuke-hit areas. We will rebuild the three gorges dam,shanghai and Guanzhou and Shenzen and we have indeed done the impossible. We have retreated our soldiers from Pakistan. then without warning,we fire the nuclear weapons at Islamabad, Balochisthan and Paschunistan. The nuclear missile hits the mark and Pakistan is nothing but just Dust. We send in Our soldiers to Take Pakistan. The Annexation of Pakistan is over. 
  • NKrepflagNorth Korea: We are shocked by the nukes hitting China, and we immediately see a quarter of the North Korean population volunteering to help China and India rebuild. We have restored electricity to all parts of North Korea, and Kim propaganda has been removed from all public places, and we begin to remove Internet censorship in North Korea, and we create an Anti-Corruption government sector to remove all the corruption. Our economy is now booming at an incredible rate, and our GDP per person now is starting to skyrocket from the poverty of the Kim regime to standards rivaling countries like China and Brazil. President Jisoo Lee's approval ratings are skyrocketing. President Lee officially decrees that all political and religious prisoners of the Kim regime will be released and given 25 billion North Korean won ($12.3 million, C$26.7 million) as an apology for wrongly imprisoning them. 
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:We thank North Korea for standing with us At the time of crisis. We heavily criticize Trump's Mexican Wall,which led to Mexico falling in the hands of a Drug cartel. We also congratulate North Korea in their Speedy developments. We would like to sign a Non-Aggression pact with ASEAN [ASEAN response needed].
  • MOD EVENT: As a result of Trump's Mexican wall, Mexico succumbs to a drug cartel, and all the civilians are trying to escape Mexico to South America. This causes Brazil to get flooded by Mexican refugees who are escaping the oppressive government of the drug cartel. 
  • 1024px-Flag of Poland.svgPoland:  We continue to improve our economy and invest heavily in green energy to decrease our reliance on foreign oil. We also begin to modernize and increase the size of our army and navy.We announce that next year the EDB will be holding a large military exercise in Eastern Ukraine We also begin to fortify the border with Kaliningrad and Belarus. To protect ourselves we secretly begin construction of a nuclear weapon. We are not very reassured by Eurasian promises. With tensions increasing around the world we look to expand our alliance and invite Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, and Austria to the EDB and send another invite to Germany because war seems certain. Also with the Moldovan fall to communism and joining our enemies we ask all our allies that border them to help us enforce a blockade to strangle their new government( Mod responses).   
    • Mod Response: Finland, Denmark, Greece, Macedonia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina accept to join the alliance. Austria declined respectfully because of their neutrality, but they are still possibly to join. Sweden and Norway also declined politely. Meanwhile, Serbia has already in Shanghai Pact so they declined. Albania and Montenegro would like to join the alliance. [Poland Response Needed]
  • Flag of Arabian Confederacy Arabs:Now a Secret member of the Shanghai Pact we request to aid North Korea if they aid us in the war against ISIS.(NK Response Needed). We secretly also request the other members of the Pact's help in conquering the UAE. We request that the Persian Gulf States (Bahrain,Qatar, and Kuwait) join us.Keep Arabia United!!We kill the Pakistani Government secretly after pretending to set them free to cause anarchy in India and China.
    • Iranian Diplomacy: (Secret) We ask for support to invade Israel, we want liberate Palestine from them. [Arab Response Needed]
    • Arab D:We accept to give support if Iran helps us Annex the UAE.(Iran Response needed)
    • Chinese Dip:(Secret)We will help you to Annex UAE in return for full membership in the shanghai pact and declining U.S.A's request. We also thank you for killing the Pakistani government because they caused such a nuisance.[End Secret].
    • Arabs D:To USA no and to China ok (I wanted full membership in the pact to begin with).
    • Chinese dip:We welcome the Arabs warmly and the prime minister Feng shui states that"This is indeed a joyous moment for Sino-Arab relations".We give 5 million Yuan as a token of gratitude.[Secret]We will you 50,000 soldiers,tanks,missiles and other Equipment for your war against U.A.E[End Secret][Arab response needed]
    • Iranian Diplomacy: (Secret) We accept, it's our dream to attack Dubai.
  • Mod event: due to the shiite dissatisfaction with the corrupt Iraqi government, a shiite militia attempted a coup d'etat. Luckily, this was prevented by present US troops. Sunnis are also dissatisfied with the government but most of the US military is in those regions. Kurdistan has finally decided to hold a referendum for independence and 98% vote "yes". Syrian Kurdistan is also considering a referendum to join the world's newest country.
  • Flag of the United States.svg USA: We offer to increase military buildup in the baltic states, Ukraine, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia to deter EU and Chinese aggression [mod response needed] Due to our need to deploy troops to other regions, we request to the Arab Confederacy that they help make the country more stable since they are more popular with the Iraqis [arab response needed].
    • Mod response: Ukraine, baltic states, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia agree. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and turkmenistan are still trying to decide whether to side with the US or the eurasian union.
  • Flag of Brazil Brazil: We cannot handle a surplus of people to care for so we ask for other neighboring South American countries to. (Mod Response Needed) At this point most of the migrants are stuck in tent cities around the North-Western Brazilian Border. Meanwhile, the centralization of the different taxes across the states continue as some state taxes are more disproportionate to others. [SECRET: (We decide to pass some reforms to gradually decrease the payroll tax of employees down from 35.1% to 12.5% of America's for the improvement of our economy. Large attempts are made to cover this up.) END OF SECRET] Meanwhile, plans are made to create a more free trade for more competitive ports for better trade and thus better income.
  • ASEAN ASEAN: We officially recognize the Republic of China (Taiwan) and refuse to recognize the PRC (China). We offer Taiwan 50,000 troops on 24/7 standby in case China tries something fishy (Mod Response Needed). We ask USA, Canada, UK, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Argentina, Angola and any nation against China to form The Saigon Pact (Mod & Player urgent response needed).
  • Mod Response: Germany, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Canada, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Turkey, Greece, Peru, Kenya, Israel, Cyprus, Albania, Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Italy, Austria, Czech, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Iceland, Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Ivory Coast, DRC (Congo), Gabon, Chad, Chile, Australia, New Zealand and Colombia accept.
    • US dip: we accept an alliance
    • mod response: Japan, South Korea, UK, Taiwan, and Australia are willing to intervene in the event the Shanghai pact attempt an invasion.
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:We are Enraged by ASEAN for creating an alliance against us. We mobilize our troops in case of an Invasion by The Saigon pact and Request Other countries of the Shanghai pact to do the same. We have tripled our defense Expenditure,mainly purchasing Tanks and fighter jets like Sukhoi, Mukhoi and PAK-FA from the Russians. We have finished the rebuilding of Shanghai and Nanjing. The rest will be finished Next year. We have also Increase the no. of forces in the Army.
  • MOD EVENT: Israel start launched some missile to the Palestinian territory, killing 5 civilians, then Hamas responded with launched missile to Ashkelon, Israel became anger then declare war on Palestine, they asked support from USA [USA Response Needed] Then, Syria and Egypt declared war on Israel, Palestinian government ask for help from Iran, Arab, and other Muslim nations. [Players Response Needed].
    • US response: the democrats criticize Israel for provoking the Palestinians but the Trump Administration ignores it and blindly supports Israel.
  • Flag of Iran Iran: We condemn Israel's action and declare war on them, we invite Muslim nations to fight them. President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani calls Muslim nations to fight Israel, he says, "Now, it is not Syaigon Pact and Shanghai Pact, it's only Muslim fights Jews and the West. Muslim must unite! We invite Turkey for peace and together we fight Zionists! [Turkey Response Needed], don't trust them. US wants to conquer the world!". He also asked Asian countries to not intervene this. [Secret] Nuclear bombs are prepared, we are also already to face retaliation from enemy by building bunker in some place, and President will exile to China or Eurasian Union secretly. [End Secret] (Turkey is in Saigon pact)
  • ASEAN ASEAN: We decide to to stop the no nuclear weapons zone and we prepare are secret WMD's.


As world peace begins to succumb to war, many countries prepare nuclear weapons. In Asia, India, Malaysia and China begin to expand their territories. In all this war, what nations will survive The Future Map???.

