

After the Eurasian Civil War, the Government of Eurasia was formed based on Mikhail Gorbachev's proposed New Union Treaty. Despite there still being a central government and singular military, the other nations still had their own ideas which caused the central government to be weak.

Russia Keeps the Union Together[]

Union of Eurasian States
CapitalMoscow (2107-2120)

Astana (2120-2130)

Demonym Eurasian
Currency Eurasian Ruble

 In 2107, the Russian People choose Communism as their system of choice. This further damaged the Union and made it's collapse inevitable.

Mikhail Luschensky, whose chose not to become Eurasia's Head of State, Ran for President of Russia and barely got 5% of the vote and decided to form a new movement, The Movement to Free Russia (or Russian Liberation Movement)

Luschensky's movement began to gain support in sectors of Russia including the Capital City of Leningrad, forcing Russia to move it's capital to Stalingrad despite not gaining more than 20% of the population.

Eurasia's Parliament was often divide, 9 states against one. The People in effect had also shifted their loyalties to their individual countries and demanded an end to Eurasia.

Federalization or Dissolution[]

Dissolution of the Eurasian Union
Date March 2107 - May 8, 2130
Location Eurasian Union
Result People's Victory
  • Eurasian Union is dissolved
  • Formation of Commonwealth of Eurasian States
  • Russia's Isolation from the Rest of the World
Flag of Belarus (1991-1995).svg Belarus

2000px-Flag of Kazakhstan.svgKazakhstan

Flag of Tajikistan.svg Tajikistan

Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg Kyrgyzstan

Flag of Turkmenistan.svg Turkmenistan

2000px-Flag of Uzbekistan.svg Uzbekistan

Flag of Armenia.svg Amenia

2000px-Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Azerbaijan

Flag of Georgia.svg Georgia

2000px-Flag of Russia.svg Movement to Free Russia (MFR)

2000px-Flag of Russian SFSR.svg Russia 2000px-Proposed flag of the Eurasian Union.svg Eurasian Union

Many scholars and experts agreed that Eurasia's only solution was federalization. They felt that the Government had to become federal for a true democracy to thrive even if it meant excluding Russia.

When the question was asked, the people preferred independence and began demanding it.

Reminiscent to the the end of the Soviet Union, people protested, began declaring their independence and ultimately forced a measure to dissolve the Eurasian Union.

On May 8, 2030, the Eurasian Parliament unanimously passed (Due to Russia abstaining) the formal law which dissolve the Union and allowed the 10 republics to become their own nation.

Russia as a result, after gaining it's recognition, isolated itself and choose to remain netural in all world affairs. Russia's close minded attitude would ultimately come to an end more than 40 years later.