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4th Gulf War
Image caption
14th October 2025 - 29 June 2029
The Gulf and Causicus
Allied Victory
Successful Hezbollah-Ba'athist takeover of Lebanon and Northern Jordan
Successful pro-Eurasian coup in Azerbijan
Occupation of South Lebanon by Arab Coalition forces
Successful invasion of Georgia by Russian, Armenian and sepratist forces
Partial successful allied invasion of eastern Turkey
Independance of Qatif and Hejaz
Defeat of Haidi Government
Eventual stalemate in Saudi Arabia and Eastern Turkey
The 4th Gulf War (3rd October 2025 – 29 June 2029), more commonly known as the Great Gulf War, was a war waged in the Gulf and Caucasian regions between two informal military alliances, commonly referred to as the Allies and Saudi Axis (no official names were given for these alliances).
The war began after a Iraqi-Iranian backed Shia uprising occurred in Qatif, Saudi Arabia. The Saudis responded by invading Iraq on the 16th of October as retaliation for their sponsorship of the rebels.
On the 17th October the Axis of Resistance was formed between Iraq, Iran and Syria to combat Saudi aggression.
The war is also known under other names such as the Middle Eastern War, Arabian Peninsular War, and rather confusingly the 3rd Gulf War (Given the inconsistency in naming of the previous Gulf Wars).