  • Mod Event: someone do this I'm to lazy...
  • ASEAN ASEAN: Although knowing the dangers, we fire 3 hydrogen bombs at Beijing, Shanghai and New Delhi. We fire 2 fission bombs at Pyongyang and Kabul. We officially begin the invasion of China, and ask every member of the Saigon Pact, unrecognized countries and and other nation on the planet to invade China (RESPONSES NEEDED URGENTLY!!!). We invade the province of Hainan (Mod Response Needed).
    • US Dip: we strongly urge ASEAN to de-escalate the conflict
  • Mod Response: Due to it being an unlikely target, Hainan is quickly overtaken by ASEAN.
  • NKrepflagNorth Korea:We are outraged at ASEAN's declaration of war on our ally China, especially without any justification. We begin preparing a naval invasion of ASEAN, as well as nuking Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, Bandung, Manila, Hanoi, Bangkok, Phuket and Phnom Penh. We also declare war on ASEAN and start building anti-nuke defenses. We tell people to begin sheltering in nuclear bunkers, just in case ASEAN's allies nuke us. We start massing troops on the South Korean border.
  • ASEAN ASEAN: China was becoming to dangerous and was already threatening most of the world. As the founders of the Saigon Pact, we kick Israel for being wreck less.
    • Iranian Diplomacy: It's a good action from ASEAN.
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:We are totally OUTRAGED by the Bombing.Shanghai was Completely Destroyed while Beijing suffered only a minor Problem.Millions of people are dead.MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ARE DEAD!the President Feng Shui said"COMRADES!Fight alongside us against this Brutual country push them away from our sacred land".[Shanghai pact Countries response needed]We Fire 3 hydrogen bombs directly towards Kuala Lampur.[To Vietnam and Laos]You were afraid that we were going to absorb you even if you are on the same side?the guess what.After we turn ASEAN into dust,We're Coming for you!!!Be prepared to face the consequences.
    • Iranian Diplomacy: We are sorry we are now busy in preparation to invade Israel, but we will help you with our petroleum. We also will send military power later.
  • Flag of GermanyGermany:We start a space program to go to the moon. an anti EU activist wins the election who is named Franz Ferdinand. We leave the EU.
  • ASEAN ASEAN: (Secret to China) We tell them sorry for everyone we killed but it was the only way to gain the US trust. We ask To join Shanghai Pact (Chinese Response Needed). We will help you as long as we can keep Hainan and Yunnan.
  • Flag of Iran Iran: Our troops are stationed in Damascus and continue the training activity, we ask all Arab nations for support to fight Israel. Remember, we are Muslim. We also invite Turkey again, Israel is not member of Saigon Pact. [MOD RESPONSE, Please]. We concern about anything happen in East Asia. We hope they can stop fighting.
    • mod response: turkey is a bit hesitant to join the fight against Israel because of America's close ties with that country.
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:[Secret][To ASEAN]We accept you peaceful decision to join shanghai pact.as you've tried so hard to invade and occupy Hainan and Yunnan,we will allow you to take control.[End secret]
  • Flag of the United States.svg USA: We have withdrawn all of our forces from Iraq (despite not hearing an answer from the arab confederacy) and afghanistan to deploy 20,000 troops to protect Israel. We warn the arab confederacy and Iran that war with Israel is war with us. We also put sanctions on every member of the shanghai pact.
    • Iranian Diplomacy: We still in our plan, invade Israel, only for one mission, liberate Palestine. We also cut all our diplomatic mission with US.
  • mod event: As a result of Germany leaving, the EU collapses.
  • Flag of the United States.svg USA: Trump has revealed his proposal for government spending in 2020. He lowers healthcare spending from 27% down to 20% (repealed Obamacare). The military was increased from 16% up to 20%. Science was increased from 1% to 5%. An election is coming up later this year. Elizabeth Warren is the front runner of the opposition party. She promises to de-escalate tensions and bring peace whereas Trump promises to keep America strong. The veterans' benefits took up 4% but now it has been replaced with veterans getting free healthcare from clinic which has saved 3 percentage points which will increase military spending to 23%.
  • Mod event: as a result of sanctions and the nuking of the major cities of China and India in addition to sanctions, GDP growth has really lagged and both enter a recession. The sanctions on china and india have been a double-edged sword for the US as they previously got 21% of their exports from china. In fact, some economic experts are saying that the sanctions are having a worse impact on the US than on China.
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:We Condemn U.S.A for placing Sanctions on us when our Citizens are reeling from the Blast. they need financial and Humanitarian Aid. We ask you peacefully,please repeal the Sanctions. It is good for both of us [U.S.A response needed] [Secret] [To all Except Shanghai Pact] If U.S.A does not repeal the Sanctions,then we will stop doing Trade with them as it will affect them also. If it goes too far, then we will have no choice but to go to war with them.[To Iran]If you attack Israel,You will become a direct Enemy of U.S.A. If you need any military Support, we will give Troops and Tanks and Fighter planes. [Iran response needed][End Secret]We also ask the Red Cross to help our Citizens[Mod response needed]Our GDP has decreased Substantially. We Ask our allies for Financial aid [Shanghai pact Countries response needed]. wWe officially change the Headquarters of Shanghai pact from Shanghai to Beijing. We Start the Reconstruction of Shanghai. We ask North Korea for financial help [North Korea Response needed]
    • Iranian Secret Diplomacy: We will invade Israel, and we thank for your support. But we won't launch nuclear bomb, because we fear USA will nuke us.
    • North Korea: Since we have a booming economy currently, we will divert 10% of our GDP to financial aid to China.
  • MOD EVENT: Syria and Egypt start doing an invasion to Israel, Syria quickly take (back) Golan Heights. (Secret, Shanghai Pact members know it) Bashar al-Asaad has exiled to Tehran. (End Secret). Serbia is looking for reunite Yugoslavia, they started many military activity, and ask support from Shanghai Pact members. Fearing of this, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece and Bulgaria increased military activity. ASEAN suffers a major recession after North Korea nuked all its major cities, its GDP is now 35% of what it used to be. As the combined result of Brexit, as well as the China, India and ASEAN nukings, the Second Great Depression begins, the only countries unaffected are some countries in Africa, as well as, Poland ,Mexico, Iran, the US and North Korea.
    • US response: We quickly deploy 50,000 troops to safeguard Israel. We have cut off relations with Egypt (we already did with syria when the civil war started). Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged us to retake Golan Heights, however, we will only do that if they expand further into Israel.
    • Chinese Response:As we Received Funds from North Korea,We send 60,000 troops plus some tanks and Fighter planes to aid Syria and Egypt. We tell Eurasian Union and North Korea to do the same. [Eurasian and North korea response needed]we also send 30,000 troops for the reunification of Yugoslavia. Our Economy is failing. We decide to stop trade with United States. We decide to concentrate trade more on North Korea,Eurasian Union and Iran. We would also like to trade with Germany [Players response needed]
  • Mod Event: Serbia takes control of Kosovo and Macedonia. Montenegro join Serbia via a referendum. Unlike the original Yugoslavia, this one is planned to include Albania as well. Romania invades Moldova and takes over.
  • France: Seeing the world is descending into war, we construct nuke defences around Paris, planned to be finished around 2024. We start our invasion of Monaco.
  • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svg Eurasian Union: We accept.: We send financial aid to China, and start increasing our military. We upgrade our economy and military.(Secret except for Shanghai Pact) We intend to attack Poland as soon as World War Three starts. We ask China if we can attack the US in its weak state as its sanctions on China have affected it as well.(End Secret)
    • Chinese Dip:[Secret]We accept your proposal to attack the U.S.A. our nukes are weaponised in cuba and are ready to fire in a Moments notice. We will tell the NATO Members that we are doing a Military Excercise.But we will attack the harbours.You will have to detonate an EMP so that Communication cannot be made. If we do like This we are Bound to succeed. We also tell the Chinese-Americans to start a Civil war in America. We also Seek the help of North Korea, Iran, India, Brazil and ASEAN in this Endeavour [Players and Mod response needed] [TOP SECRET]
    • Iranian Diplomacy: We will help you by send some troops and of course, invading Israel.
