Second American Civil War
The parties involved in the conflict: Republican Loyalist Insurgency (Red), Democratic Resistance of the East and West Coast Pacts (Blue)
Date 2031-2035
Location Continental United States of America, Alaska, Hawaii, american overseas territories, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific, North Atlantic, Cyberspace
Result Inconclusive, strategic victories on both sides
  • End of pseudo-fascist rule in the US
  • Further collapse of US economic, political and military power
  • Political isolation of the US
  • Admission of Puerto Rico as a state of the US
  • Extradition of Donald J. Trump and associates
🔴Republican loyalist states:
  • Texas
  • Florida
  • Arizona
  • Montana
  • Georgia
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Louisiana
  • Tennessee
  • Oklahoma
  • Utah
  • Alaska (until 2031)
  • Kansas
  • Wyoming
  • Nebraska
  • Missouri
  • Mississippi
  • Idaho
  • Kentucky
  • Ohio
  • Indiana
  • Alabama
  • Wisconsin
  • Arkansas
  • Pennsylvania
  • Michigan
  • West Virginia

Supported by:

🔵Democratic Resistance:
  • East Coast Pact
    • New York
    • Massachusetts
    • New Hampshire
    • Connecticut
    • Maine
    • New Jersey
    • Virginia
    • Rhode Island
    • Maryland
    • Delaware
    • Vermont
    • Illinois
    • Minnesota
  • West Coast Pact
    • California
    • Oregon
    • Washington
    • Nevada
    • Colorado
    • New Mexico
    • Hawaii

Supported by:

  • Canada Canada
  • Mexico Mexico
  • Taiwan Republic of China
  • League of the United Nations
  • LUN Stability Corps
  • European Union European Union
    • Alliance of the United Forces ( AUF)
  • Flag of Kurdistan Kurdistan
  • United Republic of Korea
  • Japan Japan
  • New Zealand New Zealand
  • Iran.svg Iran

The Second American Civil War was a civil war fought in the United States from 2031 to 2035, between a Republican Loyalist Insurgency and a Democratic Resistance, comprised of the so-called West and East Coast Pacts.

The conflict broke out after World War 3 (2024-2031), during which the US lost half of all its troops sent into the war, while also suffering from an economic collapse. The civil war began primarily as a result of severe and long-standing controversies over the administration of US President Donald J. Trump and his policies, which were accelerated by WW3. The losses suffered in the world war, and the decision of the Trump administration to neglect its Allies in Europe in favor of the former Revisionist Power Russia, led to massive protests and tensions in American society.

The conflict broke out in November 2031, after a failed assassination attempt against President Trump, who had prolonged his second term the previous year, and the attack itself was executed by a left-wing extremist. After this, Trump tried to suspend new elections, leading to months of public protests and controversy. The opposition Democrats nonetheless held the election as planned, whereupon the incumbent president claimed that they would once again try to steal an election from the Republicans, as he had done in 2020 and beyond. This resulted in more and more violent clashes and attacks between Trump-loyalists and critical factions of US society. After several incidents of Democratic followers being killed by Trump-loyalists, as well as Republican followers in return, the conflict escalated into civil-war like disturbances all over the country. The US Army was used to strike down the uprisings, but since a lot of American soldiers were in fact pro-Republican sympathizers, with especially the younger generation that had been conscripted during WW3 remaining critical of the former government's actions, this led to a split inside the US armed forces.

Factions of the US Army joined opposing sides of the uprisings, and soon after, several Republican-dominated areas started to proclaim that they would not follow Washington's orders anymore. The Democratic leadership and its followers were deemed treacherous and fraudulent by Republican loyalists, who now openly endorsed the use of force against the opposing side. After the Army-Split of 2032, the Republican loyalist forces began to block and besiege densely populated Democratic cities, in order to stop the transition of power in the US.

The result was a direct military confrontation between both Republican and Democratic armed forces, leading to the first military casualties of the now official civil war. The civilian population started to form armed militias, which not only sabotaged the respective opposing forces, but also conducted violent assaults on civilians from the other party. The Civil War also led to an escalation of ethnic tensions in America, in the form of racially motivated crimes and attacks being conducted by the Republican loyalists, newly formed African-American militias, and other extremist forces. The escalating violence of the Second American Civil War led to other nations and institutions also becoming involved. Both continental neighbors of the US, Canada and Mexico, condemned the violence, while making the Republican loyalists responsible for the escalation. The successor of the UN, the League of United Nations, tried to mediate between the factions, but its efforts were seen as hostile interference, leading the armed branch of the League, the LUN Stability Corps, to deploy peacekeeping troops in the Democratic-held areas, while also reinforcing the borders of Canada and Mexico.

The war soon involved various other nations, including former Revisionist Powers and collaborators like Russia and the so called "Visegrad-Resistance" states of Italy and Hungary, who supported the Republican loyalists. The short-lived and self-proclaimed Saudi Wahabi Caliphate also supported the party of its former ally Trump, before it was dissolved by the LUN Stability Corps, as did other authoritarian states like Brazil and South Africa. The Democratic forces were supported by the LUN, the EU, and its armed body, the Alliance of the United Forces, as well as other formerly pro-American states, while the newly founded Republic of China also sided with the Democratic troops.

Puerto Rico became a new state of the Union, aligning with the Democrats. While pockets of armed resistance and fighting remained active, especially in the rural areas of the US, the main fighting stayed inconclusive. The Second American Civil War pushed the US towards political change, however, leading to an end of pseudo-Fascism, the persecution of American war criminals on all sides, as well as politicians deemed treasonous to the US during the era of the Trump administration. The war also initiated a re-integration process of the US into global partnerships, agreements and treaties, despite initial isolation at the end of the civil war.

The ideology that played a significant part in facilitating the Second American Civil War remained present in the Republican Party, where a more radical wing clung to the belief that the Democrats were solely responsible for the war, while the conflict itself never ended in their eyes. This resulted in a resurgence of politicians of Trumpian ideology and revisionist ambitions, aimed at undoing not only the results of the Second American Civil War, but also the post WW3 global order, since many prominent republicans remained hostile against the outside world and its institutions due to the foreign intervention in the civil war. This revisionism, as well as the election of a more radical Republican candidate at the end of the 2040s, set the stage for the foundation of the revisionist terror organization „The Liberation“, ultimately causing WW4.

The Prelude: WW3 and its aftermath[]

In 2031, the United States of America, as the leading nation of the Allies of WW3, managed to achieve what historians see as a marginal victory against the Revisionist Powers. Despite being able to push China as the last leading Revisionist Power towards an armistice, many questioned the value of this supposed victory, since the US lost almost half of all its troops it sent into the war, making it America's most deadly war of all time.


Wounded American soldiers being carried into an evacuation plane. Source: Getty Images

While hundreds of thousands of often rather young Americans have been killed or wounded during the war, the US also suffered heavily under the global economic and financial collapse, that was caused by years of disrupted global economy. The US also suffered many political losses, due to the growing Euro-American Split, caused by Trump's anti-European policies during the war, and other US allies moving away from America because of feelings of being neglected or even betrayed in some form, like South Korea. While millions of Americans suffered from unemployment, homelessness and poverty because of the war, the world's leaders gathered in Reykjavík, Iceland, for the post-war peace conference, in order to rebuild the shattered political, economic and social structures of the globe.


The Reykjavík Peace-Conference: Tensions between victors[]

After the Armistice of Taipei, leaders of both former Allied and Revisionist countries organized a peace conference to determine the new world order that was emerging from the Third World War. The setting of this peace conference became the capital of Iceland, Reykjavík, since it was remote and yet reachable for both allied and revisionist countries, while Iceland itself appeared as a suitable symbolic location, due to its lack of a military of its own. Under extremely high safety precautions, the world's leaders, many of which have been newly elected or recently risen to power, gathered in Reykjavík to negotiate about issues like war reparations, the post-war economy, war crimes, the global economy and potential mechanisms to prevent any conflicts like WW3 in the future.


World leaders together at the conference. Source: Getty Images

The conference was moderated by neutral Switzerland, while representatives of both the former Allies and Revisionist Powers came forward with their demands for the new world order. The US as the de facto leader of the Allies of WW3 tried to re-establish itself once again as the worlds leading superpower, leading to harsh demands against not only the former Revisionist Powers, but also US allies like the EU, Japan, South Korea and many more. The American delegation of pseudo-authoritarian president Donald J. Trump wanted to get severe concessions from the Chinese, who were still struggling from the collapse of the Communist Party, leading to tensions during already heated negotiations of the conference. The US wanted to thwart any potential economic and military challenger of America, by demanding utopic amounts of financial reparations, while calling for the dismemberment of former revisionist militaries, most notably China and Iran. Even before the negotiations for these demands could move forward, the US already threatened penal-measures against any nation and institution that either would not follow its demands or takes action against the US for any American action during the war, causing global outrage and tension. The Chinese, who already faced the likely loss of Tibet and potentially Xinjiang signaled willingness to de-militarize to a certain extend, but refused to give in to US demands, due to the fact that China still needed enough military capabilities to prevent a total collapse of the state, as well as the need to be able to defend itself against potential future attacks coming from former Chinese territories. Mediation attempts by the Europeans proved to be futile, since the Republican delegation of the US was unwilling to make any concessions to the Chinese.


President Trump during an agitated speech. Source: Getty Images

Instead, the Trump-appointed representatives, with the blessing of the president, additionally demanded that the Europeans should pay the US for the deployment of troops at the Western Front during the war, despite the US gradually reducing its presence there for the entirety of the conflict, as well as Trump's anti-European policies. This was met with outrage and rejection throughout most of the European continent, leading to calls for a complete removal of American troops from Europe. Tensions kept souring over the following weeks of uneasy negotiations, which ultimately lead to specific results: The attending nations agreed on the reduction of global nuclear weapon stockpiles, as well as the liberation of most occupied territories, both allied and revisionist. As another result of the peace-negotiations, the majority of the world leaders also agreed on dismantling parts of Turkey, Iraq and Syria, in order to found the new state of Kurdistan, despite heavy resistance of said nations. Tibet was granted independence from China, while both Korea and Cyprus experienced re-unification. The former Indonesian territories of West-Timor and West-Papua, according to the earlier Armistice of Jakarta, were ceded to East-Timor and Papua-New Guinea, while Somaliland and Taiwan were granted official independence. Several collapsed Revisionist Powers remained under allied occupation though, like Venezuela and Turkey, in order to rebuild those countries or prevent a resurgence of militarism. In order to hopefully prevent any future conflicts of global magnitude, the attending world leaders agreed to found a successor organization to the failed UN, which was supposed to upheld international and human rights, while being able to enforce Peace, stability and lawfulness.


Representatives of allied nations during a summit. Source: fortune.com

As a result, the League of United Nations was created, a global organization which was able to impose international standards and rights through majority votes without vetoes or a permanent membership of specific nations, while also possessing an armed branch, for which all nations provide a certain amount of forces on a rotational basis. Despite many critical voices, the majority of the world's nations agreed on these ramifications, with the most notable exception of the US. The American regime of Donald Trump and his associates condemned these decisions, and called them an global conspiracy aimed against the United States. While America refused to join this organization, other traditional US allies like Israel and Saudi-Arabia, which still held control over large parts of the Middle East also recused themselves from joining up, leading them to face a more isolated global standpoint. The newly founded LUN also agreed on creating „international administration zones“, areas of former territorial disputes that should be administered by the LUN and its armed branch, the LUN Stability Corps, instead of being given to any party involved in the disputes. Crimea, Nagorno-Karabakh, Kashmir and Kaliningrad became such zones, with the latter becoming the HQ of the LUN. Kurdistan also received a permanent presence of the Stability Corps, in order to deter aggression of its neighboring countries. While these new institutions were still in the process of being formed, the US under Trump announced it will introduce sanctions against former Revisionist Powers immediately after the end of the peace negotiations. This move was made in order to keep potential and former rivals of the US down, which was condemned by large parts of the international community. Despite American attempts to impose economic and financial sanctions on several nations, these attempts proved to be futile, since most nations, both formerly Allied and Revisionist, simply refused to comply with those, leaving the US mostly isolated. Threats of adding more nations to the American sanctions act were largely ignored, since the US lacked the military and economic means to successfully enforce penal measures on such a large scale.

The Euro-American Split[]

The attempt of imposing sanctions on already vanquished Revisionist Powers, and the threat of punishing Allied nations as well, increased the already high tensions between the US and its European allies. Anti-American sentiment was already rampant during the latter half of the war in Europe, but the growing souring of relationships after the peace negotiations re-inflamed animosities on both the European, but also the American side. Following the refusal of the European Allies to support sanctions on former Revisionist Powers, Trump and his loyalist followers, like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, slammed the Europeans as treasonous, and accused them of conspiring against the US alongside the Revisionist Powers, and claimed thatcher already did so during the war. These accusations were followed by European outcries and counter-arguments, like accusing the US and Trump in particular of conspiring against the Allies himself due to his pro-Russian motivations during the conflict.


