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Battle for Syria

Syria in 2019

Black: ICP Green: Sunnistan Orange: Kurdistan

Date 2018 – 2025
Location Syria
Result Occupation of Syria by Sunnistan, Kurdistan, and Lebanon

Treaty of Aleppo

Flag of Syria Syria

Pro-Assad rebels (from 2021) Flag of Russia Russia

Fighting Sunnistan and/or Kurdistan
Flag of Turkey Turkey (from 2019)

ISIS flag Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant/Syria (ISIL/ISIS)

Caliphate of Turkey Islamic People's Caliphate (ICP) (from 2019)

Fighting the IPC only
Flag of Lebanon Lebanon (from 2019)
Flag of Israel Israel (from 2019)
Flag of France France (from 2020)
Flag of the United States United States (from 2022)

Flag of Free Syria FSA and other rebel groups (until 2019)

Liwa Ahfad Saladin variant opposition flag.svgSunnistan (from 2019)
Flag of Kurdistan Kurdistan
Supported by:
Flag of Australia Australia
Flag of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

Fighting the IPC and Kurdistan
Flag of Iraq Iraq (from 2020)

The Battle for Syria, also known as the War of IPC, was a war in Syria over control of the country between the old Syrian government, the terrorist group ISIS and later its country the ICP, and rebel groups, centered on the FSA & Sunnistan and the Kurds & Kurdistan.



See: Syrian Civil War.


ISIS had remained relatively quiet in 2017, but in early 2018 announced they will be making a final push to take control of the Syrian government, burning oil fields as they marched on Damascus. In response, Russia sent 18,000 troops to defend Damascus. Peace negotiations began between Russia & Syria and the FSA/Syrian rebels to combat ISIS, and Russia evacuated the president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, to Russia. However, ISIS reached Damascus, revealing that Assad had escaped. This ended all negotiations between FSA and Syria. Australia began to send in troops. Saudi Arabia also make some airstrikes on ISIS.


Despite the attacks on ISIS being successful, Syria collapsed and was divided up into three nations: the ICP, controlled by ISIS; Sunnistan; and Kurdistan. Sunnistan and Kurdistan began rebellions in Turkey for land, and the ICP invaded Lebanon and Israel, leading to Russia, South Korea, and Mozambique condemning the invasion.

Australia increased the number of men fighting in Syria, and began hacking, for what exactly is unknown. Russia declared war on the ICP and began a secret invasion of Syria to restore the old government of Syria.


The IPC invasion of Lebanon was successful and the president of Lebanon assassinated on live TV. Sunnistan and Kurdistan continued taking land from Turkey and attacked the IPC, leading the IPC to declare war on Sunnistan and Kurdistan as well as invading Iraq. Kurdistan also invaded Iraq. North Korea established relations with the IPC leading to the Second Korean War.

Russia launched a full invasion of the IPC with 47,500 men and 30 tanks and appealed to NATO and the USA to attack the ICP. NATO was torn between attacking Sunnistan and defending Turkey or attacking the IPC, but France sent 50,000 troops to defend Israel. Russia also appealed to Kurdistan for help, but was rejected as Kurdistan wanted the land for themselves. The IPC stalled the Russian attack but suffered heavy losses.


The IPC abandoned its invasion of Israel and shifted its resources to invading Iraq. North Korea sent one nuclear warhead to the IPC in response to the IPC sending 10,000 troops to help North Korea. The situation in Turkey deteriorated further as Sunnistan and Kurdistan continued pushing into Turkey.

Russia sent 55,000 more troops and 25 more tanks to Syria, began forming and funding pro-Assad rebel groups in Damascus, made many successful airstrikes and missile strikes on IPC soil, successfully pushing the IPC back in Syria and Iraq, and sent an agent to assassinate the Caliph of the IPC. The assassination was successful but the agent was captured and decapitated.


The Unites States joined the war, sending 79,000 troops to Israel along with a few tanks and planes. Russia sent an additional 40,000 troops to support another offensive, which made some gains before the ICP counteredattacked.


Lebanon was liberated from IPC control and Kurdistan and Sunnistan was granted observer status in the CSTO. Russian troops captured Al-Hasakah, Raqqa, Dier ez-Zor, Aleppa, and Idlib as they pushed towards Damascus.


Russia, the Assad government, pro-Assad rebels, the IPC, Sunnistan, and Kurdistan began to negotiate the Treaty of Aleppo in Aleppo.


The IPC collapsed.