    • Mod Response: Chinese-American accept and start doing a rebellion in New York, Los Angeles, Houston, San Francisco, and Seattle.
  • Flag of Iran Iran: We start doing a movement to attack Golan Heights. Hezbollah troops also contributing with send some troops. [Mod Report for Invasion Needed, but must not from me or Darksith]
  • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svgEurasian Union: We begin testing our warhead defense systems, as well as our newly developed EMP device, capable of disrupting anything electronic within 100 km radius, and conduct military exercises in the Bering Sea. (Secret to all but Shanghai Pact) You know what's going on. We also fire a US-yield warhead at Moscow.) A nuclear warhead was detected headed to Moscow but was effectively shot down by our defense system. The warhead was US-yield, so we take this as an act of war. We retaliate by firing several nuclear warheads at Washington DC, San Diego, Denver, Chicago and Detroit. We send our armies to occupy the land there. Within minutes of firing the warheads, we activate the EMPs on drones that were flying over Air Force bases, military structures, aerial defense systems and the Pentagon. We urge our allies to assist us.
    • Chinese Dip: We Condemn the Americans for firing Nuclear weapons at our Ally Eurasian Union. Our President Feng Shui told "We are effectively at war with the Tyrannical U.S.A. We also fire Nukes from Cuba to Washington D.C, New York, Boston, Seattle and California.We have Weaponised our Chinese-Americans and they have created a group called FCA (Free Chinese Americans). We have send in army To Occupy The U.S cities.[Secret]we have send in a covert team to assassinate Trump.[End Secret].Our best Hackers Hack the Pentagon and NORAD. We have taken over their electronic system and started Firing their own missiles at themselves, mainly targeting, Washington D.C, New York, California, Boston, Seattle, Columbus, Cincinnati and Texas. they can't retaliate because we have control over their entire defense.
    • US response: We send our army to repel the invasion. 
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:The FCA managed to rally around a million Chinese-Americans as well as Indian-Americans, etc. they  fought the National security and the armed forces.since they were properly trained,the casualties were minimum. Our Hackers have done an amazing job in tying up with the FCA. The leader of FCA,Lee sung Yueng was a former member of the CIA and he Overheard the President's Launch codes.he then told the hackers who managed to hack into the system. the american are totally Defenseless because of the EMP fired by Russia and because of our Hackers.a Covert squad also linked up with some of the FCA and they set out together to assassinate president Trump.he was as usual hiding in his Nuclear Bunker. The Soldiers got in as the blasted a vaccum bomb and the soldiers went inside and killed all the security guards and finally, Lee sung yeung said at a press conference,"Tyranny is Dead.Long Live The Shanghai Pact".saying this he killed President Trump. the rest of the FCA managed to destabalise the existing Governments and kill them. they assumed Control over New York,Los Angeles,Houston,San Fransisco and Seattle. the Chinese army Settled in these places and started to build Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Tank and Ballistic Missiles in these States.
    • mod response: sorry but the chinese and indian americans aren't going to just revolt against the US. Even if they did, they would be no match for the US military. Also, chinese agents don't have the resources to just assassinate the president, especially when fallout in DC is high. You're just not going to be able to send agents to successfully assassinate the president in the White House.
  • mod event: Russia has managed to launch an EMP attack on the US, disabling the eastern power grid which provided power to eastern and central United States as well as Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Nova Scotia. The relatively small invasion by Russia on the US was repelled by the US armed forces.
  • Flag of the United States.svg USA: DC was absolutely devastated by the nuclear blast. The military has lowered its DEFCON down to 1 We find out that the chinese know the code and we begin cracking down on spies [secret] we change the code. It's now 11374265 [end secret] However, Trump went unscathed because he was in a nuclear bunker As a result of nuclear bombings, Donald Trump declares a state of emergency and the elections are cancelled, marking the first time in american history when the elections were cancelled. His oponent, warren criticized trump, saying that trump was going to abolish the constitution. however, trump reassured the public that the state of emergency is in response to the nuclear bombings. As a result of the EMP attack, Trump passed an executive order to temporarily repeal the 4th ammendment to prevent an EMP attack on the Western or Texas grids. After the bombings, remaining congress voted unanimously to declare war on Russia. Trump has begun a draft and has sent troops currently stationed in states bordered with Russia into Russia. We urge other countries to declare war on Russia.[mod and player response needed]
    • mod response: Every member of nato except poland, germany, and france (up to the players controlling them) has now begun a draft with the intention of invading Eussia.
  • 1024px-Flag of Poland.svgPoland:  We continue to improve our economy and invest heavily in green energy to decrease our reliance on foreign oil. We also begin to modernize and increase the size of our army and navy. We also begin to fortify the border with Kaliningrad and Belarus. To protect ourselves we secretly begin construction of a nuclear weapon. We are not very reassured by Eurasian promises. Faced with Serbian aggression, the EDB declares war on them and launches a military intervention against them. We quickly establish air dominance over the the country and begin to target vital infrastructure and troop concentrations.  Allied troops also begin the ground war and start to push on Belgrade and liberate the countries occupied by the Serbians. With full scale war breaking out we cancel our military exercises and begin full mobilization of our troops, which take position along our border with the Eurasion Union.  We also put our missile defense systems on high alert.
    • US dip: [secret] we ask poland to help us develop an EMP to attack Russia and later china [end secret]
    • Polish Dip:(secret) we agree to help the US.       
  • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svgEurasian Union: We declare war on Poland and the EDB for attacking Serbia, a member of the Shanghai Pact. We use our EMPs to weaken Polish defenses, and fire missiles at Warsaw. We don't use our nukes just yet. We send military aid to Serbia. Our armies land in occupied US cities, where we support the Chinese American communities with Eurasian troops. We tell China that once the U.S. has fallen, they will assume control of all Southern states, while the Northern states will become Russian, and we may possibly allocate some land for the Chinese Americans to form their own nation. We invade Alaska via the decoy military exercise in the Bering Sea.
  • Flag of the United States.svg USA: Trump carpet bombs Serbia and their planes focus on military installations and government institutions. All of the major cities, including those which haven't been nuked (yet) have been mostly evacuated. 10 million soldiers are stationed at the western states and texas to prevent another EMP attack. As a result of emergency rule, social security and welfare (except for children) have been temporarily shut down as well as healthcare funds. This has allowed 2/3 of the government budget to go to the military (previously 20%). All nonessential government programs have been shut down. Everyone aged 18-49 will be automatically drafted. We will buld up an army of 60 million soldiers, 30 million will invade Russia, 10 million will stay behind to prevent another EMP attack, and 20 million will go to Australia (500,000), Japan (5 million), SK (5 million), Taiwan (500,000) and the ASEAN (9 million) to prepare for an invasion in the event of a Chinese declaration of war. A month after the attacks, we have reached that goal. Our navy has sent most of its ships to the South China Sea to prevent Chinese aggression. Before the attacks, the USS John F. Kennedy was commissioned and is now serving in the pacific ocean along with the other 11 carriers (1 of which is another Gerald ford carrier, the rest are Nimitz class) Trump warns China that if they don't discontinue their efforts to topple america that he will nuke China. Speaking of nukes, we nuke St. Petersburg and the other top 10 largest cities of Russia. We use smaller nukes on Russian airbases, tank factories, naval bases, and barracks. We begin expanding the western and texas grids to bring back power to the east [secret] Speaking of power grids, we begin Project Zeus, an EMP project of our own to knock out the chinese and Russian power grids and most of the work is being done in texas because we suspect china will go after the western power grid next [end secret] We urge other countries to begin searching homes to ensure that EMPs don't knock out their grids [secret] we ask other NATO members if they want to help us with Project Zeus [end secret] [responses needed]
    • mod response: The following countries have begun searching homes and doing other stuff to prevent an EMP attack: UK, Canada, Ireland, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Turkey, the baltic states, Italy, and Romania.[secret] The following also agree to help the US develop an EMP: Canada, UK, Japan, Poland (player) and Turkey.[end secret]
  • Flag of GermanyFederative Republic of Germany:We declare neutrality in World War 3 and instead focus on conquering nations to keep them out of the war as well. We declare war on Austria and Czechia; we blitzkrieg to try to get to Vienna and Prague. The Battle of Vienna: German forces storm the capital, but face heavy resistance resulting in many casualties. German forces however, are able to force an Austrian surrender after the Austrian Chancellor is held at gunpoint, and even then, it took them getting large autonomy for the chancellor to agree to a surrender. The Battle of Prague: Czech forces repel the German invaders, however, 5 days later the Germans storm the city at night, quickly taking control of large parts of the city, then, German forces surround the city and capitulate Czechia Casualties: German-3,231 Austrian-4,672 Czech-2,867
    • Polish Dip: We issue an ultimatum to Germany to withdraw from the Czech Republic, which is a key member of the EDB, or face war. 