Anti-Trump protests in Europe. Source: European Council of Foreign Affairs

These European accusations, and the following disputes with the US only grew more tense after the Russians released records of various kinds that proved that Trump and his associates indeed signaled Russia a beneficial approach from the American leadership, in return for decreased Russian aggression against US interests on other fronts of the war. These records were rejected by the Trump regime as „fake news“ and rather seen as proof of anti-American collaboration of Europe and the Revisionist Powers. The revelations of said records lead to new anti-Trump protests in large urban areas, while Trump's supporters in the political ranks deemed these protests as treasonous for the American cause. Tensions between the US and Europe grew to a point where the Trump administration threatened to sanction European companies and industrial sectors, while demanding payment for America's rather lackluster involvement on the Western Front, and its military presence after the war. European leaders from all over the continent were angered about these threats and demands, while tens of thousands of protesters went to the streets in Europe and called for a removal of American troops from the continent. The hostility grew to such a degree, that American troops in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and even in some parts of Poland and the Baltics were insulted by European protesters, while being thrown at with stones, garbage and even rotten fruit and vegetables. During these encounters, a small group of American soldiers in Germany felt threatened by protesters gathering around them and demanding they would leave, and after they threw heavy objects into the group of soldiers, some of them started to fire into the crow, leading to heavy injuries and even one fatality.


German protesters in front of the Brandenburg Gate and close to the US Embassy. Source: Wikimedia

The German leadership, as well as representatives from France, the EU and the AUF were shocked and appalled by this, and demanded an American apology, but the Trump regime blamed the victims for the escalation, with Trump calling them "Antifa and leftist terrorists“ and "Nazi-scum“, leading Germany to halt military cooperation with the US. Germany then declared that American troops were no longer welcomed on German territory, leading to an ultimatum for complete removal of US forces. The US refused to comply, and instead announced sanctions on Germany, which lead France and the AUF to show solidarity with its European ally and member state. European troops of the AUF engaged in standoffs with the US army around American bases in Germany, and after emergency diplomatic meetings, and political pressure on the Trump administration, the US reluctantly announced that its troops will leave Germany. The US troops were escorted by European tanks, fighter aircraft and heavily armed soldiers, which was seen as humiliation by the oppositional Democrats in the US Congress and Senate. Pressure on American forces in Belgium and the Netherlands also grew, which was why the US also announced a retreat from those nations as well, leaving only Italy, the UK and to a certain degree Poland as the only European nations welcoming the US presence. While the Visegrad states expressed their support for America's position, negotiations in secret began about the future of American nuclear weapons in Europe. Since the US lost a large fraction of its aircraft and naval assets in the war, and transport by land was seen as too risky due to anti-American uprisings in Europe, the US and European leaders from Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Italy negotiated about what to do with American nuclear weapons. Due to America's severe need for money, as European concerns about future nuclear deterrence against Russia, the delegation of the US and the Europeans agreed to a move that was seen as incredibly questionable by critical American policymakers, Russia and European civilians, especially in Germany: selling the American nuclear weapons to the states harboring them. Despite heavy resistance from multiple sides, the delegation finalized this decision in order to make the US retreat as uncomplicated and quick as possible, making the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium and Germany nuclear weapons states, although this resulted in heavy protests in the latter, especially since violated The final treewidth respect to Germany after German reunification in 1990. In order to circumvent this issue, and in order to appease the resisting civilian population, the now German weapons were put under an international mandate of the AUF, so that Germany had no unilateral control and oversight over the nuclear weapons. Donald Trump slammed the Europeans, and called them „ungrateful traitors“, whilst preparing sanctions against the majority of the EU and the European NATO members.

The Homecoming: Return of a Sacrificed Youth[]


US soldiers returning home after years of combat. Source: Google


Anti-Trump protests erupting in the US. Source: NBC News


Masses of removed mail boxes piled up. Source: Twitter


Veterans of all ages protest against Trump


Symbolic protests in support of the US postal service

While the Reykjavík Peace Conference was still in its final stages, the US welcomed the first wave of homecoming soldiers. The vast majority of those who returned from the war were between the age of 18 - 25, among them many liberals and Democratic voters, while tens of thousands of these young recruits came back with severe injuries and without proper education, since many were forced to leave college in order to serve in the military. While there were several victory parades in addition of the ones immediately after the Armistice of Taipei, the American social security systems were overwhelmed by thousands of unemployment applications reached in by the homecoming recruits. The Trump administration promised them during the war to take care for them when they return, as well as the declaration that they would receive financial support and secured healthcare. Since the US suffered heavy economic damage, the amount of money that the returning soldiers actually received was far smaller than originally stated, while the civilian population also received lackluster stimulus packages. Most financial support went to the industrial and corporate sectors instead, prompting outrage among the American people and the oppositional Democrats. As soon as these developments crystalized, many returning US soldiers refused to participate in some of the victory parades, which prompted hostile rhetoric from notable Republican leaders and right-wing media outlets. At the same time, the Democrats increased their campaigning efforts for the 2029 presidential election, during which former Vice-President Kamala Harris ran as the candidate for the DNC again, while Vice-President Mike Pence was announced as the Republican candidate. However, since martial law was still in place and Trump feared personal repercussions as soon as he would leave office again, the president remained hesitant to announce a new date for the presidential election. Trump justified this by citing the still ongoing Reykjavík Peace Conference and the potential that negotiations might fail at the last minute, leaving the US once again open for foreign attacks of any kind, while he accused the Democrats of collaborating with former Revisionist Powers to win the election, which would allegedly require investigations before there could be an election. This caused new waves of protests and political squabbles, since the Democrats accused Trump of trying to undermine the integrity of American democracy, while on the other hand accusing him of colluding with the Revisionist Powers, after the earlier reports about Russian records of US approaches sympathetic towards the Russian cause during the war. After severe congressional pressure, as well as public and foreign demands to finally hold the election after its delay a year prior along the constitutional crisis that followed, Trump announced that the US presidential election would be held in November 2031, meaning both sides would only have a minimal amount of time to run their campaigns. Rhetoric between the two sides became increasingly hostile in the latter half of 2031, drowning the cheer and celebration over the end of the war and the return of many American recruits and creating even more frustration among those young soldiers who were sent to fight for the first time in their lives during WW3. Due to the fact that still millions of US soldiers were deployed all over the world to secure the allied gains of WW3, in-mail voting was expected to be rather prominent again, similar to what was the case during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, during which many troops, but especially the civilian population used mail-in ballots to participate in the election. Since Trump claimed to this day that said election was fraudulent and stolen from him, which was additionally used as a justification for delaying the 2028 election alongside emergency laws during the war, as well as suggesting that he would be allowed to have a third term, Trump once again declared mail-in voting as rigged. Trump and his associates claimed that mail-in voting during a time of war, even though WW3 already came to a halt, would be prone to enemy interference and manipulation for both the military service members and the civilian population at home, leading to the attempts of the Trump administration to invalidate mail-in ballots even in 2031. The Republican secretaries on the behest of their president also used emergency laws and executive orders of Trump to intercept and confiscate mail delivery all over the US, especially in Democratic-leaning counties, under the official justification of doing this because of allegedly „clear evidence“ of voter fraud and foreign meddling. Trump's team of associates also justified their claim of voter fraud by pointing towards allegedly confiscated voting machines and servers of Dominion voting systems that were supposed to be discovered during the occupation of Venezuela. Evidence of the existence of such discoveries haven’t been found to this day. The next wave of protests that followed after these unprecedented measures were accompanied by thousands of veterans of all ages, who joined the demonstrators because of concerns for American democracy.

Tensions Escalate: Assassination Attempt on Donald J. Trump[]


US security forces engaging agitated protesters


Militias and armed vigilantes joining the riots against anti-Trump protesters


Arrested suspects after a shooting in New Mexico


Large gathering of protesters during partially violent riots


Trump followers assembled in support of their president


Trump being rushed off stage by the Secret Service


Federal troops clashing with protesters during riots


Georgia Democratic politician arrested in the Georgian congress. Source: Washington Post.


US troops securing the Capitol after substantial riots


The „Boogaloo-Boys“ militia gearing up during anti-Democrat protests.

The demonstrations against the Republican pushback against voting rights, as well as Trump's deeds and failures during WW3 lasted for close to 2 months, with increasingly violent tendencies becoming widespread among both pro-and anti-Republican protesters. As a result of Trump once again using federal troops and US military to thwart protests, the number of violent clashes between protesters and security forces mounted rapidly, while dozens of demonstrators as well as police officers were killed during these riots. Trump and various of his most loyal officials and associates condemned these riots and kept referring to them as treacherous acts conducted by anti-American anarchists and left-wing radicals, who allegedly received support from the oppositional Democrats, even though there were no clear and/or public evidence for these allegations. Trump loyalists all over the country welcomed the hard line the government followed against the anti-Trump protesters, with many even advocating for the use of lethal force. Thousands of pro-Republican militia members started to follow these riots, usually while wearing tactical gear and guns, in order to „protect neighborhoods from looting and arson“. Due to the heated atmosphere and the close proximity of militia members and anti-Trump protesters, cases of violent clashes between those factions also mounted over time, with several militia members but also protesters being killed by people from the other side. Both Republicans and Democrats condemned the violence and called for peace, law and order, with the Republicans surrounding Trump resorting to the now martial rhetoric of their president, who called for life sentences for sedition, treason and terrorism for the protesters he still called „left-wing anarchists“. Trump and his administration blamed the left and the oppositional Democrats for the escalation and responded to the violence by authorizing lethal force against „agitators and anarchists“, while evidence surfaced about right-wing extremists infiltrating the protests in order to deliberately instigate violence, even though cases of left-wing extremists and militants forging evidence of attacks from Trump supporters are on record too. While both Democrats and Republicans remained in a heated political deadlock and mutual accusations of inflaming the unrest, several riots once again resulted in casualties, after cases were reported of shots being fired into the crowds. Despite initial speculations of security forces shooting anti-Trump protesters, emergency investigations revealed that self-proclaimed militia members and Trump sympathizers engaged Democratic protesters in a dozen US cities and ultimately murdered around 20 unarmed protesters. Even though the suspects were arrested immediately, tensions kept escalating since many oppositional Democrats and representatives of the protest movement criticized the inactivity of federal US guards towards the pro-Trump militias. Various reports showed that many security officers left militia members unbothered and even took sympathizing photos with them during riots, despite most of them openly wearing firearms like assault rifles. Trump and his associates claimed that they would condemn the lethal violence during the recent events, but openly endorsed and spread the defense of the arrested militia members by claiming that they were attacked first and that the victims were actually armed Antifa-members, despite not presenting compelling evidence. These claims were additionally peddled in conservative media outlets, which spread news stories of alleged schemes of Democrats, left-wing extremists, mainstream media outlets and even former Revisionist Powers aimed against president Trump, with the intent of overthrowing him and taking control of the country. Because of the resulting feedback loop between Republican politicians and conservative media outlets, the alleged killers received sympathy and even glorification from Trump loyalists and other militias, while Democrats, liberals and countless veterans of WW3 were outraged by this. The fact that federal forces were authorized, although reluctant to actually follow through with using lethal force, while alleged killers were glorified by the US president and supportive media outlets of his caused hundreds of officers, federal agents and other security forces to refuse to follow Trump's orders, with many even quitting their jobs and joining the anti-Republican protests. Trump and prominent Republican politicians deemed these quitters as „unpatriotic“ and accused them of betraying their country by joining the rioters. Trump, after ordering thousands of US troops back home from the occupation of Iran as reinforcements for his federal forces, used a Republican campaign event in Pennsylvania for repeating many of his, often untrue talking points live on TV. He once again accused the opposition of trying to „destroy America“ while claiming that he and his administration brought the US to victory in WW3, allegedly making it the single most powerful nation in the world. He rejected accusations of working with Revisionist Powers against US allies as fake news, and denounced the opinion that his government showed grave incompetence by causing unprecedented casualties on the battlefield due to questionable strategic decisions, while once again invoking his „law and order“ policy. Trump also attacked former US allies like the Europeans and announced that the US would „punish“ them for their ungratefulness and betrayal and celebrated fallen US soldiers as heroes because they didn’t allow themselves to be captured. In addition to these already inflammatory rhetoric, Trump also called the shooters of the Democratic protests patriots and again repeated the story that they just defended themselves and that they were the actual victims of the „fake news media“ and its Democratic „co-conspirators“. While being cheered on on stage, gunshots were heard in the crowd, causing a panic and chaos. Trump was rushed from the podium by Secret Service agents, while an armed suspect tried to wrestle through the crowd towards Trump, attempting to fire at the US president. The Secret Service was initially unable to shoot the suspect due to the large crowd of civilians running wild, leading several agents to physically charge the attacker, leading one agent to be hit directly, with another one receiving minor injuries. The suspect was tackled down und ultimately missed his actual target, president Trump. While Trump was swiftly brought to safety, the assassination attempt itself caused panic and uncertainty among the people and first speculations about the motive and background of the suspect circulated in the media. Oppositional Democrats peddled the theory that the culprit may have been a psychologically disturbed individual, a „lone-wolf“ attacker, while Republicans and Trump loyalists accused him of being a radical leftist, with some linking him to Antifa despite lack of supportive evidence. After the initial chaos, Trump organized a spontaneous press conference just a day after the assassination attempt, during which he once again accused the alleged „radical left“ of being responsible for the attack and called the suspect an Antifa-anarchist. Trump also linked the assassin to the Democrats and accused them of instigating this attack on his life, while making ambiguous comments implying that they may have actively tasked the attacker to shoot Trump. The oppositional Democrats rejected these accusations and accused Trump of using this assassination attempt to attack his political opponents. The FBI immediately launched an investigation into the incident and arrested several individuals close to the assassin, who indeed turned out to be far-left extremist who was frustrated by Trump after him being drafted during WW3, although the FBI was unable to find any connections between the suspect and Antifa, as well as any Democratic representatives. The news about the political background of the suspect caused a new inflammation of tensions in the country, during which pro-Trump Republicans and various right-wing extremist militias actively launched violent attacks on Democrats and liberal demonstrators, leading to dozens of shootings and more than a hundred casualties throughout the US. Despite there not being any evidence of Democratic connections of the attacker, Trump used the still active martial and emergency law to authorize raids on Democratic offices, as well as the arrest of dozens Democratic representatives, among them various rather well known politicians.

