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Flag of China
China, officially People's Republic of China, is a country located in East Asia, it covers 9,6 million km² area from Pacific coast to the Tibet plateau and Xinjiang desert. It is also the world's most populous country, with a population of over one billion. China's capital is Beijing.
See also[]
- Taiwan, officially named Republic of China
- China (A New Europe)
- China (Chinese Superpower)
- China (Fighter's Future)
- China (For Centuries to Come)
- China (Future Map Game 3)
- China (Hello, Hoshi o Kazoete)
- China (Humanity's Course)
- China (Infinity Warfare)
- China (Kosmos)
- China (Scenario: Rubio America)
- China (The 21st Century)
- Federal Republic of China (Sino-American Dominance)
- Chinese Empire (NAI)
- People's Republic of China (The Next 100 Years)
- Republic of China (Discord: Map Game)
- Republic of China (The Pearl World)
- Republic of China (World of Tomorrow)
- China (Scenario: Centuries)
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