    • US dip: We urge Germany to withdraw from Austria and the Czech Republic and we urge Poland not to invade Germany unless they attack them.
  • 1024px-Flag of Poland.svgPoland: With war declared on us and our allies by the Eurasian Union, we fully mobilize to face the threat. We draft all able-bodied men into our armed forces bringing up our total number of troops to 10 million.  The government takes control of all key war-time industries and begins to produce massive amounts of war equipment.  We also begin to work with NATO to share intelligence and coordinate our attacks.     
  • Mod Event: The UK, France and the Baltics begin drafting to build up a force to topple Putin.     
  • North Korea: We join in on the war and immediately drop a chemical bomb on Seoul and Inchon, it is 10,000,000 litres of sarin gas on both of the cities. We also drop an EMP on South Korea, creating a blackout on the entire nation. After all that has happened, we equip our soldiers with gas masks to make them immune to the sarin gas enveloping Seoul and Inchon.     
  • MOD EVENT: As a result of Eurasian backing, Philadelphia's Chinatown has taken over the entire city, and it is now pushing in all directions. The Chinese Americans request that Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland be given to them as a separate country.     
  • Flag of Brazil Brazil: Seeing as every nation ignores us, we announce that we will not participate in this war unless South America becomes endangered or China forces us. The Mexican immigrants become piled up on the Northern border of our country and we can do nothing, as we have been ignored by every South American country. We do, however, ask our people to vote on whether or not to snap out of isolation and participate in this barbaric war. (Mod Response URGENT: VOTING) While all this is going on we decide to renovate the education system to increase computer literary levels for our future plans, including some solar-power in some of our more drought-ridden areas. [SECRET: (Like the Poles, we decide to renovate our military and increase its technology and power. We also set a draft for defense, and a defense casus belli (case of war) to use in this time of war.  
    • Mod Response: 42% vote to join the war, 48% vote for stay neutral and 10% abstain.
  • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svgEurasian Union: We tell Germany if they help us invade Poland they will gain western Poland and possibly some American land. We begin moving troops across Russian-occupied America, with total control of the West Coast and almost all of Alaska. We heavily fortify our borders in case some fool tries to invade us. We upgrade our military and defense systems. We are happy to report that only 7 nukes out of the many launched by America actually reached their destination, due to our superior missile defense system. [Plausible?] We encourage Mexico to help fight the US, as they were the ones who blocked you out in the first place. We acknowledge the request of the Chinese American citizens, and grant them permission to create a new nation spanning Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland. We send military aid to North Korea to help them conquer South Korea. We fire several nukes at untouched cities where there are no Chinese American citizens. We also equip them with the materials needed to traverse areas with fallout. We tell all NATO countries that they wouldn't want to mess with us. We fire nuclear warheads at Krakow and other Polish cities, and begin the invasion of Poland, remembering to stay clear of the western side in case Germany accepts our offer.
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Reublic of China: We also tell Germany to Join our alliance[Germany response needed]. We begin drafting people from ages 18-30 to participate in the war.almost 70 millio people have volunteered to join the war. We send 25 million to defend the Russians.. We send another 20 million for the Invasion of the U.S.and send 3 million to serbia. We also fire a nuclear warhead at the Shores of Taiwan. Thousands and thousands of American soldiers are killed. We then start our Invasion of Taiwan. We had Initial Gains as the U.S army and Navy were wiped out. Still, we were pushed by the remaining forces. We then detonated an EMP at them destroying their communications. then we Fired a nuclear bomb with the power of 10 hiroshima Bombs at Taiwan. We also fire 4 nukes at different parts of Taiwan to Destroy American Forces. Our Soldiers then Invaded and Occupied Taiwan from Different Directions. the Annexation of Taiwan is over. [Secret][to all except Eurasian Union]We warn you that U.S.A may fire an Emp on us anytime.so we need to create Anti-EMP defenses. We have finished manufacturing it. If you need we'll give them to you.[End Secret][Eurasian response needed]. The Invasion of America is Going smoothly because of the extra Reinforcements and the help provided by Mexicans. We capture California, Nevada, Utah, California and New Mexico. We name these States "Confederation of Chinese States".[Secret]our Next plan is to attack Texas and Florida with Eurasian Support[Eurasian Union response needed][Secret].

We also supply 3 million forces to North Korea for the Annexation of South Korea.

  • Flag of the United States.svg USA: Our troops begin to push into Russia. We have taken St. Petersburg and will advance farther into Russia. Oh, and our 30 million troops will be equipped with winter gear since this is Russian winter when napoleon and hitler made the mistake of forgetting. Our antiballistic missile system stopped each of the nukes since we also have an anti ballistic missile system. Our 5 million troops stationed in SK begin invading North Korea. We send a garrison of 1,000 to keep the Chinese Americans from getting out of control in pensylvania. As a result of this, the Trump Administration passed an executive order which allows the federal government to censor "unpatriotic" material. Due to fears of being destroyed from the inside out, the majority pass the order. All communications with any country outside of Nato has been cut off for the duration of this war. [secret] the NSA begins to surveillance every phone for signs of espionage [end secret]. Concentration camps are constructed to segregate the chinese and indian americans from the rest of society until the war is over to prevent similar incidents. We now officially declare war on China and launch major nukes at all of their major cities with smaller nukes specifically targeted at their military installations. We urge other countries to also declare war on China and have an army of 20 million to get the job done. [responses needed]
    • mod: South Korea, Japan, and Australia declare war.
  • mod event: As a result of North korea's invasion, Japan now declares war on NK.
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:We have launched a Fisson Bomb which is Much more Dangerous than a normal bomb and it's power is Equivalent to 25 Hiroshima Bombs. We fire it at the American army.almost 10 million forces are killed instantly. We deploy our 25 million an army to retake St.Petersburg. While also launch 3 Nukes at Tokyo,Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We begin to invade them with 6 million man army. We also launch nukes at Australia,in Brisbane, Perth, Sydney, and Melbourne. We have also released a virus there that kills people instantly and the Virus Moves from one host body to another through air and water,so they spread quickly[Secret](We also have The anti-virus serum, otherwise, how will we conquer this nation?). We will spray it after everyone is dead.[End Secret]
  • Flag of the United States.svg USA: Our nave deploys a blockade around china to prevent any more reinforcements from arriving from the mainland. Our planes and drones begin launching airstrikes against chinese military positions to make way for our invasion through Hong Kong to advance upwards and take beijing [secret] we will actually invade near Shanghai and advance our troops through Beijing. [end secret] We are disappointing that our invasion of Russia is not going so well [secret] Project Zeus is almost ready. It's probably our only hope of defeating Russia [end secret]. We also send a nuclear submarine which launches 4 nukes at St. Petersburg, killing many chinese soldiers. [secret] CIA agents have begun to arm pro-independence Tibetans to fight against China [end secret]. Trump has begun launching nukes against cartel Mexico. Mexico City gets the highest yield nuke we have while military installations receive much smaller yields. 1 million troops have went into Mexico to topple the government.