Fire and Fury: America Plunges into Chaos[]


Protesters being detained by security forces on Election Day. Source: Global Times


Trump loyalists destroying the equipment of newsmen.


Anti-Republican protesters during a demonstration on election night.


Trump followers converging on a voting center in Michigan.


Police forces guarding the White House during riots. Source: Canberra Times


Pro-Trump militiamen descending on the streets at night. Source: Der Spiegel


Protesters engage in clashes on the street with fireworks. Source: The Times


Soldiers being deployed on American streets to get the situation under control.


Fires during escalating riots.


Protesters clashing with security forces


Deployed soldiers in the streets during riots


Troops starting to open fire


US troops trying to disperse crowds of protesters


Policemen standing their ground during violent protests. Source: The Times


Crowds gather in front of burning stores. Source: The conversation.


Rioters during street fighting against security forces. Source: ABC News


Pro-republican protesters face off security forces. Source: ABC News


Agitated crowds tear down barricades. Source: ABC News

The situation in the US remained explosive throughout the final phase of the 2030 presidential election. Riots, looting and violent clashes between pro-Democratic protesters and Republican loyalists occurred on an almost daily basis, with Democratic offices being raided regularly. Due to the increasing violence in the streets, as well as the failed assassination attempt on president Trump, the presence of not only police but also military forces inside the US grew massively in the later fall of 2030. While the American troops were stationed around centers of political power, especially the White House and the GOP office in Washington D.C. for protective duties, orders were issued to engage against looters and anti-Trump protesters like they were insurrectionists and hostile forces. The orders were met with harsh criticism not only from the Democrats but also military representatives themselves, who struggled with the authorization of using their force against American citizens. Despite the ongoing chaos and the rising numbers of people being killed during protests, riots, militia attacks as well as shootings from non-Military security forces, efforts were still made to continue with the election process as much as possible. During tense rallies, both sides called for support of their respective candidates and demonized the opposite party, with Republicans portraying their Democratic counterparts as anarchists, traitors and leftist extremists hell-bent on „trying to destroy America“ while the Democrats condemned the Republican use of force against protesters as authoritarian and „fascist“ abuses of power. These rallies were strained with violence as well though, due to various incidents of political opponents of both sides conducting attacks on these events, like trucks being driven into rally sites or deadly shootings in crowded parking lots. Representatives from the EU and the newly founded LUN issued grave concern over the situation in the US and called for an end of hostilities, while their notes were met by threats from Trump and his Republican loyalists that any kind of foreign interference would lead the US to take „appropriate measures against American enemies all over the world“, while Trump explicitly threatened to economically destroy the EU should it try to meddle in American affairs. As a result, various envoys were summoned, while a considerable amount of American diplomats not necessary for the peace-process in Europe were expelled. Meanwhile tensions were high when the election date approached, especially since the Republican Party kept warning and theorizing about alleged Democratic plans to „once again steal“ the election, while various federal institutions, like the FBI and NSA reported about a growing number of plans voiced by militia members and extremist groups of all political spectrums to stoke up violence depending on the outcome of the upcoming election. During the first days of November 2029, security and military forces were deployed all over Washington D.C. as well as various polling places and political institutions in large American cities, while store owners started to barricade their property, as well as US civilians starting to preemptively leave the cities to seek shelter in more rural areas. Even on election day, large scale demonstrations were held in many of America’s most prominent metropoles, leading to an increasingly hostile climate and already the first new clashes between security forces and demonstrators. Journalists, especially from left-leaning outlets were often times assaulted and attacked by militia members and counter-protesters, often times from the Republican-loyalist spectrum, leading to dozens of journalists and camera-crew members to be hospitalized with severe injuries, including members of the foreign press. This once again caused uproars from the international community, especially from European and east Asian countries, whose press members were particularly targeted and attacked during the upheaval on Election Day. Despite maximized efforts to limit and slow down mail-in voting, millions of mailed ballots were cast and counted on Election Day, even though Trump attempted to halt the collection of mail-in ballots as much as possible. Nonetheless, millions of Americans still took to the voting booths on the day of the 2030 election itself, leading to various incidents, like assaults on election helpers by pro-Republican militia members, harassment of voting centers in Republican dominated districts by anti-Trump protesters in some cases as well as both and proven bomb threats against voting booths. In some areas there were even incidents of militia members and often times pro-Trump protesters occupying voting booths in districts known to either lean to the Democratic side in the past or that were forecasted to turn blue in this election, although those incursions were met with little resistance by the police and other security forces, leading to accusations against the Republican leadership of endorsing such acts. Despite these incidents still continuing into election night, the protocol was still followed as usual with forecasts predicting a slim victory for Democratic candidate Kamala Harris. Trump and his associates denounced these predictions as fake news and once again claimed victory around 2 hours after the voting deadline, leading to various celebrations of Republican followers in some areas. Around 02.00 in the morning, after hours of a more or less clear lead for the Republicans, the election officials announced that a Democratic victory now seems clear, the more mail-in ballots were counted. As soon as the possible Democratic win seemed to have become obvious, Kamala Harris made a first press conference in which she voiced optimism and the belief that the US is about to overcome the „destructive influence of Donald Trump on American democracy“. The more states announced Democratic leads, the more clashes between pro and anti Trump protesters were reported, while the number of demonstrators, militia members and security as well as military troops increased by the hour in D.C. Trump loyalists were reported to forcefully enter voting centers, often times while being armed, and halting the process of counting mail in ballots. Many of these occupations soon turned into hostage situations, followed by the first shootings between the police and the culprits. The news of the sieges on voting centers additionally agitated the situation in many US cities, especially in Washington D.C., where tens of thousands of anti-Republican protesters and pro-Trump sympathizers descended on the streets of D.C., the latter of which often heavily armed without security forces checking or arresting them. Numerous reporters broadcast the situation live on news outlets of the entire spectrum, although many of them were assaulted by pro-Republican protesters and militia-members, caught in the crossfire of left-wing counter-protesters engaging in clashes with Trump loyalists, as well as various cases of police and security forces using disproportionate measures and force against news reporters. When the decisive electoral votes came in for the Democrats, despite some states still not having finished counting all votes, the heated atmosphere in Washington D.C. seemingly exploded immediately: pro-Democratic protesters cheered in their apparent victory and mocked the masses of Republican loyalists, which lead to a mass clash unseen since many decades in the US. Pro-and anti-Republican protesters started fighting each other on the streets of D.C., with hundreds of people being severely wounded after a short period of time because of fist fights, being bashed with rocks, poles and melee weapons as well as numerous cases of stabbings. The security forces immediately intervened and were ordered by their Republican superiors to stop the fighting and „crush the assault on America“, as it was called by Republican officials close to the president who appeared on camera that night, leading to countless scenes of security and police forces clashing with protesters in unprecedented brutality. While the news anchors on sight reported an apparently stronger use of force against anti-Republican demonstrators, with many being heavily clubbed, smashed on the ground and injured by rubber bullets and chemical irritants, pro-Trump outlets reported cases of Trump-loyalists being assaulted during the increasingly severe street fight of D.C., accusing their counterparts of not showing these cases because of a „propagandistic bias“. The longer the street fights continued, and the more intense the orders of the president and his officials to intervene became, the more cases emerged of security forces and police officers disobeying their orders out of criticism of using violence against American citizens, especially those who were critical of the incumbent president. Despite the intervention of security forces, the sheer masses of protesters who fought and chased each other made it impossible for those to get the situation under control and prevent people from getting severely injured. Ambulances were often times unable to get through the fighting crowds, leading to hundreds of people not being able to be treated despite receiving heavy wounds. During those fights, a pro-Trump militia member got injured to such an extent, that he died on scene, causing his fellow militiamen to open fire on the still charging and battling anti-Republican crowds, leading dozens of people to receive fatal wounds. When the first gun shots were heard on the streets of Washington D.C., the situation fully escalated. Security forces, irritated by the shots , started to use lethal ammunition against various protesters of whom they thought they carried weapons or were about to attack them and/or others, while more and more militia members and gun-carrying protesters drew their weapons and started firing against those who they identified as attackers in their perception. When gun violence erupted in D.C., the president was rushed to safety into the underground bunker of the White House, while the number of security and military forces protecting the government district was heavily increased. After being brought to safety, president Trump made an emergency broadcast from the White House bunker, calling the bloodshed an „attack on the US conducted by anarchists and traitors“ who were allegedly hell bent on „trying to destroy America“ and accused the Democrats of not only rigging the election, but also to be responsible of instigating this violence in order to get rid of Trump as the still legitimate president of the US. He then once again declared martial law in Washington D.C. and invoked the Insurgency Act, ordering not only his security forces but also the military troops that were stationed in D.C. to engage the fighting crowds and to use deadly force, „if necessary“ to crush what Trump described as an insurgency, in reference of the January 6th Insurgency on Capitol Hill for which he was directly blamed of having instigated it himself. More and more forces indeed started to use lethal rounds against protesters and militia members, with an increasing number of security forces and soldiers getting directly attacked, with the first casualties being reported on 04.00. Despite those forces being deployed by Trump himself, and many of them being reported to have sympathize with Republican protesters before the violence erupted that night, various pockets of militia-members started gun fights with the troops after several members being shot by those in response to attempted shootings. When the violence on the streets of D.C. was reported, alongside the electoral results favoring the Democrats, similar clashes erupted in other cities all across the US, especially as soon as the first civilian casualties, both among the pro and anti-Republican followers, were reported. Democratic protesters and pro-Republican loyalists engaged in clashes and fights similar to D.C., however in those other cities, militia members and even left-wing radicals soon opened fire as well on often times unarmed crowds in retaliation for their fellow associates being killed in the fights of the capital. Not only were the crowds attacking themselves, but there were also increasingly violent attacks on voting centers. Those centers that saw hostage situations during this night were hit by bloodshed when pro-Trump loyalists opened fire on the present security forces after hearing the news coverage about Trump sympathizers being killed in D.C., leading to dozens of policemen, militia members and hostages being killed all over the US. Despite more and more pro-Trump Republican militiamen being killed by Trump's own troops, those groups still made the Democrats, who they accused of stealing the election once more according to them in reference to 2020 and started to assault DOJ offices in Washington and beyond. When sun started rising again, a total of 275 Americans were killed during the now dubbed „Black Night“, with protests and violent clashes continuing throughout Christmas season and New Year's. The election by then was officially won by the Democrats by a slim margin once again, leading to violent protests and multiple attempts of Trump and the GOP leadership to invalidate the election results and to try to stop the transition of power, for example, by proclaiming the 2031 election was rigged and manipulated, and that the violence of the Black Night was instigated by the Democrats and former Revisionist Powers, as well as former allies of the US in order to take control of America. To this day, no evidence was found to prove most of these claims. Many notable Republican politicians and leaders, as well as Republican state officials joined the chorus of the incumbent president and called the election results and the violence of the Black Night a „coup“ of the Democrats, while declaring that they don’t recognize the results whatsoever.


Mayhem in the Metropoles[]


Pro-republican loyalists engage with security forces during the certification date of the election. Source: KSP.TV


Pro-Trump protesters using chemical irritants during clashes with security forces. Source: WIVB


Civilians trying to get to safety


Trump-loyalists clashing with police and security troops. Source: Independent.uk


Fox News Host Tucker Carlson defending pro-republican rioters on TV. Source: Independent.uk/Twitter


Pro-Trump loyalists fighting against law enforcement. Source: Independent.uk


Republican Lauren Boebert posing with far-right militia members. Source: coloradotimesrecorder.

