The Euro Asian Alliance, abbreviated as EAA, or commonly known as the Eurasian Alliance, is the archenemy of the World Defence Pact, the instigator and the vanquished of World War III. It was also infamous for committing brutal war crimes during WW3, and the alliance was founded by the Russian Federation, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Argentine Empire, a Peronist, neo-fascist, and ultranationalist one-party government nation. It started the deadliest conflict since the Second World War. The alliance was formed after the South American Axis and the Axis of Resistance merged with the CSTO.
After Russia' betrayal with China and the disbandment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, Russia held a meeting between all CSTO, Axis of Resistance and SAA members in 2029. Russia chose the name Euro Asian Alliance as it was a good name for the alliance. 2 years later, all 3 alliances merged, and the Euro Asian Alliance was formed. After this, several countries would join the alliance, causing the alliance to become a threat to world peace, so NATO, the AAPL, the PSF, the SAP and the PTO merged to united against the EAA, known as the World Defence Pact.
The Doomsday Clock[]
In 2033, Russia set a 7-year doomsday clock, meaning that World War III will start in 2040. The US was worried, so they told all WDP members to get prepared. In 2034, there was a war between Peru and Ecuador, which lasted for 2 weeks and ended in a ceasefire. Also, Belarus, the Central Asian countries, and Afghanistan voted to join Russia, reforming into the Russian Empire. This also prompted Argentina to change its flag and name to Argentine Imperium. Also, tensions between Chile and Argentina became high.
In 2037, Iran began increasing its naval presence the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. Russia also did the same. This caused several countries to condemn Iranian activities in the Persian Gulf, but Iran refused to stop. Turkey, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania also condemned the activities of Russia in the Black Sea. Russia also refused.
In 2039, there was only 1 year left to be prepared for World War III, meaning that the EAA will declare war on the WDP. This also caused tensions between the EAA and the WDP to rise.
World War III[]
On the 19th of May 2040 at 11pm, 3 South Ossetian extremists entered a passenger plane coming from Tbilisi to Manila unidentified. They looted food from the plane and killed the pilots. This caused the plane to crash in Aceh. Most passengers were killed, except for a Georgian family with the eldest child being a 12 year old boy, with half of his shirt open with rust on it, the middle child being a 6 year old girl, and the youngest a one year old boy. the next morning, Georgia, in response to the hijacking of Georgian Airways Flight 473, declared war on and invaded South Ossetia. South Ossetia, seeing that they couldn't win a war against Georgia, asks Abkhazia to help out. Abkhazia accepts, but both nations are weak. The Russian Empire intervenes to defend Abkhazia and South Ossetia from the advancing Georgians, starting the invasion of Georgia causing the WDP to intervene.
The WDP then lead an offensive into Belarus, the Donbas and Karelia. Iran, India and other EAA members hopped in to defend Russia from the WDP, pushing the WDP back. Millions of Indian and Iranian troops arrive at Europe to start blitzing into the continent. Serbia also invades Kosovo. They commited several war crimes in the biggest part of the war, which was from 2042 to mid 2048.
The Hague Trials[]
In The Hague trials, both WDP and EAA representatives went to court, and the EAA leaders were guilty of comitting several war crimes, genocides and the killings of minorities. They are given life imprisonment. However, Putin would die in 2058, but the 2nd Cold War was already there during their stay in the International Criminal Court. This led to the disbandment of the Euro Asian Alliance, ending their reign of terror on the planet. The Russian Empire, the leader of the alliance, got carved into multiple countries: Muscovy, Siberia, the North Caucasus Republic, Kazakhstan with Astrakhan annexed, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Chechnya and Dagestan. They lost land to Japan, China, Mongolia, Poland, Ukraine and Finland. Territorial concessions were given to the British, which included Murmansk, Petrozavodsk and Arkhangelsk. This means, Russia is no longer the world's largest nation, and Canada now owns that title.