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China: [Top Secret] U.S.A might not know this but we have people on the Inside. they are Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. they are disgruntled by the trump administration and is currently siding with us.[End Secret]We came to know through our people on the inside of the  Government that they are trying to invade through Shanghai. We launch Nukes at American Installations near Shanghai and Hong Kong. We also nuke the Submarines and ships that are blockading our ports.Fortunately our 6 million man army reached Japan before the U.S could Blockade our ports. We again launch Nukes in all the nuclear reactors of Japan causing a reactor meltdown and killing all the american and Japanese forces. We nuke all the major cities of Japan and launching a nuclear bomb to Tokyo, Disintegrating it. Our Soldiers then split in half. one side Moved north while the other went to the Northern tip of Japan via sea and started moving south towards Tokyo. the navy was effectively destroyed by the Japanese as well as the Chinese. the U.S couldn't do that much because of their involvement in China and as well as south Korea so we  took advantage of that opportunity. our soldiers were pushed back by the remaining forces but we gained momentum after Chinese Navy prevailed over the Japanese Navy. They pushed forward charismatically with gas masks and finally reached the last destination,Tokyo.but there were Elite forces there and it was a tough.After 4 months of Fighting, Chinese officially has Merged Japan into China. the reasons for our success were 1. The American Navy set out to Blockade our ports leaving their ports Vulnerable. 2. The American army going to fight a needless invasion of Shanghai and Hong Kong. 3. The Quickness of the Chinese Navy to avoid the blockade. and 4. The closeness of japan to china So we could launch our nukes. We Officially merge Japan with China. We give an extra 4 million forces towards St. Petersburg (note: this story is plausible because of the U.S being Stretched and us having tactical advantages. so please don't write it off as an Implausibility because it can Happen oh and also we nuked all the major cities causing a reactor meltdown. So it's not an Implausibility, it is a fact. thank you)
  • MOD EVENT: Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Greece started invade Neo-Tugoslavia. But, Serbia can defend theirselves and later push their troops, all troops to North, East, and South. However, Croatia use their opportunity to attack Serbia, and now they capture Srem District and Mačva District. In Polish-Eurasian War, there's no many territorial changed as Poland can defend theirselves. Japan officialy surrender to China, meanwhile North Korea have captured Seoul. Israel nuked Damascus and Cairo, and they say Tehran is the next target.
  • Flag of Iran Iran: [Secret]Ali Khamenei, Hassan Rouhani with Assad have exiled to Chongqing, China. We and Syrian Government ask for protection and their security from China. [China Response Needed]. We start build bunker for another remaining politicians in Bandar Abbas. [End Secret]. We start evacuate people from Tehran to another cities, because we are afraid of Israel's nuke. We also condemn Israel's action. We continue push our troops, we claimed that we have captured Nazareth.
  • NET Netherlands: We ask Belgium and Luxembourg to merge into the Netherlands (Mod Response Needed). (Secret To China) We will join the Shanghai Pact and help you fight but we must be promised the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Ireland and Denmark (China Response Needed).
  • Mod Response: Belgium and Luxembourg accept the offer.
  • Democratic Republic of China:We have sent in our Officials to Occupy Japan.[Secret to all except Iran]We accept your proposal for your's and The Syrian Government's Protection. they can be safe in Chongquing.[End secret]We fire 2 Nuclear warheads at Tel Aviv. it is completely destroyed. We ask the Iranian Government to Invade Israel now.[Urgent Iran request needed]. We also Fire a fission bomb at Tel Aviv. We send in 50,000 troops to Destroy Croatia. We take back Srem district and Macava district by means of conventional war and give it to the serbs. We plan on doing a full-scale Invasion of Croatia.As Japan is ours,we send troops towards St.Petersburg. Almost 20 million forces Are headed towards St. Petersburg. [secret]we had being developing a bomb called Zedong Bomb. it is 10 times more powerful than the Tsar Bomba. Its manufacture is finished.[end secret]as the U.S army are massing together we fire the Zedong bomb at them.Millions perish. We send in our soldiers to retake St.Petersburg. We send Some Forces to meet the Eurasian Forces and help them On the Invasion of Poland.as in the case Of Australia,the virus Spread Quickly,killing millions as it spread. we also received Reports that Tony Abbot fled the country and all the Soldiers in Army,Navy and Air Forces were being Killed. We also fire Some more nukes on them. We send 6 Million men to Occupy it.before reaching, our air force Sprayed The Anti-Virus serum on the Entire Country and the Soldiers Went in and is at Conflict with the americans who was not in the affected regions in Australia. In U.S.A we fire an EMP on The southern states. We Destroy Texas and Occupy it,and are now moving towards Florida. We fire 2 Nukes and the Soldiers are in a conflict with the U.S Army.Due to the EMP they were not able to communicate with each other  but even then it was a stalemate. It looks like we have destroyed all of America's  Asian Allies. We ask Our Latin American allies to attack Colombia and Chile. We will give you sufficient forces and Nukes.[Brazil and mod response needed].'[Secret to all except Netherlands] we will give you Norway,Sweden,Ireland,Denmark and The United Kingdom,but you will have to Join the Shanghai pact and also help us in driving away the Americans from europe[Netherlands Response needed].


  • NET Netherlands: (Secret to US) We tell the US to just have one last hooray, they are going down anyway, thanks to China. We tell them to 300 nukes at the Eurasian Union, China and ASEAN (End Secret). (Secret to all Nations against China) We tell all countries to make nukes and fire at the Shanghai Pact (Mod & Player Response Needed). We invade Cuba
  • Mod Response: DR Congo, Norway, Canada, South Korea, Israel, UK, Ireland, Spain and Colombia fire each 20 nuclear bombs at the Shanghai pact. Cuba is heavily defended, but you have taken half of the island.
    • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:It's because we had Anti-Missiles and Anti-Nuke defense we were able to Destroy the Nuclear bombs(note:south Korea is Capture by north korea.so they can't fire missiles.DR congo,Ireland and Norway don't have that much.so what you wrote is not plausible. the others .... ok. thank you)
  • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svgEurasian Union: We still have 4600 nukes left at our disposal since the Cold War. We begin implementing anti EMP defenses. We retake St. Petersburg from the Americans. We launch several Tsar bombs at English, Spanish , American and Polish cities, and smaller warheads at Polish defenses. The defenses at the Polish-Belarusian border are completely destroyed, and Warsaw is taken swiftly. We send military support to Serbia, Cuba, Iraq and North Korea. We fully conquer Alaska, and occupy American cities. We are suspicious of the Netherlands, and tell them we will not hesitate to launch warheads at them should they try anything funny. We upgrade our defenses along major cities, as well as upgrade our missile defense systems. We report that the Shanghai Pact have occupied the states of Alaska, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, Texas, Florida, New Mexico and Wyoming, and tell the US that if they surrender they will retain some of the East Coast states and not total annihilation.[US Response Needed] We invade London and Madrid after a combined nuclear strike and EMP attack. We try to retake Cuba.
  • NET Netherlands: We keep invading Cuba and we start to invade Eastern Bloc (Mod Response Needed).
    • Mod Response: Cuba is still hard to invade as Eurasian troops came to defend Cuba, Cuba and Eurasia have captured some cities from you, but your troops is very close to Havana.
  • Flag of Iran Iran: We continue a massive invasion to Israel [Mod Report Please]. Tehran is nuked by Israel, three times. We condemn their action and Rouhani in video call with media, says "They launched nukes! Proven, that they are evils, they want to conquer the world." We respond with launch nukes at Haifa and Tel Aviv.
  • Mod Report: Most of Israel except Tel Aviv is taken, but American troops continue to defend the city.

The nuclear bomb detonating in Tehran.

  • North Korea: We are outraged at the US because our spies have reported that they are killing anyone who is of Asian descent in concentration camps. We tell Asia to unite against the US menace and accuse them of blatant human rights violations, including charges of genocide. We nuke DC, New York, Boston, Chicago, Detroit and Houston, as well as Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, Warsaw and Brussels. We also drop EMPs on the entire Europe except for Serbia.
  • NET Netherlands: We decide to join the Shanghai Pact. We invade Florida, hoping to quickly take control (Mod Report Needed). We stop invading Cuba and we invade Bahamas (Mod Report Needed).
    • Mod Response: Bahamas quickly captured by Dutch troops, and they began reach coastline of Florida, and there's a great battle in Miami.
    • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svgEurasian Union: We are happy that the Netherlands have made up their mind, and send military support to them as well as promising them the British Isles and Western Europe.