After 2 months of violence and political squabble following the election, the Democrats tried to move on in order to swear in Kamala Harris as the new president of the US, but met heavy resistance from the Republicans who proved to be far more vigilant in their Opposition of these election results compared to 2020/2021. Trump, as well as his allied high ranking Republican officials tried to delay state certifications throughout December, with some of these attempts actually ending up successful due to various Republican governors of states that voted Democratic by a small margin interfering in the certification process under the pretext of alleged voting fraud and supposed foreign interference, most notably in Georgia and Arizona as well as in various contentious counties of Michigan, where Republican legislators voted to not certify the election results because of the same claims as their fellow party members in D.C. . Republican members of the state boards of canvassers all over the country refused to vote in favor of certification, leading to electoral deadlocks in multiple counties. Democrats from all over the continental US condemned these attempts to derail the election process and called the State courts to step in and force these board members to certify the election. While in many cases this proved to be successful, in others, where Republican appointed judges were in charge, the courts refrained from interfering with the Republican attempts to negate the 2030 election process. After a short period of calm, new violent protests emerged as a result of both houses of congress certifying the election results, despite various interference attempts of republican politicians, who even announced investigations against the Democrats because of alleged voter fraud, instigation of violence and in some cases even treason, although the latter was later on deemed as a solely symbolic, populist move to appease the pro-Trump republican base. The Democrats on the other hand announced investigations of their own against the former president and his government for inciting violence, authorizing the use of lethal force against US citizens on American soil as well as actions taken during WW3. The political discourse around the time of the certification therefore succumbed to partisan accusations and attacks, while on the confirmation date itself, similar to the January 6th insurrection of 2021, thousands of republican Trump-loyalists gathered around the capitol, with many carrying arms. The demonstrations, that were strained by violent clashes between pro and anti-republican protesters were inflamed by Trump and many senior republican officials who kept aggressively calling the unfolding events a „hostile takeover“ with many republican officials openly calling to fight the transition of power to the democrats. Even though the protesters were unable to breach the perimeter around capitol, due to preemptively taken precautions, several clashes intensified outside the fences, with several individuals, who were later identified as being radicalized militia members, drawing their weapons, leading to the death of 6 people. Rumors were spread that the shooters were acting in self-defense because of „left-wing radicals“ or „Antifa-aggressors“, while more and more calls emerged to actively attack perceived anti-Trump forces with the use of weapons. Security forces were ordered to step in and crack down the protests, causing the situation to escalate even more. Dozens security officials were assaulted by the pro-Trump crowd that kept calling them traitors and various other insults, like „agents-of the deep state“ and similar expressions. The violent fights between security forces and the armed crowed even once again resulted in various shootings a bit further away from the perimeter, although dozens of security members were reported to refrain from taking action against republican protesters, leading to accusations of fraternization with their cause. Localized clashes, heated protests and dozens of shootings continued throughout the night, leading to enforced accusations of republicans towards their democratic counterparts that those would no longer be in control of the situation and instead decided to „massacre American patriots“. In the same time period, reports were made that the FBI raided several homes in Michigan, D.C. and Pennsylvania because of credible evidence of planned acts of political violence by right-wing extremists close to the republicans. As soon as these news became public, various disinformation campaigns were launched claiming that the arrested suspects were falsely accused and instead were the victims of false-flag operations meant to give the Democrats an excuse to enforce more laws that hurt republicans and conservatives in the US. Social Media was simultaneously flooded with pictures and videos showing various well-known republicans expressing their support for the anti-democratic militias and the groups that were arrested for planning political violence. Many republicans posted pictures of themselves posing with anti-democratic militia members and people who were associated with various shootings between republican loyalists and security forces, while making several hand signs that became symbols of the pro-Trump movement following the escalating tensions. In addition to republican politicians posing with militia members, alleged shooting suspects and pro-Trump protesters and conspiracy theorists, there were also many military servicemen who also expressed solidarity with the republican cause and defended the willingness to use violence, because they and many republican politicians echoed the claim that they're now in a fight to "retake the country ". The fraternization of republican figures and military servicemen resulted in Democrats calling for investigation against said politicians for potentially aiding and/or organizing political violence while there were no outlined investigation plans to get to the bottom of incidents of violence against Trump-loyalists as well as calls for shutting down the news networks that hosted many famous moderators that openly defended violence during the recent escalations, which fueled more anger and antigovernmental conspiracies online.

The Red Hats are coming: Insurrection in DC[]


Trump- and republican loyalists storm the US Capitol. Source: Getty Images


Republican sympathizers fighting against security forces in D.C. Source: the Atlantic


Republican loyalists clashing with security forces inside the Capitol. Source: Getty Images


Policemen during fights against rioters in D.C. Source: Getty Images


Chaos on the streets of D.C. Source: Getty Images


National Guard troops being called to D.C. Source: AP


Security agents trying to fend off the attackers of Capitol Hill. Source: Houston Press


Far-right militias mobilized on the streets. Source: USAToday


Militias taking position in forest terrain. Source: AP


Explosives being used against Police officers in D.C. Source: AFP


Militia member during the violence around Capitol Hill. Source: Getty Images


Burning cars on the streets of D.C. Source: WTOP


Civilian yield in front of armed forces.

With the Inauguration Day of president elect Kamala Harris nearing, the rhetoric of those who opposed the election results and claimed that she was supposedly an illegitimate president became increasingly hostile and violent in nature. With more and more republicans posing with Trump-loyalist and right-wing militias, while spreading numerous stories and conspiracy theories about alleged voter fraud during the recent election, the hashtags "#civilwar" and "fightback!" were trending on various social media outlets. Far-right militias published various "war plans" about how to fight the "tyrannical Kamala regime" and spread instructions for how to prepare for civil unrest, urban warfare and rationing food and other supplies. FBI and other intelligence agencies registered a massive spike in weapons sales, with some cases being described as gun hording. Reports about raids and arrests for alleged planning of political violence, the kidnapping of mostly democratic politicians as well as terrorist attacks on centers of political significance became almost a daily occurrence, while pro-republican outlets and politicians called these arrest a purge of -"American patriots who saw the truth". Condemning political violence from either side was increasingly missing from the heated debates that were broadcasted on various media, while violent attacks from the other side were in many cases exaggerated and overblown into accusations of politically coordinated hostilities. Many republican representatives who rejected the election results and tried to interfere both in the certification of the results as well as the inauguration process itself even announced that the Democrats supposedly "declared a civil war on the American people. Protests from both sides continued through day and night until Inauguration Day, with violent clashes and many shootings becoming common, although it was no longer possible to identify who started said violent attacks. Due to the continuous hostile rhetoric of the political leadership, the ongoing street fights and violent clashes between pro-republican and democratic protesters, although the former was now increasingly made up of heavily armed militias, many of which were newly founded after the "Black Night", many rural Americans came together in masses in the churches in order to pray for peace and protection. At the same time, the urban population of US metropolises, that were already scarred by conflict on the streets increasingly prepared for more attacks: families began fleeing towards residences in more calm, rural areas away from the cities, while many shop owners, universities and even hospitals started to create barricades in order to protect their respective buildings and their residents, while more and more people in the more democratic leaning cities started to arm themselves as well, although mostly with handguns, although shop owners and loosely organized student militias also obtained rifles from private owners. The situation was therefore extremely tense and later on described by outside observers as the "calm before the storm". Rumors were spread about plans for armed insurrection during the inauguration of Kamala Harris, which lead to a new wave of arrests that resulted in shootouts between security forces and mainly pro-republican extremists that caused dozens of casualties. When examining the apartments and storage facilities of said extremists, masses of weapons and even self-made explosives were found, although many republican observers claimed that those were planted as part of a false-flag operation in order to "crush the resistance" and take total control of the country. Due to these developments, the president elect, as well as Pentagon officials and the leaders of Capitol Hill Police decided that it would be best to invoke the Insurrection Act in order to deploy military troops in and around D.C. in order to prevent any escalation. However, this move was later on twisted by republican politicians and sympathizer outlets as proof of a hostile occupation of the capital and an undemocratic takeover of the US. Due to widespread sympathizing sentiment among the troops, cases of soldiers once again rejecting their orders rose up again, while dozens of military servicemembers were dishonorably removed from duty due to open fraternization with the pro-republican insurgents, while in some cases these were even arrested due to giving republican loyalist militias access to military equipment. The situation was therefore extremely tense when Inauguration Day finally arrived, especially since both military troops and protesters of both spectrums came face to face with each other. When the inaugural ceremony started, several dozens of pro-republican protesters and militia members were hindered to enter D.C. due to being armed. Unarmed sympathizers and armed militia men start clashing with both security forces and military personnel, with various militias opening fire on the troops in what survivors of the civil war later in claimed was "self defense". The result were gun fights between militias, accompanied by pro-republican protesters armed with rocks, melee weapons and chemical irritants, and military personnel around Takoma Park, Au-Tenleytown and the Palisades, which forced both the security and military servicemen to divert forces from Capitol Hill and Deanwood to the north. The sounds of gunshots right when president elect Kamala Harris tried to make her oath caused panic among the attending crowd, while the secret service urged the attendees to call off the ceremony. While Harris and the attending crowd scrambled to get off the stage, several explosions were heard in Deanwood and Anacostia, as well as Brentwood. As it turned out, extremist militias have planted self-made explosives inside cars parked along vital streets for D.C., including potential traversing routes for the deployed military. With chaos descending on Washington D.C. , the crowds of pro-republican loyalists shouted various anti-democratic and antigovernment slogans that were already heard on many occasions before Inauguration Day, while ultimately clashing with the forces surrounding Capitol Hill. Due to the chaotic situation and the distant sounds of gunshots and explosions, the security forces at Capitol Hill started to open fire on the attacking crowds, which lead armed individuals in the masses to return the shots. Additional explosions were heard along the perimeter, caused by trucks filled with self-made explosions being driven either into armored vehicles or barricades, while heavily armed militias breached through the few openings. The result was open street combat between security forces and military personnel on one side and far-right militias and armed republican loyalists on the other. The fighting mainly intensified and escalated in Shaw, Downtown, the area around the heavily secured stadium armory and Anacostia, while clashes in Takoma Park and Barnaby Woods continued, all while the masses of pro-republican loyalist descended on Capitol Hill. When the news about open hostilities broke all over the US, many social media outlets were flooded with videos made by bystanders filming the violence on the streets of D.C. with their smartphones, while in many republican leaning channels, this footage was usually accompanied with claims of the US military slaughtering its own people and that the "illegitimate" president Kamala would try to crush the resistance against her tyrannical takeover. As a result, thousands of militias and sympathizers of the republican loyalist cause, as well as thousands of democratic protesters went to the streets of many US states, including Michigan, New York, Arizona, Pennsylvania and California. In Michigan, where the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing also received a small military presence towards the upcoming inauguration, pro-Trump Militias, after online calls to "fight back against the Kamala regime" and to take vengeance for the fallen "patriots" in D.C., heavily armed militias descended on the military forces present, leading to heated situations and ultimately gunshots due to various radicalized militiamen opening fire on the troops. As a result, street fighting also erupted in Lansing, with more and more republican loyalists streaming into the city for the defense of their likeminded brethren. In various counties in California, pro-democratic gatherings that condemned the fighting in D.C. and blamed the republicans for it were assaulted by unidentified shooters, while there was a rising number of reported attacks on Californian police officers by shooters often times being associated with the republican-loyalist insurgency. In Washington D.C. itself, the insurgents that attacked the present military forces were rather quickly neutralized, with the situation in Takoma Park and Barnaby Woods being almost completely under control. Trump, with many of his family members and closest political associates present who all didn't participate in the Inauguration, began to rush towards the airport and flew towards Florida while posting various videos during his flight where he half-heartedly condemned violence of any kind, but brazenly blamed the escalation in D.C. on the Democrats, in combination with repeating once again his unproven claims of voter fraud and an illegitimate takeover of the US by the democrats. Numerous calls were made by the FBI to the Floridian governor to allow the arrest of Trump and his associates as soon as they landed in Florida, which was denied. Instead, the republican governor sent his own state troopers and police forces to secure the airport, under the order to protect "president" Trump against anyone who comes close to him with "hostile intentions". At the same time, more and more insurgents had taken up arms and started departing towards D.C., often quoting the 2nd amendments in posts that called for the armed uprising against the Democrats in Washington. As a result, the US troops that slowly gained control over the situation in D.C. reported growing numbers of armed insurgents gathering around the district, with new clashes and armed confrontation emerging in the Washington Highlands, the East Corner, Fort Lincoln and Lamond Riggs. With more and more areas of Anacostia descending into street fighting between US troops and republican-loyalist insurgents, the crowds in Capitol Hill managed to break through the barriers and storm the Capitol building, very reminiscent of the Capitol Hill storm of 2021. Policemen and security forces battled rioters, many of which were armed either with knifes and handguns or makeshift weapons like metal rods, stolen police gear, baseball bats and other items, with the first person being killed by gun fire due to police officers opening fire against charging attackers. As a result, masses of pro-Trump loyalists started to swarm on the officers in question and brutally beat them to close death, while various rioters received severe gun-wounds in the process. Inside the building, the loyalist insurgents managed to break through the barricades erected by the security forces inside the building, while many of the attending politicians were rushed towards safe locations and bunkers, including President Kamala Harris. Due to the masses swarming inside the building, security forces fired gun shots at the insurgents, while those answered with throwing objects and chemical irritants at them. Since this didn't push back the intruders, the secret service members then opened fire on the crowd, leading to one person being killed on spot. The republican-loyalist, similar to the battles outside the building, then charged the present security forces, leading to more people getting shot while one security service member was beaten to death by the mob. More gunshots were heard from inside the Capitol building due to republican-loyalists drawing their own handguns and opened fire on security forces who delivered warning shots to the intruders. Various politicians sought refuge inside the chamber of congress, while security forces tried to barricade the doors. After the glass was smashed in and after receiving the news about casualties inside the building, the servicemen in question also engaged in gunshots against the attackers by firing through the broken windows of the chamber. However, since the crowds started to tear down pedestals and poles all over the halls in order to use them as ramming devices, the republican-insurgents managed to break through into the chamber and started to swamp the present people, politicians and security forces alike. As a result another servicemen was killed in the process, while various politicians were severely wounded. The attending insurgents then even started to take pictures of each other, not only with the beaten politicians they deemed "traitors" but also with the body of the killed security officers, often times claiming this was proof of their victory in "retaking the country". At the same time, fighting between US troops and the growing number of insurgents spread beyond D.C., with the first fights being reported in the outskirts of Arlington and Hyattsville. Attempts to block the highways in order to prevent more insurgents to enter D.C. resulted in gunfights between militias and policemen who tried to establish a blockade of the roads. Due to the growing bloodshed, more reinforcements of military troops were ordered to D.C. and other cities all over the US that reported armed insurrection. While armed militiamen managed to enter the perimeter of Capitol Hill, where the remaining local security forces fought against the masses of republican-loyalist that descended on the Capitol, the mobilized troops that were heading towards the scene as reinforcements were ambushed by various groups of militiamen, who positioned themselves on important routes in order to prevent the soldiers from reaching the epicenter of the violence. Simultaneously to the outbreak of fighting in D.C., as well as growing violence in Michigan, militias, after receiving the ongoing reports of killed Trump and republican sympathizers started to attack police stations and political institutions in California, while in Texas the republican governor of the lone star state, in accordance with other leading Texan republicans, declared that the "Democrat-Regime" has turned on the American people and would kill US citizens in order to "cover up its illegitimate takeover", which would be why he called for all Americans to rise up against the tyranny. As a result, tens of thousands of Texans started to congregate while amassing weapons and shouting antigovernment slogans. Similar mobilizations were locally reported in Alabama, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Missouri, Idaho and Kansas, as well as Arkansas. Meanwhile in the capital, the situation has gotten completely out of control. Chaos engulfed the entire district and it became increasingly difficult for civilians to distinguish between US troops and the increasing number of militias that were fighting in the streets. Despite a lack of weaponry and massive civilian casualties, the masses that have stormed the Capitol managed to capture or in many cases even kill the outnumbered present security forces inside the building, while taking various, mainly democratic politicians hostage. Since the military forces and security agents started to concentrate again around the building, the republican loyalists, accompanied by various militias and reportedly even several policemen and soldiers who fraternized with them, started to barricade themselves inside the Capitol while broadcasting the violence under the declaration that "the people have taken back their country. International reports during this day of bloodshed started to agree on one headline when the night fell: the Second US Civil War has begun.

The Army-Split of 2032: The insurgency receives military power[]


Far-right militias preparing for potential combat.


Armored vehicle supporting republican Trump-followers.


Troops under republican command.


US troops inside the Capitol.


Troops gathering outside of the White House.


Armored vehicle joining pro-Trump convoys and blocking streets.


Army forces pushing through the woods.


Naval forces taking position in Florida.

With D.C. and other big cities of the US beginning to plunge into civil warfare, as well as the Insurrection Act being invoked, the number of US troops gathering in the capital increased by the hour. While president Harris, the Speaker of the House as well as the Secretary of Defense were able to be evacuated towards Camp David as a temporary base of operation, the present forces in D.C. were still engaged in heavy street fighting against increasing numbers of militias, although the bulk of the fighting has shifted to the outskirts of the capital as well as the surrounding states, due to the arriving insurgents taking position there as part of their attempt to enter D.C. itself. The hostage situation inside Capitol Hill meanwhile continued, with the republican loyalists broadcasting the situation non-stop on social media, which resulted in gruesome imagery that was taken up by the international media. In Front of the building, the tide turned against the insurgents, due to the arriving government forces using flash grenades, chemical irritants and water cannons to disperse the unarmed proportion of the mob, while the armed militias suffered heavy casualties. As part of the Insurrection Act, the US forces were finally And officially authorized to use lethal force against the insurgents, which therefore also included rioters who weren't necessarily armed. Democratic politicians all over the country condemned the insurgency and declared the republican-loyalist masses as traitors, while calling for swift, decisive action to bring an end to the violence. More and more mobilized militias, some of them even being very loose and newly founded, in republican dominated states departed towards not only D.C., but also democratic-lead US states in their quest to "take down the leftist terrorist regime" as was it called in respective circles. Meanwhile, the soldiers in D.C. received the order to take back the Capitol and "neutralize" any hostile insurgents that engage in armed resistance. Militiamen and armed civilians who barricades themselves inside the Capitol engaged in a shootout with the federal forces on the stairs of the building, with the insurgents firing from behind their barricades. Several troops were severely injured in the process, but the present US forces managed to get close enough to the barricades to place explosives on them, allowing the troops to detonate their way through the entrance hall. The detonation not only damaged the building itself, it also lead to civilian casualties, with one person even dying. Various units then proceeded to storm the Capitol building, leading them to come under fire from the insurgents, which caused new casualties on both sides. Due to the authorization of using lethal force, the charging troops became rather offensive and fired into the insurgent crowd more or less indiscriminately. With the number of civilian republican casualties rising, more and more cases were reported of US soldiers disobeying their orders and even coming to the aid of insurgents both inside and outside the Capitol building. The disobedient troops began to hinder their comarades from firing against insurgents, leading to many cases of fraternizing US soldiers trying to disarm their brethren, resulting in infighting between US soldiers and a rising number of cases of friendly fire. While the stream of republican loyalist propaganda and coverage was mainly driven by militias and loyalist republican politicians, more and more soldiers were added into the mix, declaring that they would no longer follow the orders of a "regime that kills its own people ". US soldiers all over the escalating flashpoints in the US called for their comrades to disobey the Harris administration and join the insurgency as an act of „protecting the American people“. While the infighting in D.C. resulted in rising casualty numbers among the US troops, forces in other US states began to position themselves in this conflict. In California, US troops were deployed to assist local police forces against a rising number of insurgents attacking officers and police stations, while dozens of soldiers were arrested by their own comrades due to sabotage and fraternization attempts. In Texas, Alabama, Oklahoma, Idaho and Missouri, hundreds of US soldiers disobeyed not only the order coming from Washington but also the ones from their generals and instead joined in on the streams of insurgents that were now mobilized throughout the US. The governors of Texas, Florida, Massachusetts and Kansas even demanded the US troops to support the insurgency against the Harris administration, which is now described as a „fascist dictatorship“ by some republican outlets. Reports came up about physical infighting as well as a rising number of shootings inside military bases all over the US due to different reactions to the escalating civil war. In the San Diego Naval Base, US troops engaged in physical fighting against pro-republican comrades, while being forced to fight of various waves of insurgent attacks against the base coming from republican-loyalists and even the first fraternizing soldiers from Arizona. In the Joint Base San Antonio, a slight majority of Texan troops managed to incarcerate many of their comrades loyal to the government, while cutting off communications with the administration, only to then declare their „loyalty towards the American people“ and their willingness to support the insurgency against the Democrats. Similar revolts and subsequent takeovers occurred in more and more bases throughout the US, including NAS Jacksonville Robins AFB and the Redstone Arsenal Fort Jackson, due to the signaling effect the reports had on the agitated masses. The president as well as the highest authorities in the country condemned their rogue troops and declared that every case of fraternization with the insurgency will be seen as high treason. Days passed and the civil war showed no signs of stopping. The US Capitol was still the theatre of heavy fighting between insurgents, fraternizing soldiers and US troops, although most civilian insurgents were either killed or arrested. D.C. itself remained a beacon of chaos, due to countless insurgents streaming towards it from other states, leading to street and urban fighting in Washington and more and more in its outskirts, due to police and military forces clashing with insurgents trying to get to D.C. and it surroundings. Despite the initially staggering casualty rates of the republican-loyalists, these trends seemed to change due to the rising number of military assistance the insurgency received. Due to mutiny in many republican states against the government, it was estimated that at least 100 tanks, 65 aircraft, thousands of machine guns and around a million shots worth of ammunition went into circulation among the republican loyalists. Reports came up about mutinies on US vessels, leading to dozens of pro-government sailors being incarcerated by their revolting comrades, while those cut off communication with Washington and took control of around 20 US navy ships, including various destroyers and frigates. Mutiny among the personnel that supervised the nuclear forces remained insignificant, leading US nuclear weapons to be under government control for the entire conflict, despite individual cases of attempted takeovers of various installations. The government ordered all available naval and aerial forces to neutralize any rogue vessels they encountered, leading to a few cases of friendly fire between the ranks of the US - and Insurgency navy, with the latter retreating and taking position in the Gulf of Mexico and the waters around the Florida Peninsula. When the rogue forces set foot on Florida, they were often times greeted by masses of pro-republican sympathizers, many of which waved MAGA, Confederate, Gadsden and regular US flags. The limited number of ground hardware for the republican loyalist insurgency was mainly concentrated in Texas, while the fire arms and ammunition that was captured by rogue troops were distributed among militias and civilian insurgents in the South and the Rust Belt of the US.

The Battle for the Capitals[]


The state of the civil war after the initial outbreak.


Right wing militias surrounding official buildings.


Militia-woman clearing houses.


Cars burning in US inner cities.


Republican loyal militias in front of the Michigan capitol.


US troops during urban fighting.


Protesters forming self-proclaimed resistance zones.

With the US plunging into civil war, D.C. being engulfed in chaos and more and more US soldiers turning against their government in support of the republican loyalist insurgency, militant hostilities spiraled out of control all over the continental US. President Harris, alongside the main secretaries of the US, the leading members of Congress and various top officials of the military took position in Camp David, Maryland which received heavy military protection alongside the Pentagon in Virginia in order to be prepared for potentially military backed insurgency attacks. While the main focus of the government was to take back full control of D.C., democratic lead states prepared for possible republican assaults, leading to a full mobilization of the police force, the national guard and present military forces in said states, while a growing number of civilians began to acquire weapons of their own, especially in the more rural areas of democratic states, as well as various large metropoles that became the center of anti-Democrat propaganda from the insurgency, including New York City , San Francisco and LA. The masses of newly formed and already established militias began seeking hostilities against democratic states, which were according to republican propaganda part of the „radical leftist regime“ of the Democrats, which resulted in guerilla like assaults against police stations and centers of local political power in counties bordering republican dominated states. Such attacks occurred in the outskirts of Virginia, Illinois, Colorado and Michigan, as well as the most southeastern counties of California, where increasing numbers of insurgencies conducted attacks against government forces due to California being one of the main targets of hostile insurgency rhetoric. Delaware and Maryland also experienced high concentrations of insurgent acts and rising numbers of militias descending on the states, due to those trying to reach and encircle D.C., as well as attempting to assault the positions of the government, despite the numerical and technological superiority of the US forces protecting Camp David and the Pentagon. Arizona, where the vast majority of the rural population was sympathetic to the republican cause, most of the state plunged into hostilities due to militants rebelling against the more democratic leaning urban areas of Arizona. Attacks against police stations, the state Capitol of Arizona as well as other judicial and political offices were assaulted by republican loyalist militias comprised of armed civilians, far-right extremists and rogue soldiers, while street fighting and even some bombings occurred in Phoenix. Since the morale of the police and military forces in Arizona was lacking due to a present degree of fraternization with the republican cause, large portions of the city were „surrendered“ to the insurgency, which proclaimed that it „liberated“ Arizona from Democrat occupation, often times invoking the unproven claims of stolen elections from Donald Trump. Inspired by the insurgency success in Arizona, other republican states, where the majority of the state was republican, yet had several democratic leaning urban counties, sought to „take control“ of their capitals as well, leading to republican-loyalist assaults against various political and executive targets in Dallas and Atlanta, as well as Harrisburg. The attacks in Dallas remained low in intensity and frequency and ultimately resulted in the texan governor, who already expressed his loyalty to the republican insurgency, ordered the resisting forces to hand over control over the city and county to the „patriots“ of the loyalist insurgency. Local administrations in Georgia and Pennsylvania were less complacent, despite calls from republican sympathizers to follow suit with Texas example, leading to multiple weeks of assaults conducted by republican insurgents, while those now for the first time faced armed resistance not only from police and military forces but also counter-militias loyal to the government which didn’t want to surrender the control of the capitals to the insurgency without a fight. As a result, civilian casualties rose massively in Georgia and Pennsylvania, while similar clashes began to erupt in Wisconsin and Michigan, while the latter faced the most severe waves of insurgent hostilities due to longstanding political division of the state going back as far as the first Trump administration. Large quantities of insurgents also began streaming towards New York City, due to it being a symbol of Democrat rule in the eyes of the republican insurgents, with the result being insurgency attacks in Sullivan, Orange and Rockland counties, while the first insurgency attacks in the New York City area were reported in the Bronx, where not only assaults against police stations and public offices were conducted but also the first racially motivated attacks against predominantly black neighborhoods, which caused street fighting between republican militias and various street gangs. As a result of increased violence targeting New York outskirts, as well as the growing number of insurgents that started to build surrealist-style camps and positions inside the woods of New York State, the government decided to increase the defense of the City as well. Thousands of US soldiers, many of which departing from the remainder of the pro-government fleet took position in New York, while advising NYPD on how to prepare for republican-loyalist attacks. Civilians, like in other democratic states began to volunteer for the protection of their states, and since there was no time and only limited resources to train these voluntary forces as new military recruits, they were instead formed into counter-militias in assistance of the police and military, leading them to receive protective gear and a Limited amount of weapons. While most newly formed democratic civilian resistance forces began patrolling the neighborhoods and outskirts of New York and other democratic states under attack, said states also began to form coalitions under US government supervision as a sign of resistance against the republican insurgency. In reminiscence of the inter-state cooperation of democratic states during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the democratic states during the Civil War now formed again the „East Coast“ and „West Coast“-Pacts, leading to increased security cooperation and economic and logistical cooperation , as well as support between the democratic states on the US coasts. In Alaska, after a small series of minor clashes between pro—democratic forces, various Alaskan militias of the republican-loyalist insurgency proclaimed their „independence“ from the democratic regime in the US and declared that they would have now the control over the state. Despite no overthrowing attempts being performed like it was the case in Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania, the local, republican-leaning leadership of Alaska didn’t take any offensive actions to stop the loyalist militias inside the state, and instead condemned the actions of the Democrats during the offset of the civil war. The present naval and air forces in Alaska were mostly pro-government and therefore didn’t adhere to calls for mutiny. However, in order to protect the country from possible Russian interference attempts or hostilities, these government-loyal forces remained in Alaska and created a somewhat autonomous zone of operation in the far flung and scarcely inhabited areas of the Alaskan border regions. In Hawaii, the vast majority of the politicians and people were loyal to the US government and declared their condemnation of republican-violence.