  • MOD EVENT: A small group in Sakhalin claim "The Democratic Republic of Sakhalin and tell China not to touch them because they have Chemical Weapons ready to drop on every major city in the Shanghai Pact.
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:We launch 10 nukes at Sakhalin and is Invading them using our Planes,Tanks,Army and Aircraft carriers. We will take control of them. In America we have started to Invade Texas,then Continue on to Florida and Georgia.In Australia,we have moved on further towards Brisbane,Melbourne,Perth,Sydney, and is looking to Occupy the Whole country. Since there are not one human left,we haven't faced much opposition.
  • Mod Response: Queensland, Tasmania, Northern Territory, Western Australia and Sourh Australia are taken, but the remaining states fire a thermonuclear bomb from the US nicknamed "Fat Guy" and destroy Beijing and every city with more than 3,000,000 people.
  • NET Netherlands: We will help you invade Australia, but we want Western Australia (Chinese Response Needed).
    • Chinese dip:We accept . we will give you Western Australia while we will have control over the rest. We launch 5 of our Intercontinental ICBM's at the remaining states,Disintegrating them.also when the "Fat guy" hit Beijing it cause only minimal destruction as the civilians were Inside  public Bunkers designed to hold 2 million people. we installed it in all of our major cities across the World. We finished our Reconstruction of Shanghai. We have finished the Construction of the "Iron Shield". It is a transparent shield that will block Nuclear Bombs from Entering our Airspace.
  • Flag of the United States.svg USA: We begin building anti EMP defenses. We withdraw all of our 15 million troops from the pacific area now that we are on the defensive. Our anti ballistic shield protected against the nukes which north korea launched. We send a million soldiers to retake Alaska and 2 million to defend Texas. The rest of them will retake west coast cities from Russia. [secret] Project Zeus is finished but thanks to inside intelligence gathered from being in Tibet, we think the Chinese already know that we are developing an EMP and that they are developing a disease. In response, Trump will take an infected American to infect the chinese and Russians [end secret]. Our nuclear submarines begin destroying chinese coastal cities. Another one resurfaced and launched a missile towards Pyongyang. Our navy has encircled the country, ensuring that no more Russians or chinese enter the country [secret] Trump is in a bunker in New York [end secret]
  • Mod Event: The US launched nukes at China but most of them were blasted out of the sky. There is trouble stirring in Tibet as a rebellion begins to take towns to gain independence from China.
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:We again Found out through people in the Inside that the Americans are planning to Infect us.So we stop all Transport with the U.S. We ask Eurasian Union to do the same. we kill all the people trying to revolt against us,we have placed soldiers in the areas to avoid conflict. We fire 4 nukes at Texas. the soldiers are Killed Instantly. We Invade Texas.[Secret]We are planning on an Invasion of Poland, Then all the countries of the EDB. We have drafted 20 million man army for this purpose[End Secret].After the capture of Texas,We move on to Florida to help the Netherlands in the Battle of Miami. We also fire 10  Nukes at the armies which are  looking to retake the West coast and Alaska from the Eurasians
  • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svgEurasian Union: We launch EMP attacks and send troops to invade Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Ukraine and Romania.[Mod Response Needed For All Battles] We begin a full scale invasion of the West Coast of US, and try to take Alaska. We launch nuclear warheads at Helsinki. We acknowledge Canada is against the Shanghai Pact, and launch warheads at Vancouver and Edmonton, and send troops to invade it. We know from China that the US is developing bio weaponry, so we begin genetically engineering soldiers to develop immunity to any form of disease they had before due to a more advanced immune system. We start upgrading EMP defenses and redesign our defenses so in the event of an EMP attack the loss will be minimal. We start working on a nuclear warhead, dubbed the Uranium Spear, that will be 15 times more powerful than the Tsar bomb. We begin employing blitzkrieg tactics in our armies. We start publishing propaganda on the tyranny of the US, and the strength and unity in the Shanghai Pact.
    • Mod Response: The Baltic States, East Ukraine and Alaska are taken, but Romania is willing to join the Shanghai Pact (Eurasian/Chinese Response Needed).
    • Chinese dip:We welcome Romania to the Shanghai pact.
    • mod response: The UK and france have sent their entire navy to cut off Russia. With their submarines, they have cut off Russia's naval access via the Baltic Sea. Turkey has also joined the fight against Russia by blocking naval ships and has declared war on Russia. There are also submarines patrolling the black sea.
  • Flag of Brazil Brazil: This quarter of they ear is uneventful for Brazil, as Brazil passes an Act of Isolation and tells China we will withdraw from the Shanghai Pact. (Shanghai Response Needed)
  • Flag of the United States.svg USA: We fire nukes at positions where the chinese control even if it means killing a few civilians. Our antiballistic missile system has preserved the soldiers from destruction. We also upgrade our anti ballistic missile defense system to protect against any more nukes. [secret] our submarines have begun hunting down china's naval ships in an effort to hinder the invasion. After they are weakened by our submarines, our ships will make a clean swoop [end secret] As a result of our secret plans being constantly leaked to china, we have cut off all communications with china and temporarily banned ToR to be safe [secret] speaking of spying, we have begun training chinese americans to spy on china and the EU [end secret]. [secret] Operation lightening rod will place anti EMP defenses in the UK and France [end secret]
  • MOD EVENT: * MOD EVENT: Due to the amount of nukes that have hit ASEAN, it dissolves into: New Guinea (West Papua and New Guinea), Philippines, Indochina, Myanmar goes to India, Thailand, Timor Indonesia and Malaysia join Australia. Vanuatu and Fiji join Australia as well as the Greater Oceanic Republic. Japan is liberated after Chinese troops are pushed out and Japanese forces blow all the rivers of China, flooding Beijing and killing more than 20,000,000 people. US retake Southern part of Alaska, and there's a great battle in Anchorage. US also very strong in Oregon and California, but China can take some part of Washington. Dutch troops successfully take Miami. Meanwhile, in Europe, Hungarian and Croatian troops take Vojvodina, Greece take Macedonia, and Albanian-Bosnian troops take Montenegro. But, Sofia is fallen to Yugoslavia. South Korea now only have Southeastern (Busan Metropolis Area) and Jeju. Meanwhile, Tibetan rebels take Lhasa and ask for independence. [Chinese Response Needed]. Also, The United Kingdom falls into war, and splits into: Cornwall, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Manx, North England and South England.
  • NET Netherlands: We try to takeover Florida (Mod Response Needed). We start to invade Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia (Mod Response Needed).
    • Mod response: The navy blasts down your ships
  • France: (Invasion of Monaco mod?) We demand Andorra to join us, for their own safety. We place four out of five of our armies on the border with Germany, anticipating an invasion. We demand Netherlands release Luxembourg, or war. (Mod and Netherlands responses required)
  • Mod Response: Monaco, because of its size, is quickly defeated.
  • Netherlands: (Secret to France, United States) We are going to Betray the Shanghai Pact, and then help you, just hold them off a little longer.
  • Mod event: the chinese navy near the US is crippled by the US navy protecting America's coastline. now the Chinese invasion is boxed in.
  • Flag of the United States.svg USA: [secret] We will put an EMP over North Korea to hinder their involvement. We will do the same to the Netherlands [end secret] Darksith, you ignored me when I was trying to help, so whatevs-'16.
  • NET Netherlands: (Secret We leave the Shanghai Pact (unofficially) and invade Hawaii, although Japan will get the Islands.


  • Flag of Japan Japan: We invade Hawaii (Mod Response Needed). We ask to make new alliance with countries that are stuck in the middle of the war e.g Netherlands, Colombia (Responses Needed). We ask Eurasian Union for Sakhalin and Kamchatka, because historically, they belong to us (Eurasian Response Needed).
  • Mod Response: Hawaii is quickly taken, because of its small size.
  • Flag of The Weinmar Republic Germany:We will withdraw from Czechia if we are allowed to annex Austria and are given Pomerania from Poland. (Secret: We have installed a puppet government in Czechia and will annex it after the war. End Secret)
  • France: We refuse to help Netherlands, we give them one last chance to release Luxembourg, or war. We abolish all of French Guiana's autonomy, while we reassure them that it is necessary. (Secret) We send people to rebel against the Netherlands in Belgium (end Secret) Sepron, Luxembourg chose to merge with us willingly, I didn't invade them. Read the rest of the game please.