The outside World intervenes[]


Multinational forces alongside US troops.


Strategic wargaming of US-troops.


Naval assets operating inthronisiert Atlantic.


Troops advancing in urban territory.


Clashes on the streets.


Explosion close to US naval vessels.


Canadian troops alongside US soldiers.


Approaching naval assets and airship fleet.

With fighting in the US continuing into its second year, the rest of the world began to feel the impact of the Second American Civil War. The American collapse resulting in a close to total breakdown of the global stock markets, while America’s inability to ship resources and products to the global market without facing severe internal disruption caused a massive crash of the international economy, which just started to slowly normalize in parts after the end of WW3. Additionally, this global economic crisis was worsened by the fact that the Saudi Wahabi regime has turned to using its oil reserves as a weapon to put pressure on the international community as a response to its reaction towards Saudi crimes against humanity. This, coupled with fears that the implosion of the US could result in a re-activation of hostilities in the world, forced the global community to react to the American carnage. Europe remained reluctant to intervene, due to fears that engaging on the other side of the Atlantic could be exploited by Russia for potential revisions of the post-WW3 order on the continent, as well as still present anti-American sentiment in Europe following Americas policies in WW3 and beyond. While the EU and AUF continued to argue whether thy should intervene in the Second American Civil War, the LUN came together in an emergency meeting to discuss the situation. Democratic representatives of the US, as a non-member of the organization, were brought in in order to discuss the situation, while they called for international support and public apologies for American foreign policy under Trumps second term. Many nations wanted to preserve their neutrality, although most agreed in condemnation of the republican insurgency and the need of a collective response to the civil war. Russia also proclaimed a neutral stance by declaring it doesn’t seek intervention in the US, despite rumors being discussed that Russian paramilitaries were preparing covert weapons deliveries to the republicans. Nations like the UK, Australia, South Africa and representatives of the Visegrad-states in Europe took a de facto pro-republican Position by urging both sides to de-escalate, while again expressing understanding for the standpoint of the republicans as well as their concerns over alleged voter fraud in the US. This caused massive rifts inside the AUF and EU, both of which, despite arguing about potential intervention, expressed their political support for the East and West Coast Pacts, while condemning the republican insurgency massively. While the outside world kept arguing about a potential response to the war, the conflict itself showed no signs of stopping. Washington D.C. and it’s surroundings, as well as New Yorks outskirts became complete war zones, due to masses of republican-insurgents, now backed by rogue US military servicemen kept engaging in urban and suburban warfare against government loyal US troops, police officers, who slowly became a more militarized paramilitary unit and anti-Insurgency militias. Clashes continued to be brutal in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, without much progress in either direction. In Georgia and Arizona, despite continued resistance of loosely organized resistance fighters in urban areas, mostly comprised of young people and soldiers drafted during WW3, the republican insurgents took control of most of the states. The few ground vehicles the republican-loyalists captured where still concentrated Texas, where they could operate in less densely inhabited plains, while US reconnaissance assets noticed the small tank brigades and armored vehicles, some of which being of primitive self-made Design by the insurgents, began moving to the east alongside the Transportieren larger amounts of weapons and ammunition. The intelligence agencies were able to disrupt various plans of the insurgency for attacks against the government and civilian areas inhabited by Democrat-majority counties, however they still intercepted that this movement of republican fighters and equipment appeared to be in preparation for an attack on California, due to being economically vital for the Democratic Resistance, and the US overall, while also being one of the most frequent subjects of anti-democratic insurgency propaganda, alongside New York and D. C. . The US Air Force, for the first time in the 21st century, was authorized to conduct airstrikes against insurgency targets, although these attacks remained very limited due to the fact, that most US aerial assets were still deployed overseas in order to stabilize the former combat zones of WW3, while the government only authorized strikes against targets that belonged to confirmed rogue US troops in the open, since the US government tried to avoid civilian casualties at all cost, which is also why no such strikes were conducted in urban areas. Fighter jets still flew regularly over republican held cities as a way of intimidating the insurgents into submission, while police helicopters equipped with soldier operated machine guns and grenade launchers were used as surrogate combat aircraft against pockets of insurgents in still democratic dominated cities. Canada, as was already done on a smaller scale in the past year deployed a significantly larger amount of troops to its border with the mainland US and Alaska, in order to counter potential aggression from republican insurgency held states that often also engaged in anti-Canadian and anti-European rhetoric. Talks were also underway of Canadian troops being stationed as peacekeepers and reinforcements for the government loyal forces in Americas northern states, yet the Canadian leadership was hesitant to do so, due to fears that this might drag Canada deeper into the conflict. While Canada waited for an internal decision to be made by the LUN, Mexico also deployed troops to the border in order to prevent illegal weapons to be transported to the republican insurgency, while also engaging in border clashes due to republican militias shooting at Mexican and Latin American refugees and immigrants in the border region, while also injuring Mexican border guards. Meanwhile, the conflict reached a new level of escalation. Various ships of the „republican fleet“ left the Gulf of Mexico and their new bases in Florida in order to perform hit and run raids against democratic targets, justifying their acts by saying they were necessary in order to stop the „tyrannical and genocidal democratic regime“. As a result, seven rogue US vessels under republican-loyalist control launched Tomahawk missile strikes against the vital ports of Norfolk, Newport News, Wilmington, Boston, Baltimore and Portland, while heavily focusing on the New York harbor area. The rogue vessels also attacked non-infrastructure targets, like targets in D.C. as well as Maryland, where they hoped to disable the democratic US government. The attacks against Maryland were intercepted by missile defenses, however many of the ports and terminals were hit, since the vast majority of US naval assets, similar to its aircraft, were still deployed in the Pacific. US ships patrolling the Caribbean were therefore called back to the north to hunt down the rogue vessels, while these not only attacked the New York ports, but also conducted several terror attacks against the civilian population, by firing some missiles randomly into the metropolis. The result was panic and chaos in New York City, while the strikes and their resulting disruption of traffic caused several hundreds of casualties, while also the power grid became affected by the damage. The insurgency strikes against the East Coast, especially against New York became not only an escalation mark, but also a symbol that was recognized by many people in the outside world. In New York, people began congregating after the attacks and demonstrated their resolve and unity, which highly affected the international observation of the conflict. The worked as a Kickstarter for the decision making process of the LUN, which finally came to the conclusion to intervene in the Second American Civil War. The newly founded LUN Stability Corps, the armed branch of the LUN that was created in order to grant military intervention when conflicts spin out of control, contacted the US government in Maryland and coordinated its measures with it, in order to make the intervention more effective while also retaining legitimacy. The Stability Corps had to split its attention due to the simultaneously decided intervention against the self proclaimed Saudi Wahabi Caliphate, which required a more offensive stance compared to how the LUN wanted to tackle the civil war in the US. While a good portion of the LUN Stability Corps strike force engaged in the Middle East, another fleet was dispatched in coordination with the Harris administration, accompanied by various submarines, mine warfare vessels and a fleet of airships used for reconnaissance and supplies. The first objective of the intervention was the neutralization of the military capabilities of the republican insurgency, since those were responsible for mass casualties, terror bombings and severe economic damage. The Stability Corps fleet therefore split into two: one part took position around New York, Delaware and Maryland in order to secure the remaining centers of American political power, while the other part took off towards the Gulf of Mexico. When approaching the East Coast around Delaware, Stability Corps vessels engaged for the first time with rogue US ships. Those were able to inflict serious damage to various LUN ships, but due to the numerical superiority of the LUN fleet, as well as its arsenal of modern WW3 era equipment, those rogue vessels were either sunk or severely damaged. While the Stability Corps took around 500 prisoners of the insurgency, a couple of warships managed to escape, whilst being chased by LUN airships. The LUN fleet then proceeded to mine the waters around the Florida Peninsula, in order to impose a naval blockade against the insurgency, while also preventing illegal weapons deliveries coming from Cuba. Further north, the Stability Corps forces around Delaware, Maryland and New York began taking position alongside the pro-government troops and counter-insurgency, supplying the latter with additional weapons while granting logistical support. Stability Corps forces participated in various counter-offensives against the loyalist insurgency in the outskirts of New York, while erecting a provisional base in Delaware. While the Stability Corps forces initially assisted in the defense of civilian targets, like New York city, Wilmington, Boston and Dover, it laid out a contingency plan that intended that, as soon as the Saudis would’ve been defeated, that the Stability Corps would then focus on the US and use it new bases in order to build up enough forces to bring D.C. under control, while also crushing the insurgency in Pennsylvania, so that it can’t drive a wedge between the democratic states of the East Coast. Additionally, agreements were made between the US government and Canada, allowing Canadian peacekeepers to be deployed in Maine, New York, New Hampshire and Vermont, in order to deter republican aggression while also securing the border region.

Violence in the South: The „Battle of Georgia“[]


Right-wing militias in wooded territory.


US troops discussing the situation.


Military helicopter in US cities.


Militiaman taking position on a highway.


Burning building in an american city.


Militia members marching through the woods


Crashing of a blimp.


The situation of the civil war in the south

While the East Coast Pact managed to somewhat stabilize the situation in the Northeast with the help of the LUN Stability Corps and Canadian peacekeepers, loyalist-insurgents kept on gaining momentum in the South. Especially in Georgia, the only southern state left with a considerable amount of resistance against the insurgency, fighting continued to escalate. While the rural areas of Georgia were mainly under insurgency control, the urban, more democratic-leaning population of Georgia’s largest cities formed counter-insurgent militias, supported by local police forces and a small amount of government-loyal troops and prepared for republican loyalist attacks. Civilians began amassing weapons and creating barricades around important centers of political power, as well as shops and civilian institutions, in the case that looting occurred. Various Georgian politicians portrayed the formation of anti-loyalist militias as „domestic terror buildup“ and an attempt of the „Harris-Regime“ and the globalist elites to oppress the will of the Georgian people. In rural areas of Georgia, pro-republican protests emerged, while being accompanied by calls for any resistance to submit to the insurgency. More and more pro-republican civilians joined the loyalist militias due to republican propaganda riling them up against what they saw as a dictatorial regime, leading to a rising concentration of armed insurgents besieging Atlanta, Macon, Athens and Columbus. Shootings against local police forces and improvised resistance fighter outposts occurred in Crawford and Peach county, as a way of driving a wedge between anti-republican forces of the Macon and Columbus areas. Mass protests re-emerged from both sides, which additionally jammed local traffic, as well as public life, while the heated protests soon resulted in new cases of gun violence again. Many insurgents, supported by pro-republican troops began building camps and improvised bases in the woods around various big cities of Georgia in order to conduct a pseudo-siege whilst hording massive amounts of ammunition, guns of a multitude of calibers, most of which stemming from black market sources and unregistered stocks, as well as self-made explosives built by using dark web tutorials of political extremists. US and LUN intelligence intercepted plans for potential hostilities targeted against Georgia's largest metropoles and relegated these to the local police forces, whilst blindsiding most politicians in Georgia due to fears of treason from their side. A certain amount of veterans provided help in building up counter-insurgencies against the republican loyalists, while large portions of the urban police and national guard officers in urban territory formed their backbone. Many democratic counter-insurgents prepared vast stockpiles of Molotov cocktails and similar incendiary weapons, while both sides assembled massive amounts of chemical irritants in order to disperse attackers. The „besieging“ republican forces made an ultimatum in the area around Columbus, Macon and Atlanta and demanded that the control of these democratic leaning cities and counties would be handed over to the „Patriots“ of the insurgency and their allied politicians. The pro-democratic counter-insurgents declared their willingness to resist and conducted various sabotage operations against the republican militias during the night. Under the guidance of military veterans and special units of the police, the democratic fighters moved in on republican positions and managed to destroy five larger weapons depots of the insurgency through the use of Molotov cocktails mixed with styrofoam and crude, self-made explosives. In other areas, such attempted sabotage operations failed, leading to clashes in the woods and the first casualties in combat of both sides in Georgia. As a result of these acts of sabotage, which were inflated in pro-republican propaganda, the republican loyalist insurgency began moving in on the cities they have encircled, including dozens of armored vehicles captured by or provided from sympathizing police forces in republican controlled counties, as well as 15 tanks provided by rogue US soldiers. The democratic counter-insurgents fortified their positions beforehand with police barricades, metal rods, wooden spears and plates and other robust objects, while many shop owners and young democratic resistance fighters prepared themselves for hostilities on the roofs of many buildings, due to the fact, that the republican insurgents lacked aerial support. US fighter jets, accompanied by LUN Stability Corps aircraft conducted intimidation flights on a daily basis in republican dominated states such as Georgia, while conducting small airstrikes against rogue troops in less urban regions. Since republican loyalist troops as well as black market salesmen provide shoulder-launched anti-aircraft weapons to the insurgency, the US government lost 7 planes during these operations. While aerial support of the government remained limited due to the dense population of urban territory and the correlating risk of civilian casualties, the democratic forces that held on in Georgia’s metropoles began forming their own improvised air force, by using police and newscast helicopters as combat aircraft. The democratic factions in question mounted both lethal and non-lethal weaponry on these helicopters in order to strife and/or disperse the approaching republican militias. While loyalist tanks and armored vehicles entered Athens, Augusta and Savannah, resulting in open street warfare due to both sides opening hostilities against each other. Democratic forces attacked the approaching armored formations of the republican militias, as well as their foot soldiers with gas grenades, Molotov cocktails, improvised explosives made from fire works and fertilizer, as well as primitive mortars that were constructed with the know-how of the many WW3 veterans that returned a few years prior to the civil war. Because of these acts of resistance, republican militias opened fire on the democratic defenders, resulting in many casualties not only among the democratic counter-insurgents, but also bystanders and hiding civilians. Athens meanwhile was cut off from vital roads, due to republican militias either erecting barricades with heavily armed sentries or by detonating the highways 78 in Clarke county, the 29th in Padison county, as well as the 129th around the lines of Jackson and Clarke counties. Insurgent troops invaded Athens from all directions, while heavy gun fire erupted as soon as the republican forces closed in on the city. The counter-insurgents of the democratic resistance, accompanied by local police forces and various troops that reached the city from democratic held counties in neighboring South Carolina engaged in severe shootouts and street fighting, with the republican militias using armored vehicles both military and captured police vehicles from republican controlled georgian counties, to crash through the barricades the defenders erected throughout the city. Winterville and Bogart were the first areas to fall into republican hands, soon followed by Whitehall. Republican militias managed to capture various commercial blimps throughout the states, allowing them to use these airships as crude military aircraft, similar to how the democratic forces used police helicopters. Loyalist blimps flew over democratic controlled strongholds in Athens, Savannah and Macon, where the insurgents threw selfmade bombs out of the cabins, resulting in inaccurate hits and severe damage of the local infrastructure and civilian life. The government forces, supported by local counter-insurgents gained a foothold in Jasper county, South Carolina and managed to create a corridor towards Chatham county, while additional offensives were launched at Bryan county with the assistance of democratic forces in neighboring Liberty county. Simultaneously, democratic forces, supported by air-dropped government and LUN aid, recaptured Russel county, allowing them to open another land corridor to Columbus, which was heavily besieged and attacked by republican militias. Delivered anti-aircraft weapons were used by the democratic defenders of the East Coast Pact to shoot down numerous blimps of the republican insurgency, although those instances remained low in numbers. Reports came up about republican militias executing dozens of civilians for alleged treason, since those were accused of either being pro-democratic agents or other kinds of collaborators. While republican propaganda denied these accusations, various sympathizers and militiamen openly welcomed these atrocities and excused them by saying that this would be the right way to deal with „traitors“ during war. Meanwhile the fighting in Atlanta intensified, with tens of thousands of republican-insurgents of all surrounding counties descending on the city. The militiamen and insurgent forces, accompanied by rogue US-troops broke through the erected barricades around Atlanta in numerous sectors, resulting in chaos and mayhem throughout the city.

Ethnic tensions escalate[]


Members of the NFAC militia mobilizing.


Confrontation between black protesters and right wing nationalists.


BLM supporters clashing with armed forces.


Grenade launcher being used during ethnic clashes.


Fascist militias descend on american streets.

With more and more cities descending into battle and an increasing amount of LUN forces landing in the Northeast of the US, violence kept on spreading into the suburban areas as well, igniting racial tensions and conflicts in the process. All over the continental US, the ongoing civil war and the collapse of order in many areas resulted in gang violence being mostly unchecked, due to police forces being forced to fight off insurgents. Because of that, widespread looting has occurred, which hit suburban areas the hardest, since those featured a less concentrated police and military presence during the civil war, which culminated in tens of thousands of shop owners to loose their businesses to looters and vandals, while dozens of them were killed in the process. These incidents were used by the republican insurgency to showcase how the Harris regime supposedly plunged the US into chaos, while killings of predominantly white shop owners were inflated into alleged racist crimes that were part of what right-Wing propaganda called the „White Genocide“, a conspiracy theory that claims that a so called globalist elite intends to decimate the worlds white population. Due to the ongoing collapse of civility in America, right-wing rhetoric against the black population of the US became more openly racist and increasingly hostile, leading to open calls of the republican insurgency and their associated militias for the „protection of american citizens“ against the so called „White Genocide“ while punishing the criminals responsible. As a result, republican insurgents began sweeping through many suburbs of the US, which lead to a staggering number of shootouts between right-wing militias and black, as well as Latino gang members, causing severe losses of civillian life in the process. More and more reports were broadcast by journalists, who still tried to document the escalating civil war, about massacres committed by right-wing insurgents against predominantly black neighborhoods, leading to hundreds of murdered civilians, most of which living in poor conditions. The news about these massacres caused international outrage, while president Harris vowed to keep the perpetrators responsible. The massacres in black neighborhoods also lead to attacks being conducted against white civilians in revenge for these atrocities, which further escalated racial tensions in the continental US. Local police forces who entered the conflict zones were attacked by both sides, due to both the republican insurgents, as well as the growing number of black militias seeing them as the servants of a hostile power against them. Many observers thought reported, that the intervention of the police officers in question in many states, although mainly in the republican dominated ones, was far more forceful against black and Latino suspects, instead of insurgents of the republican loyalists, which caused accusations of sympathy between some police factions and the republican insurgency. Because of the growing ethnic conflicts inside of the civil war, more and more people joined the black NFAC militia, while founding new offshoots throughout the US. Those counter-militias began to arm themselves rapidly, which culminated in open ethnic warfare between them and the right-wing republican insurgents, killing thousands of civilians in the process. Both sides were accused of not only targeting their respective enemies on the battlefield, but also innocent civilians in their homes under questionable excuses, leading to unprecedented massacres in what was later dubbed the „Suburban Slaughter“. Racial clashes between right-wing and ethnic militias became especially violent in Portland, Charlottesville and Detroit, the latter becoming the largest battlefield of ethnic conflict in the history of the US, with three weeks of continuous street warfare, looting, bombings and shootings haunting the city without interruption. Due to the staggering number of massacred black civilians, the BLM movement not only held a new series of rallies, many of which were assaulted by republican insurgents, but also began taking up arms itself, leading to BLM patrols in predominantly black neighborhoods and increased combat training, supported by various WW3 veterans. The militarization of BLM, as well as its growing cooperation with black counter-militias throughout the US was once again exploited by republican propaganda, which branded the movement as a terrorist organization that intends to perpetuate the „White Genocide“ and the destruction of the US. This resulted in even more attacks by republican-loyalist insurgents against BLM members, no matter if their gatherings were armed or not. Cases were also reported about clashes between militarized BLM militias and police forces, after dozens of cases of black civilians being killed by officers during anti-rioting and anti-insurgency operations, which in return inflamed the conflict between BLM and the republican insurgency even more. Rumors were spread by various conspiracy theory outlets and later on republican propaganda channels about impending mass-terrorist attacks by black militias in cities where former ethnic violence cases occurred, causing a vast amount of confusion, aggression and suspicion, as well as the mobilization of republican insurgents in said areas in question. Republican loyalist police forces in Texas, Oklahoma and Florida raided countless black owned properties, both business and privat related, under the pretext of attempting to prevent the rumored terrorist attacks. After many arrests following those raids, as well as various clashes between resisting civilians and republican associated police forces, insurgent forces, many supported by openly extremist and even fascist militias began sweeping the cities where the so called „black terror cells“ would prepare attacks, resulting in the biggest ethnic massacres in the history of the US. 3000 black US citizens were killed during insurgency attacks in Tulsa, Rosewood and Ocoee, where the militias stormed properties while often times murdering the people inside at gunpoint. Tens of thousands of shops and even more houses were burned to the ground, with dozens of cases of republican insurgents using makeshift artillery to bomb structures, killing everyone inside. These forces also destroyed various remembrance sites for the former massacres occurring there and spread fabricated news about allegedly finding proof of prepared terrorist acts against the white population in the states in question.


Terror and bloodshed in Michigan[]


Republican associated militiamen in an official Michigan government building.


Government-loyal troops secure the State Capitol in Lansing.


The situation of the civil war in Michigan.


Far-right militias in Michigan gather while being heavily armed.

Michigan militias

Armed militias inside the Michigan State Capitol

With the south and center of the US plunging deeper into mayhem and violence, further north there were hopes from the democratic forces in Michigan that the advancing international intervention of the AUF And the LUN Stability Corps would open a pro-democratic corridor towards the state, while democratic representatives also made contact with the canadian forces on the other side of the lake for additional assistance against the amassing republican insurgents. While Detroit remained an epicenter of ethnic violence and urban warfare, the main core of the democratic resistance in Michigan centered around the Metropoles of Lansing and Flint, from where attempts where made to connect to and stabilize Detroit. The other democratic strongholds of Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo were meanwhile besieged by increasing numbers of republican insurgents and associated forces, while far-right militias waged a guerilla terror-campaign against these democratic positions. In Lansing, as series of armed assaults against local pro-democratic law enforcement and counter-insurgents were waged, while far-right republican forces concentrated their attacks on the area surrounding the state Capitol, which was still held by democratic and government loyal representatives of Michigan. The first main target of the republican operations in Lansing was the State Secondary Complex along route 69, where heavily armed militias stormed the building with severe fire power, resulting in bloody shootouts with police officers and counter insurgents of the East Coast Pact. While fire continued to cause massive casualties on both sides, republican insurgents managed to cut through various sectors of the security perimeter around the complex, which lead to a human wave-style attack against the present democratic forces. The republican insurgents achieved a tactical victory by successfully occupying the complex, despite suffering more casualties than their opponents. The fall of the State Secondary Complex forced the remaining members of the state government to evacuate towards the city center, while dozens of politicians were either captured or even murdered by the republican militias, among them even several GOP members who were deemed „traitors“ by the insurgency due to not backing their cause in the civil war. Another republican offensive was launched in East Lansing, although aerial strikes of police helicopters and occasional pro-democratic aircraft either from the government loyal american forces or the AUF troops managed to halt any potential advances of the insurgents in the area. In Lansing itself, the republican insurgency resorted to a terrorist campaign of attrition, leading to a large scale series of bombing, shootings of police officers and civilians that were deemed as enemies, as well as the beginning of street battles throughout Lansing. Especially the blocks around the State Capitol saw brutal fighting, with the republican loyalists deploying an wide array of military grade weaponry, which was either illegally acquired and stocked before the war or supplied by sympathizing US troops. The result were staggering numbers of civilian casualties and severe destruction of the Lansing city center, with dead bodies littering the streets often for weeks at a time. Simultaneously to the ongoing fighting for the Lansing city center, additional assaults have been reported around the Capital Region International airport, from which a small US fighter presence of government forces has been launching air raids against insurgency positions in the outskirts of Lansing. Republican loyalists charged the airport and opened fire at the democratic military presence there to get control of the airfield and take out the opposing aerial forces of the East Coast Pact there, causing once again severe casualties, although mainly on the republican side. An attempted blimp raid conducted by insurgency forces with the help of looted commercial airships failed when most of the released explosives missed their the still grounded aircraft, allowing those to take off without significant challenge to their air superiority. The republican insurgency blimp was quickly neutralized, while the Democratic troops suffered their first losses in the air, due to republican sympathizing soldiers deploying shoulder launched anti-air missiles, which decreased democratic air superiority around the perimeter. After a week of brutal fighting in the city center of Lansing, the republican insurgency, due to slightly featuring more forces than their enemies, began closing in on the State Capitol, which forced the local democratic leadership to prepare for evacuation. However, republican militias conducted a series of bombing attacks using explosive-filled trucks to cut off the Grand River Av. and Oakland Av. , while continuous fighting along the East St. made an escape on land nearly impossible. Local police forces attempted to evacuate the politicians by deploying their helicopters, but this makeshift airfleet suffered various casualties due to ongoing anti-air assaults by the republicans, leading the democratic forces to lack in the numbers needed to bring the Lansing leadership into safety. As a result, the Democratic leadership of Lansing kept barricading itself int the State Capitol, while the republican insurgency broke through the outer barriers. Despite suffering severe losses due to US army personnel protecting the politicians, the republican loyalist and their associated militias managed to break through the barricades after several days of combat, due to the military forces of the democratic resistance running out of ammunition. This lead to the storming of the Michigan State Capitol and the subsequent republican victory in Lansing, leaving only smaller pockets of democratic assistance, as well as the conquered footholds of the international intervention. All military personnel present in the Michigan State Capitol was killed when the building was sacked by the republican insurgency, while the Michigan state governor and other high ranking politicians were taken hostage. In an act of defiance and violence, the republican militias organized a public „trial“ for these politicians, as well as various captured resistance fighters, to charge them with „high treason“. These trials were merely public sham events and resulted in the accused being sentenced to death by the insurgency because of „betrayal against the american people. A total of 26 people were subsequently executed by the loyalist militias, most of them being either shot or hanged with makeshift gallows, resulting on one of the most gruesome war crimes of the entire conflict.

Texas vs California: the Battles of Arizona and New Mexico[]


The initial progress of the texan offensive during the Second American Civil War.


Californian troops in action.


Troops in California taking cover.


Texan forces launching artillery attacks.


Californian vertical airlift taking off.


Texan troops in the open field.


Tomahawk cruise missile launch.