    • I was aware of this
  • Sorry
  • NET Netherlands: We stay in the Shanghai Pact, and ask China and the Eurasian Union for help because France keeps threatening us (Chima & Eurasia Response Needed).
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:We will help Netherlands by sending 1 million troops against France and Tell the French not to threaten our ally as it may lead to more destruction.
    • France: We withdraw our demand for Netherlands to release Luxembourg. We plead for China to not invade us.
    • China:We accept. we withdraw our troops back to China.
  • NET Netherlands: We thank France for withdrawing and tell them due to the collapse of the U.K., they can take Guernsey and Jersey (French Response Needed). We start to invade the currently government-less Bermuda Island; previously administered by the UK (Mod Response Needed). We keep invading Florida (Mod Response Needed).
    • Mod Response: Bermuda is quickly taken as its size is small and there's no military troops. Meanwhile, Netherlands take a half portion of Florida.
  • Flag of Iran Iran: We continue push our troops to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. [Mod Response Needed]. We also launch some missiles to Tel Aviv. We ask for peace and non-aggression pact with Turkey [Mod Response Needed] [Secret] If it still rejected, we will invade them to get a gate to occupy Europe. [End Secret].
  • Mod Responde: Jerusalem is taken, and you are very close to taking Tel Aviv, however more troops may be coming. Turkey decline your proposal, wishing to remain neutral.
  • MOD EVENT: Austria and Czech Republic are surrender to Germany. As no one help Serbia, they finally are taken by Coalition forces, after Belgrade is occupied by Bulgarian troops. Spain, take Gibraltar peacefully after some negotiations with UK and Morocco. Meanwhile, in Asia, North Korea take Jeju and fight South Korea in a great battle in Busan. Japan gains independence again.
  • France: We takeover the Channel Islands and we declare our neutrality. We invade Andorra. (Mod response needed)
    • Mod Response: Andorra surrendered when they hear the news that France will invade them. Spain, Portugal, Norway, and especially England condemned your action, then England declared war on France.
  • Democratic Republic of China: We send help to North Korea. We send in 1 million army and Fire nukes at South Korea.[Secret]We Create 3 Nuclear bombs having capacity of 5 megatons. they will be known as Shui Bomb. They will be used if Netherlands attacks us in America as we don't trust them. these bombs cannot be neutralized by Anti Missile defenses.[End Secret]. We provide an additional 3 million  soldiers to the European Front. We attack and kill those people in tibet and states that"Tibet will always be a part of China". We Have placed Curfews there and We also nuke the places where the Tibetans Reside.
  • MOD EVENT: President of Neo-Yugoslavia and some staff have exiled to Shanghai, asked China and another Shanghai Pact nations for invade again Balkan.
  • NET Netherlands: We send a message to China "We have a bad relations going on, but we decide that can trust us, and as a peace keeper, we will send to you 65 megaton bomb, capable of mass destruction if detonated, so best on the US (Chinese Response Needed). We keep invading Florida, already reaching Tallahassee (Mod Response Needed). We ask Shanghai Pact to not invade Canada or France, as thru are neutral now (Shanghai Response Needed).
    • Chinese Dip:We accept. We apologize for not trusting you but it seems you are a friend[Secret]We give you 1 Shui Bomb as a token of Gratitude.[End Secret].We also accept the 65 megaton bomb. we will not attack Canada or France. In America we should get Texas, Washington and the other South Western States of America while you get to keep Florida and The other South Eastern States.Do you Accept?(Netherlands Response needed). We also send 2 million men to capture the Balkan states. We ask France to Side with us as they Are Invaded by England,And the other Nato Nations.[France response needed]We will invade greece,The Balkan States and give them as a gift to Serbia.
    • Mod Response:The Netherland's Army successfully take Tallahassee But they are met with Heavy resistance from the Americans who refuse to give up.Finally The Netherlands Capture Tallahassee.
  • Netherlands: We accept the proposal.
  • France: We are yet to be at war with NATO, but we warn NATO that if they declare war on us, we will join the Shanghai Pact. We put our entire army in defensive positions, and we spread it around our nation, we do the same with our navy. We try to diplomatically end the war with England.
    • Chinese Dip:NATO are at war with you. they have betrayed you.join the Shanghai pact and we promise that we will help you in the war against them.also our ally Netherlands will also help.join our alliance[France Response needed].
    • France: NATO are yet to be at war with us, only England is at war with us
  • NET Netherlands: With our victory over Tallahassee, we declare The Territory of Florida. We continue to invade Georgia (Mod Checkup Needed).
  • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svgEurasian Union: We tell Japan we will give them the regions of Sakhalin if they join the Shanghai Pact. We ask France if they would like to join the Shanghai Pact, as they will get Scotland should they join the Shanghai Pact and assist us with invading Europe [French Response Needed] We launch several nuclear warheads at New York and Washington DC, and send troops to invade the area, after giving them equipment to defend against the radiation.[Response Needed For All Attacks] We begin invading Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine and Poland after nuclear strikes and EMP attacks. We start placing sea mines in the Black Sea to destroy Turkish submarines. We try to retake Alaska.
  • Mod Response: Alaska is taken back, and Ukraine, Estonia and Finland are taken, but Lithuania & Latvia ask to join the Shanghai Pact (Shanghai Response Needed).
  • Chinese Dip:We Accept and we welcome Lithuania and Latvia to the Shanghai Pact.

Japan join the Shanghai Pact.

  • NKrepflagNorth Korea: We ask for the states of Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Northern California if we win this war (Whoever's Responsible Response). We build a 58 megaton bomb, and aim it at DC. It will penetrate anti-nuclear defenses.
    • Flag of the Eurasian Union.svgEurasian Union: We tell them the Shanghai Pact will have a meeting to discuss the splitting of land once the US falls.
  • Flag of Iran Iran: We send more troops to invade Israel, we pull our troops for a while, then we fire 3 nukes to Tel Aviv, followed by some missiles are launched to Tel Aviv. After that, with our 55,000 troops, combined with 23,000 more troops, invading Israel. We send many vehicles and troops as we can. We ask for an alliance with Kurdistan. If they accept, we and Syria promise them to hand over Kurds territory. [Secret] We also promise them Turkish Kurdistan, we plan to invade Turkey if Turkey still reject our offer, and we ask Eurasia for help, they can get Black Sea region. [Eurasian Response Needed] [End Secret]. If we win the war with Israel, we will give all Israel's territory (except Golan Heights for Syria) to Palestine. We ask UN to make Palestine the full-members. [Mod Response Needed]. We offer to open our diplomacy ties with Turkey, improve our relation, and strengthen our economic cooperation. We ask again for non-aggression pact, and if they accept, we won't invade Turkey. [Mod Response Needed].
    • Mod Response:Turkey Declines again and tell that they are angry because a member of their alliance Invaded U.S.A. So they decline your offer. The U.N also Decline to make palestine Full Members.
  • Democratic Republic of China:We are Thankful that Japan decided to join us. We apologize right away and we pay a compensation of Rs.10 billion yuan. We start our Invasion into The Baltic States and Greece[Mod Response needed].[To Shanghai Pact]After the Annexation of U.S.A the Southern U.S.A should be Split Between China and Netherlands. China Gets The SouthWestern part of America including Texas while Netherlands Will get the South Eastern part which Includes Georgia, Florida, etc. They earned it.Eurasian Union and North Korea can Split the Northern Part of America between Yourselves.Do you accept?[North Korea and Eurasian Union Response needed]
  • Flag of The Weinmar RepublicGermany:We Invade Poland with our new massive amount of troops due to our new law where all people above the age of 21 and below the age of 40 serve, giving us 13 million men that are actionable. we formally ask to join The Shanghai Pact. [Shanghai Pact Response Required]. We also ask for Memel and Kaliningrad for after the war to rebuild The German Empire. [Eurasian Union Response Required]
    • Chinese Dip:We accept and welcome Germany to the Shanghai Pact.