While the situation in Michigan escalated, joint forces of the Democrat government, as well as international intervention troops strengthened their position in California in addition to the East Coast and used their air superiority to deliver airborne supplies to US troops and democratic resistance fighters throughout the southern US and the Rust Belt. Additionally, the anti-republican coalition began to conduct a series of airborne assaults, using their advantage in vertical lift aircraft to land troops in various high ground positions throughout republican held territory, among those many mountain ranges in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Due to opposing forces seizing strategically important positions, as well as continuing to supply their enemies and conduct air strikes, the Republican loyalist insurgency prepared an all-out assault on California, which was one of the main republican targets of hostilities since the war began. US and foreign intelligence noticed the insurgent mobilization causing the forward positions of the democratic forces in Arizona and New Mexico to fortify and prepare for incoming attacks. The bulk of the republican offensive was launched from Texas, where the majority of the republican military sympathizers were holding out since the army-split of 2031, since the Texan forces slightly outnumbered the troops in California, although their democratic opponents enjoyed the advantage in air and naval power. Following the establishment of democratic footholds in close range to Texas by the West Coast Pact, the republican forces concentrated in Texas mounted a large scale invasion of New Mexico to root out democratic forces and establish a corridor towards the californian border. Texas featured the larger amount of tank and artillery battalions and began clashing with democratic marine forces, who were supported by attack helicopters and a wide array of recon drones, around Carlsbad, La Cruces and Roswell, while the republican loyalist forces began advancing towards the border of Arizona. The democratic forces, while outnumbered on the ground, managed to gain total control of the sky through UAVs and recon aircraft and were therefore able to anticipate most of the incoming republican attacks. The forward positions of the californian marine battalions were soon seemingly abandoned, allowing the republican insurgency to solidify their gains around Las Cruces, while also taking full control of Roswell and Carlsbad. By advancing further west, the texan lead republican forces began exposing themselves, while thinning out their deployments, which allowed the democratic resistance of the West Coast Pact, alongside LUN Stability Corps and AUF forces to decimate the approaching insurgency troops who were lured out by the initial democratic retreats. Democratic and sympathizing air forces began aerial raids on republican troops in New Mexico and the outskirts of Texas, although in the latter case, Texas‘ edge in anti-air defenses prevented deeper democratic incursions into the republican stronghold. Despite being constantly harrassed by enemy aircraft and democratic marine operations, the republican insurgency under texan lead managed to invade Arizona as well, leading them to reach the outskirts of Tuscon. Meanwhile, democratic and allied naval forces approached the Gulf of Mexico, where they clashed with republican vessels guarding the Floridian Peninsula. Due to the anti-republican coalition’s advantage in submarines, a larger quantity of democratic vessels passed through towards the Gulf of Mexico, where they were assisted by mexican coastguard units. The Democratic Resistance therefore installed a blockade of Texas and prevented vital goods from being delivered to the Republicans, including illegal weapons deliveries which where trafficked in from republican sympathizing countries, such as Russia, South Africa, Brazil and from the Middle East. Democratic naval forces also began denying Texas of vital resources by destroying various offshore oil platforms, as well as conducting naval missile strikes against oil producing installations inside Texas itself, leading not only to a severe shortage of fuel and income for the republicans but also one of greatest ecological desasters in the history of the Gulf of Mexico. While texan republican forces, supported by local loyalist militias and insurgents kept advancing into southern Arizona, democratic forces concentrated in Maricopa and Coconino county launched internal counteroffensives against the republican held Yavapai county, which dispersed the attention of arizonan republican forces. Democratic troops advancing from Apache and Coconino county also encircled the insurgency forces in Navajo county, whilst being supported by californian and allied aircraft. As a result, the West Coast Pact managed to take both Navajo and Yavapai county, while the texan forces trying to reach the californian border were largely neutralized due to being to thinned out and exposed. Because of this, the remaining republican forces which didn’t have to dig in in suburban territory had to fall back towards La Cruces, resulting in democratic counteroffensives towards the texan border. Due to Texas having a higher number of paramilitary forces and various kinds of militias, the republican insurgency resorted to human wave style offensives against the approaching enemy, leading to unprecedented casualties and bloodshed amongst the texan defenders and their allies. Simultaneously, texan military and industrial strongholds were increasingly attacked by democratic missile forces, although the californian advantage in Tomahawk cruise missiles allowed the West Coast Pact to strike many republican targets in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from the californian coast. Texas tried to retaliate by deploying its B1B bomber units, which launched hundreds of aerial cruise missiles, wrecking havoc throughout many democratic held positions and civilian targets. Nonetheless, the continuous democratic missile strikes, the naval blockade as well as the massively high number of casualties suffered in the campaign left Texas in a solely defensive position throughout the remainder of the conflict.

Democrats in the offensive: Advance of the intervention[]


Democratic advances along the coasts.

Civil war

Troops concentration near combat zones (Source: Civil War 2024 Movie Trailer)

American airstrike

Government forces conducting airstrikes on American ground (Source: Civil War 2024 Movie Trailer)

Second American Civil War

Armored vehicles and tanks rolling through the streets and fields.

With the campaign to crush California failing, the republican insurgency began to slow down in its offensive movements throughout key theatres in the continental US. The republican loyalists managed to keep up their own blockades against major urban strongholds of the Democratic Resistance, including cutting off water and power supplies which often times originated from more rural, republican leaning areas, as well as food supplies. However, the international intervention on behalf of the East and West Coast Pacts created growing footholds on both coastlines, while enjoying air superiority for the most part. This enabled forces from the LUN Stability Corps, democratic US troops, as well as reinforcements of the AUF and Canada to compensate for the losses of the republican blockades by bringing in airborne supplies, while also deploying Special Ops to root out republican positions in several central power plants. Especially in the Northeast and the Southwest, the Democratic Resistance gained track through the international intervention, whilst republican forces began to suffer shortages of their own due to counter-blockades of the Democrats, as well as increased efforts to stop the flow of illegal foreign supplies and finances to the republican insurgency. Missile and air strikes continued being conducted against major industrial and military targets in Texas, Georgia, North and South Carolina as well as increasingly Florida, where the Trump clan and other key republican leaders have entrenched themselves. As a consequence of the strategic bombing campaign and the growing influx of international troops in republican held territory, the insurgency began to resort to more aggressive operations, including an increase on hostilities that were classified to be more terrorist in nature than militarily viable, like armed assaults on democratic political institutions in occupied territories, the raiding of presumed democratic homes and the subsequent massacre of civilians, especially those who were associated not only with the Democratic Party but also the LGBTQI community. In the meantime, the Democratic Resistance, alongside the international intervention began a campaign to pinch and isolate the Republican loyalists by pushing into insurgent territory through the coastline. Due to the Democratic forces gaining a severe foothold at the northeastern US coast, whilst supplying counterinsurgent forces inside occupied and/or besieged cities, the East Coast Pact managed to not only push deeper into the countryside, but also down the southern East Coast. While the nummerically superior populations of democratic leaning urban centers began assaulting and occupying less inhabited republican rural areas after a series of successful counterattacks in a number of big US metropolises, the Democratic military and LUN Stability Corps forces concentrated their attacks on vital ports along the East Coast. After a strategic bombing campaign against republican positions in the rural areas surrounding the cities, Democratic and associated forces conducted naval and airborne landings in Norfolk, Morehead City, Wilmington and Charleston, while the assaults on Savannah and Jacksonville proved to be less successful due to the naval presence of republican loyalist military members. With the support of mexican special forces acting as diversions at the southern US border, another landing operations, aimed for sabotage missions was also successful in Corpus Christi. Democrat forces, alongside LUN troops and Mexican reinforcements also used their gained ground in southern Arizona to attack and ultimately take Las Cruces and Carlsbad, while the last republican resistance in El Paso was neutralized in the meantime. This allowed the counterinsurgency to threaten the opening of a second front against Texas in the west, which became an apparent threat for the republicans due to democratic attempts to clear the coastline for potential future amphibious attacks, since LUN and US government forces intensified their missile and air strikes against Galveston, as well as Baton Rouge and New Orleans in Louisiana. Democratic attempts to push into the central US continued to fail however because of fierce partisan resistance of republican loyalists among the civilian population in the Midwest and Rust Belt, while the heavily forested terrain, accompanied with both the Rocky Mountains and Apalachians made it impossible for larger armored formations and infantry concentrations to move from either side. The aerial landings, coupled with relentless interventionist fire from the air and sea, allowed the East Coast Pact to solidify enough ground in the coastal regions, that the Democratic Resistance managed to gain control over a narrow line of land stretching from Jacksonville over Charleston, Savannah, Norfolk, all the way up to Annapolis and Dover. This democratic control corridor connected the contested frontlines int the southeast with the Democrat strongholds in the North and allowed both the Democratic Resistance and the international intervention to channel more troops and material towards the south, which increased the pressure on Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Lousiana and Florida in particular, which now faced not only aerial attacks but also an increasing number of land operations.


Assault on the insurgency leadership: the Battle of Florida[]


Civilians operating airboats in military gear.


Troops getting stuck in wetlands.


Paratroopers jumping out over Key West.

River crossing

American forces crossing the River.

Florida Militia

Floridian militias marching through the swamps.

Florida civil war

The Floridian Front in the early stages of the Battle of Florida.

With both the Democratic Resistance and the outside intervention advancing from the American coastlines, fighting along the biggest republican strongholds became more fierce and intense. Texas faced enemy invasions from the east and south, while the East Coast Pact launched diversionary attacks on the outskirts of Albany with the support of democratic partisans in the city itself, as well as counterinsurgents operating from Tellahassee. The battles proved to be costly for both sides, with a severe increase of civilian casualties due to republican partisans and civilian formed militias sabotaging and even assaulting counterinsurgent forces. These civilian casualties were exploited not only by republican loyalist propaganda, but also by formerly revisionist states who accused the newly formed LUN and its Stability Corps of supporting the „US massacre against its own people“. Despite the heavy losses, the anti-republican coalition managed to cut Georgia off from Florida, by taking a corridor between Tellahassee, Albany and Jacksonville, which connected the newly gained ground with Democratic held counties towards Savannah. The LUN Stability Corps, accompanied by the American pro-government navy forces available in the Atlantic and the Straits of Florida now actively hunted down republican naval assets around the Floridian Peninsula and the Gulf of Mexico, while blocking merchant shipping towards Florida with the help of Mexican and European ships in preparation for an amphibious landing in the rogue state. Due to lacking the amount of vessels and supplies to hold out against the numerically superior enemy fleet, most republican ships were sunk by the enemy coalition or were scuttled to prevent the Democrats from getting even more naval power, leading the few remaining loyalist vessels to position themselves in Tampa Bay and Biscayne Bay to prevent Democratic amphibious operations against Miami and Tampa. With the republican navy being all but neutralized, anti-republican naval operations were able to gain track without much resistance. The coalition fleet managed to take the Florida Keys and secure Whitewater Bay, while air and missile strikes were conducted against industrial and infrastructural targets in Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, Clearwater and Pensacola. In northern Florida, Democratic and associated forces advanced towards Gainesville and Daytona Beach, although attempts to break through to the Apalache Bay failed due to republican resistance assisted by the natural obstacles of the Suwanee River. Republican insurgents began blowing up bridges over the Apalachicola, Suwanee and St. John’s rivers to slow down the enemy approach, while republican forces began using the natural obstacles of Florida as assistance for their fortification attempts. Republican insurgents launched a Guerilla campaign against the Democratic forces in the North by catching them up in asymmetric assaults in and around the Okeefenokee Swamp and the Suwanee River Basin. Further South, the Republican loyalists began digging in along the Caloosahatchee River, Lake Okeechobee and the St. Lucie River, while building additional fortifications and hindrances in and around the Everglades Swamps, as well as the wetlands of the Big Cypress Swamp. Civilian republican militias patrolled the swamps using makeshift weaponized airboats for fast maneuvering and drive by shootings, while the present insurgent military focused on defending Miami, where democratic sympathizers launched sabotage operations against the republican insurgency. Due to the now unchallenged dominance of the sea of the anti-republican coalition, Democrat forces, as well as LUN, AUF and Mexican troops landed in Panama City, allowing the East Coast Pact to secure the Coastal Plains, while a new wave of airstrikes was conducted against Miami, where the Trump clan and other insurgency leaders held their base of operation. These strikes however caused a significant increase in civilian casualties as well, which made republican partisan resistance even more fierce, while various democratic leaders voiced concerns over these developments. With the Democratic Resistance tightening its control over Floridas northern borders, Trump, whose physical and cognitive constitution worsened over the past few years due to old age and outside circumstances, ordered the flight of his clan and closest associates from Mara Lago, which became his headquarters and bunker since he escaped from Washington D.C. earlier in the conflict. In a secret, non-mediated move, the Trump clan escaped through the still republican controlled central Florida, towards Fort Walton Beach, where it was smuggled by republican sympathizers by sea over into Alabama. To this day it is not clear how the Democrat coalition failed to notice Trumps escape from Florida into the central US, from where he intended to flee further north towards Alaska, in order to seek refuge in Russia, with which the Trump organization held secret talks to guarantee a safe escape of the leaders of the republican insurrection. However, Trumps flight was nonetheless noticed by democratic intelligence and used for propaganda to demoralize the Floridian resistance. The republican loyalists nonetheless stood by their fleeing leader and didn’t believe that he abandoned Florida, claiming that this would merely be a Democrat hoax and psy-ops. In response to further Democrat advances from the North, the republican insurgents began starting wildfires in the swamps and national parks, so that the raging flames and the massive smoke development would prevent a Democratic breakthrough, resulting in unprecedented destruction of Floridian wildlife and flora.

Hostilities in the overseas territories[]

Bloody stalemate: America’s attrition[]

Winners without a victory: America returns to a new order[]



A future design of the US flag after the Second American Civil War (Source: Pinterest)