  • MOD EVENT: Slovakia, fearing of Eurasian Union and Germany, pull theirselves from the war, leave Eastern Defense Bloc, and declare neutrality. Hungary, Croatia, Romania, Italy, Spain, and Bulgaria continue conducting military activity, prepare to face a war. Indonesian and Vietnamese nationalists began a rebellion. South England and North England, plan to merge again, they also want to stop the war with France, but they must handover again Guernsey and Jersey, and help them to takeover UK's former overseas territory and defend them from Shanghai Pact. [France Response Needed]. Chinese naval began to fighting in Mediterranean Sea, some Greek islands are captured by China. Turkey come to help Greece and then declare war on China, it also make tensions in Turkish-Iranian border and Eurasian-Turkish border become higher. Egypt ask to join Shanghai Pact, and they let Chinese troops to stationed in Alexandria. [China Response Needed]. (We also need report for invasion of Israel).
    • Chinese Dip:We accept and thank Egypt. We also give them 5 million yuan as a token of gratitude.
  • North Korea: We accept all offers, we also welcome Egypt into the Shanghai Pact.


Germany: Due to no response from anyone on the Czechia for Austria proposal, we invade Poland and Annex Austria and Czechia.

  • NET Netherlands: We help China invade Greece and start to invade Crete (Mod Response Needed). We keep invading Georgia, hoping to reach the capital soon (Mod checkup needed). We ask Iran and Syria if we can set up military bases on their borders to attack Far East Turkey, promising them both more than 20,000 sq km of land (Mod and Iranian Response Needed). We ask Hungary and Romania to join the Shanghai Pact (Mod Response Needed).
    • Iranian Diplomacy: We accept, but we want to cede Southeastern part to Kurdistan if they join our alliance and Northeastern part to Eurasia. But, we want to set a satellite state of Shanghai Pact in other areas.
  • Mod Response: Hungary and Romania reject to join the Shanghai Pact at the first. But, there's a coup in Hungary so Hungary join the Shanghai Pact. Romania after the election, with newly president, leave EDB, and change their alliance. Syria only wants Hatay Province, the others, they agreed with Iran. (I am sorry '16, to edit your mod response, I want to make it more plausible)
  • MOD EVENT: Chinese and Dutch troops took over Islands in South of Crete then they took region of Heraklion and Lasithi. City of Macon, Columbus, and Savannah in Georgia, US are taken by Dutch troops. Dutch troops now took a half part of Georgia, enters South Carolina, and now are 80 km from Atlanta. Romania, after join Shanghai Pact, sent a proposal to Moldova to join them, Moldova said, that they will holds a referendum. Hungary invade Croatia. Meanwhile, Austrian and Former-Hungarian government in-exile ask Italy to invade Germany and Hungary, Italy accepts then they mobilize their troops and ask for support from Spain, Australia, and France. [France Response Needed]. Canada leave NATO and declare neutrality as they want to peace. Brazil civillians are doing a demonstration, they ask government to JOIN THE WAR!. But, it's rejected by other civilians who support to being neutral, and they think they don't accept the referendum. It's making Brazilian Cyber Civil War, as people are in debate on social media. (For invasion of U.S, I will post later)
  • Flag of Brazil Brazil: Despite our citizen's protests, we will only join the war if the protests either become violent or we get attacked. We have improved our economy by a large margin, currently untouched by the war exhaustion of the rest of the world. Despite this, we still mobilize troops around our northern borders, consisting of cutting edge technology such as the Chengdu J-20B (Brazilian Version) from our Shanghai Pact days that has been improved to match the PAK-FA and F-22 in combat.
  • France: We start our invasion of North-East England with half our army, the rest in defensive positions across France. We propose a pact named the "third way" with Scotland, Iceland and Canada, we tell them it is not a pact for war, but as a defense more than anything. (Mod response needed)
    • Mod Response: Scotland, Iceland, and Canada accept. They said "anything to survive from this war." But, they asked France to not enter both alliances (Shanghai Pact and U.S side). Ireland is also interesting to join the pact [France Response Needed for all statements].
    • France: We will not join any other pacts, we invite Ireland to our pact (mod response needed)
  • MOD EVENT: Battle of Atlanta is started, after Dutch troops much closer to the city. Knowing Netherlands is weak at the South, American troops invade Florida from Alabama. Clashes border between Colombia and Venezuela, causing they declare war to their opponent each other. France, are in battle in Newcastle and Sunderland. South England and North England, although in emergency, they finally unite as England. They are also doing a naval invasion to France, hoping to capture Guernsey and Jersey. Hungary and Romania, as they join Shanghai Pact, hands over their occupied areas to Neo-Yugoslavia, and Neo-Yugoslavia are back, declare war on Balkan nations, causing the Balkan War. In Southern Balkan, Chinese troops finally take all land of Crete and some small islands. Indonesian nationalists are spreading to Sumatera, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands), The Oceanic Government began sent some troops. The battle in Israel is going good for the Iranians, they have taken the entire country except some parts in the south, a few enclaves of resistance in the central and northern regions, and a 43 km perimeter from Jerusalem.
  • North Korea: We transport our 9 million drafted men army to the shores of Oregon, for an amphibious landing, We hope to seize Portland by the end of the month (Mod Response for Advancements).
    • Mod Response: North Korea quickly take some small coastline cities, but they must face a battle in Portland and Salem.
  • Flag of China (2058-2108)Democratic Republic of China:We help North Korea by Sending in Airplanes and 1 million men to help in your Invasion. We are happy to say that we won the battle of Texas and is moving to help the Netherlands in Carolina. We will be Supplying 2 million men for the purpose. We fully annex Cyprus and Establish Bases and missile silos there. We are also invading the Balkans from the south. We hope to get the whole of Balkans[Mod Response needed]. We also Begin our Invasion of Poland. We send in 10 million men for the purpose. We also Fire 4 nukes at Warsaw.[Mod Response needed].[Secret]We begin to fund the indonesian Rebel with lots of weapons, Ammo, Nukes, Defense Systems and Aircraft for their total Annexation of Indonesia and in return join our Shanghai pact[Secret][Mod Response Needed].We Nuke Bogota and Send Soldiers to help the Venezuelans. We send in 4 million soldiers to help Iran to help them in the war against Israel.
    • Mod Response: Turkey declared war on you as they have Northern Cyprus. They were doing a massive invasion to Cyprus. Chinese troops entered the mainland and quickly took some lands. They also have taken many islands in Greek Archipelago. Poland can defend theirselves but they lose some lands, there's a great battle in Gdansk, Lublin, Brest, and Szczecin. Indonesian rebels thank your support but they don't want to join Shanghai Pact, they want to be neutral.
  • NET Netherlands: We ask for support to contain Florida (Shanghai Response Needed). We start to bomb Atlanta, hoping for a quick victory (Mod Checkup Needed). We start to invade the Danish Realm, with Greenland for us, Denmark for Germany and Faroe Is. For France if all agree to invade (German, French and Mod Responses Needed).
    • France: We are not promise breakers, and the Dutch have not helped us against England, so we decline.
    • Mod Response: After some days of fighting, Atlanta finally is taken.
    • Iranian Diplomacy: We send 5,000 troops to help Netherlands defend Florida.
  • Flag of Iran Iran: We continue liberate Palestine. We are doing a massive invasion to Israel, about 80,000 troops are sent to fight Zionists. We also continue nuke Tel Aviv. We also need help with big troops to this war, and we ask Egypt and Syria to send more troops. We also thank China with their help. We invite Kurdistan to Shanghai Pact. We promise them Eastern Kurdistan (Iranian Kurdistan) and we think Syria will do so. [Secret] We also will help Kurdistan to take Turkish Kurdistan. [End Secret] We will help to develop Kurdistan's economy and build more infrastructure. [Mod Response Needed]. We continue build nuclear bombs. [Secret] We will launch it on Seattle, Los Angeles, New York, Houston, and Chicago to help our allies take America. [End Secret]. We offer help to Neo-Yugoslavia to expand their territory. We also send small troops to fight Greece.


Stuff Happens.